《高中英语学习辅导与同步训练》求取 ⇩

Unit Page1

1 Disneyland1

2 "No smoking,please11

3 Body language23

4 Newspapers33

5 Charlie Chaplin42

6 Mainly revision53

7 Canada63

8 First aid74

9 Saving the earth84

10 At the shop94

11 Hurricane!105

12 Mainly revision115

13 Albert Einstein126

14 Satellites136

15 A famous detective145

16 The sea153

17 Life in the future163

18 Mainly revision172

19 A freedom fighter182

20 Disability191

21 Music202

22 A tale of two cities212

23 Telephones222

24 Mainly revision230

1997《高中英语学习辅导与同步训练》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由邓耀臣,陈玮主编 1997 大连:辽宁师范大学出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。