《初中英语答疑》求取 ⇩


1·1 hair和hairs的区别1

·2 There's fish…和There's a fish有什么不同4

·3 experience和experiences的不同含义6


Exercise 112

·5 Mr和Mrs的用法13

·6 sports meet还是sport meet17

·7 ten-year-old boy还是ten-years-old boy18

·8能否说a table's leg21

·9 怎样说“两个好消息”25

Exercise 229

·10 clothes和clothing的区别31

Exercise 333

·11 at the Doctor's的含义33

·12 We wrote a composition含义不清35



Exercise 439

·2 in prison和in the prison有什么不同40

·3 hit sb.on the nose能否改说成hit sb.'snose42

·4 in front of…和in the front of…的区别44

Exercise 547

·5 表示职位、头衔的名词前的冠词48

·6 turn traitor能否改说成turn a traitor50

·7 the rich为什么译成“有钱人”52

Exercise 654

·8 a和one的不同用法54

·9能否说a so lovely day58

Exercise 759

·10能否以A whale代替The whale表示类属61

·11 for the fourth and last time是一次还是两次65

Exercise 868


3·1 who能否用作宾格代词71

·2 be taller than me对不对75

Exercise 978

·3 几个人称代词连用时的次序79

·4 it能否用来指人80


·6能否说“Everybody has done their…”85

·7 which,what,who的不同用法88

Exercise 1091

·8 any,either,none,neither等所指代的范围92

·9 some,somebody,something能否用于疑问句95

Exercise 1199

·10 one作为代词的用法101

·11 everyone和every one的区别105

·12“So he does.”和“So does he.”有什么不同108

·13(to)do so能代替什么结构110

Exercise 12112

四、形容词和副词(Adjectives and Adverbs)114

4·1 能否说“These guns are wooden.”114

·2为什么不能说“You're an afraid man.”117

·3 disappointed和disappointing的区别120

Exercise 13124

·4为什么不能说special anything126

Exercise 14131

·5 colour和coloured作定语时的区别132

·6 a wet day怎么译134

·7 friendly的词性136


Exercise 15143

·9 always,usually等词所表示的频度144


·11 too,only,also,even等在句子中的位置151

Exercise 16156


·13能否说“The book is two inches thin.”160

·14 elder和older在用法上的区别163

·15 cleverer,还是more clever166

·16 more…than…句型中什么情况下得用上168


·17 more than…和more than that(those) of170

Exercise 17173

5·1为什么说go hungry,不说go hungrily175

五、动词句型(Verb Patterns)175

·2 have it cast中的cast是否原形动词178

Exercise 18181

·3 能否说“Please introduceme your friend.”182

·4“Who teaches your English?”错在哪里185

·5 常见的可带双宾语的动词186

·6为什么说“I have made my sister.”语意不完整190

·7 think it over和go over it中it的位置192

Exercise 19196

·8能否说“Who are you talking?”198

·9 report you和report to you的区别200

·10 say,speak,talk用法上的不同202

·11为什么说“Don't be…”,不说“Be not…”205

Exercise 20206

六、情态动词(Modal Verbs)209

6·1 may not能否用来回答“May I...?”209


·3“Since I must die”中的must怎样理解213

·4 Must能用于一般过去时吗214

·5 Could和was able to是否可以通用217

·6 Must be和must have been的不同220

·7 May和might,can和could用法上的异同223

Exercise 21226

7·1 一般现在时表示过去的动作228


·2“I wish I had...”中的had表示什么意义230

·3 主句谓语用过去时,宾语从句中能用一般现在时吗232

·4 改为间接引语时,主句是过去时,原从句的一般过去时能否保持不变235

·5“Will you be seeing...?”的时态意义238

·6 一般过去时和过去进行时的区别241


·8是have been,还是have gone244

·9不能说“*We have begun to learn English since 1976.”246

·10能否说“If you will...I will...”248



Exercise 22254

八、被动语态(The Passive Voice)258

8·1 “be made to+动词原形”,还是“be made+动词原形”258

·2“be going to”的被动语态怎样表示259

·3 动词have能否用于被动语态261

·4 改为被动句后,原状语、补足语等的句子成分及位置263

Exercise 23266


9·1 the key to the tank中的to表示什么意义268

·2“It's kind of you.”中的of怎样理解271

·3 in the tree还是on the tree274

·4 in the face,on the nose是否固定搭配277

Exercise 24278

·5 shout to him和shout at him的区别279

·6为什么go on strike不能作“继续罢工”解283

·7 until和动词的“体(能持续和不能持续)”285

·8 in an hour还是after an hour288

Exercise 25290

·9 be strict with…和be strick in…有何区别291

·10 by oneself和for oneself怎么用295

Exercise 26297


10·1能否说“We don't have plenty of…”300


·3 “我认为不会下雨”这话怎么翻译304

·4 否定疑问句的意义及其回答306

·5 no和not的不同否定意味309

·6 hardly,seldom等词的否定作用311

·7 few,little和a few,a little的不同含义313

Exercise 27315



·2 修饰形容词的不定式的逻辑主语319

·3 stop blowing和stop to blow有何不同321


Exercise 28326

十二、主谓一致(Subject-verb Concord)328

12·1 影响谓语动词单复数形式的几种因素328

·2 主语“no+名词”和谓语的一致331

·3 主语“neither/either+of-phrase”和谓语的一致333



·6 the rich同the rest,the other(s)在主谓一致问题上的异同340

Exercise 29342


13·1 一般疑问句的省略形式344

·2 陈述句形式的一般疑问句345

·3 “助动词+主语”的词序不一定表示疑问346

·4 thirty of them中的thirty指全体还是指部分349

·5“Here you are.”和“Here it is.”的异同351

·6 在一问一答之间,数、时态不一致能否成立353


·8 什么情况下可用how long,how soon或how often提问359



Exercise 30367


14·1 and的种种汉译368

·2 when译为“这时(候)”371

·3 before除“在……前”之外的译法374

·4 forty more little men是“四十多个小人”吗376

·5 a good laugh里的good的译法377


·7 There be,have(has)与“有”381

Exercise 31385

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