《远大前程》求取 ⇩

1.I am Told to Steal1

2.I Rob Mrs Joe5

3.The Two Men on the Marshes10

4.Mr Pumblechook Tastes Tar-Water13

5.The Convicts are Chased20

6.I am to Go and Play at Miss Havisham's27

7.I Visit Miss Havisham,and Meet Estella35

8.I Try to be Uncommon46

9.I Fight with a Pale Young Gentleman50

10.Joe at Miss Havisham's58

11.Old Orlick68

12.I Confide in Biddy75

13.I Have Great Expectations80

14.In London with the Pockets91

15.Joe Comes to Barnard's Inn103

16.Estella Has no Heart109

17.I Open my Heart to Herbert118

18.I Take Estella to Richmond123

19.Our Affairs are Embarrassed129

20.I Come of Age136

21.Estella and Miss Havisham Opposed140

22.My Strange Visitor149

23.Provis and Compeyson156

24.Miss Havisham's Revenge165

25.A Satisfactory Arrangement for Provis171

26.Estella's Mother176

27.I Learn More of Provis' History182

28.I am Entrapped185

29.Our Plan of Escape,and How it Failed192

30.Death of Provis199

31.The Best of Friends202

32.For Estella's Sake206

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