《中学英语泛读》求取 ⇩


1.Is It True3

2.Mr,Mrs,Miss and Ms5

3.Jim's Experience7

4.David Is Late9

5.A Child Hero12

6.The Carter's Light14

7.A Letter17


9.The Lost Gold Coin23

10.Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp(Part 1)26

11.Aladdin and the Wonderlul Lamp(Part 2)32

12.Li Ming and Forty Cents36

13.A fair Decision40


15.A Clean Story45

16.The Post Office Incident48

17.Nobody Eats Just One51

18.Atalanta,the Runner(Part 1)54

19.Atalanta,the Runner(Part 2)57

20.The Olympic Games60

21.King Lion63

22.Money for Water67

23.The Dream72

24.Quick Work(Part 1)76

25.Quick Work(Part 2)80

26.A New Eye85

27.Asking the Dog90

28.The Same Law for Rich and Poor94

29.The Lost Ring99

30.The Fisherman and the King's Chamberlain104

31.The Magic Ointment108

32.The Rooster and the Sun113

33.A Tennis Coach116

34.A College Student119

35.She Loves Her Father Like Salt(Part 1)124

36.She Loves Her Father Like Salt(Part 2)129

37.The Story of Keys131


39.Take Care of Your Handbag137

40.On the Right Track142

41.Learning to Live by Clock147

42.The Secret Soldier151

43.A Wise Wizard156

44.Thank You160

Key to the Exercises164

1988《中学英语泛读》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由陈渊主编;张小玲,陈荻编 1988 杭州:浙江教育出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。