《英语泛读文选 下》求取 ⇩

Unit Three1

47.The American Scene1

48.The Voices of Time10

49.A World Without Oil17

50.The Tornado22

51.Venus—the Burning Question30

52.My Uncle35

53.Running for Governor41

54.Factory Life—a Student's Experience46

55.The Open Boat52

56.Electric Fish60

57.The Vanishing Lady65

58.The Cable That Crossed the Atlantic76

59.The Mistake84

60.Dr.Einstein's Marvelous Flying Machine90

Unit Four96


62.Black Holes113

63.Time Zones and the Date Line119

64.A New Kind of Whale124

65.School and Life140

66.A Warmer or a Colder Earth?145

67.Smoking and Cancer150

68.A Robot About the House155

69.The Olympic Games163

70.Plague and Fire168


72.After Twenty Years184

Key to Exercises192

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