《第十一届亚运会食谱荟萃百例》求取 ⇩

中餐Chinese Cuisine11

1 蒜泥白肉Stewed Pork with Minced Garlic11

2 叉烧肉Roast Pork12

3 盐水鸡Salty Boiled Chicken13

4 虾子芹菜Celery with Shrimp Roe15

5 糖醋萝卜卷Sweet and Sour Radish Rolls16

6 五香熏鱼Spiced Smoked Fish18

7 甜卷果Fried Sweet Rolls(伊斯兰Islam)19

8 炸鹅脖Fried“Goose Neck”(伊斯兰Islam)21

9 凉拌牛肚Cold Beef Tripe in Sauce(伊斯兰Islam)22

10 酸辣黄瓜Chinese Pickled Cucumbers(伊斯兰Islam)23

11 北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck24

12 香酥羊腿Fragrant and Crispy Lamb of Leg26

13 软炸鱼条Soft-Fried Fish Filets27

14 鲜蘑菜心Mushrooms and Cabbage Hearts29

15 鳝大?Sauteed Eel Sections30

16 软炸鲜贝串Soft-Fried Skewered Scallops32

17 银耳罗汉斋Arhat S Delight(a Buddhist Vegetable Dish)33

18 水煮牛肉Boiled Beef in Sichuan Sauce35

19 扒玉米笋菜心 Braisted Young Corns and Cabbage Hearts37

20 锅烧鸡Fried Crispy Chicken38

21 四喜丸子Meat Balls39

22 蕃茄大虾 Prawns in Tomato Ketchup41

23 红烧牛肉Braised Beef42

24 托蒸比目鱼Steamed Flatfish44

25 油焖大虾Fried Prawns in Sauce45

26 炸紫盖 Deep-Fried Battered Pork Slices46

27 蚝油牛肉Beef in Oyster Sauce48

28 虾子茭白Wild Rice Stems With Shrimp Roe49

29 侉炖鲈鱼Rustic Perch51

30 锅烧牛肉Fried Beef(伊斯兰Islam)52

3l 干烧比目鱼Braised Sole Filets(伊斯兰Islam)54

32 风味烤羊腿Roast Lamb of Leg(伊斯兰Islam)55

33 炸金钱鸡腿Fried Chicken-Leg Meat Balls(伊斯兰Islam)56

34 炸鸡柳Fried Chicken strips(伊斯兰Islam)58

35 新疆爆肉 Xinjiang Stir-Fried Mutton(伊斯兰Islam)59

36 栗子煨牛肉Braised Beef with Chestnuts(伊斯兰Islam)60

37 烧全素Vegetarian S Delight(伊斯兰Islam)61

38 烧魔芋豆腐Braised Konjac Tofu(伊斯兰Islam)63

39 炸火鸡串Fried Turkey Breast Shashlik(伊斯兰Islam)64

40 黄焖牛肉Braised Beef(伊斯兰Islam)65

41 甘肃鸡Chicken,Gansu style(伊斯兰Islam)67

42 蕃茄虾饼Fried Shrimp Balls in Tomato Sauce(伊斯兰Islam)68

43 宫保大虾肉Stir-Fried Prawns with Nuts(伊斯兰Islam)69

44 干椒炒肉片 Stir-Fried Meat Slices with Chili(伊斯兰Islam)71

45 烤鸡腿Roast Chicken Legs(伊斯兰Islam)72

46 烧羊肉Braised and Fried Mutton(伊斯兰Islam)73

47 干煎鱼片 Dry-Fried Fish Slices(伊斯兰Islam)75

48 酱汁烧茄子 Eggplant with Sauce(伊斯兰Islam)76

49 三色炖羊肉Braised Mutton with Three Vegetables(伊斯兰Islam)77

50 醋椒鲫鱼Sour and Peppery Crucian Carp78

51 银丝卷Silver-Thread Buns80

52 薄皮包子 Thin-Wrapper Buns81

53 三鲜蒸饺 Steamed Dumplings83

54 炸春卷Fried Spring Rolls84

55 火腿萝卜丝饼 Ham and Shredded Radish Pancakes86

56 冬菜包Steamed Buns with Preserved Mustard Greens Stuffing87

57 一品烧饼Sesame Cake(伊斯兰Islam)89

58 豌豆黄 Pea Flour Cakes(伊斯兰Islam)90

59 豆面糕Soya Flour Cake(伊斯兰Islam)91

60 炸肉火烧Fried Beef-Centered Cake(伊斯兰 Islam)93

西餐 Western Cuisine96

61 大虾沙拉子 Prawn Salad96

62 法式牛肉沙拉子Beef Salad,French Style97

63 捷克式沙拉子Ox Tongue and Ham Salad,Czech Style98

64 苏式素菜沙拉子Russian Vegetable Salad99

65 美式苹果黄瓜沙拉子 American Apple-and-Cucumber Salad100

66 日本芝麻菠菜Sesame and Spinach,Japanese Style101

67 莫斯科红菜汤Moscow Beetroot Soup102

68 德国土豆小肠汤German Potato-and-Frankfurter Soup103

69 法式牛肉素菜汤French Beef-and-Vegetable Soup104

70 尼泊尔豌豆瓣汤 Pea Soup,Nepalese Style105

71 英式烤羊腿 Leg of Lamb,English Style106

72 法式烤牛里脊Roast Beef Tenderloin,French Style107

73 墨西哥烤鸡Roast Chicken,Mexican Style108

74 蒜泥煎牛上脑Fried Beef Chunk Steak(With Garlic Puree)109

75 巴基斯坦鸡Chicken,Pakistani Style110

76 巴西炭火烤牛肉Charcoal Grilled Beef,Brazilian Style111

77 朝鲜烧牛肉Grilled Beef,Korean Style112

78 美式烧牛肉Barbecued Beef,American Style113

79 秘鲁烤猪肉Roast Pork,Peruvian Style114

80 缅甸油焖猪肉Braised Pork,Burmese Style115

81 印度风味羊肉Mutton,Indian Style116

82 新加坡咖喱猪肉片Curried Pork Slices with Rice,Singapore Style117

83 尼泊尔咖喱羊肉串饼 Skewered Mutton Balls in Curry,Nepalese Style118

84 马来亚烩鸡Chicken Curry,Malaysian Style119

85 挪威羊肉白菜Mutton with Cabbage,Norwegian Style120

86 比利时烩牛肉Stewed Beef,Belgian Style121

87 德式煎汗巴司代克 Hamburger Steak,German style122

88 苏丹牛肉卷Beef Rolls,Sudanese Style123

90 印度土豆丸子 Potato Balls,Indian Style124

89 英式炸鱼Fried Fish,English Style124

91 法式烩茄子Braised Eggplant,French Style126

92 尼泊尔炒素菜Sauteed Vegetables,Nepalese Style127

93 高加索羊肉包子Fried Mutton Dumplings,Caucasian Style128

94 意大利通心粉肉未少司Macaroni with Ground-Beef Sauce,italian Style129

95 印尼炒饭Fried Rice,Indonesian Style130

96 煎卧夫饼Fried Waffles131

97 苹果排Apple Pie132

98 面包苹果布丁Bread-and-Apple Pudding133

99 菠萝排 Pineapple Pie134

100 草莓目司Strawberry Mousse135

附录: Appendix137

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