《世界各地 1》求取 ⇩


Random Samplings of Chinese Press Reviews on ONE WORLD5

Letters from Viewers8


1 New York City20

2 Paris;Thai Dancing28

3 Egypt Overview36

4 Greece45

5 Singapore53

6 Television in America59

7 Thai Overview66

8 Australia72

9 American Small Farmers78

10 France Overview86

11 Italian Pleasures91

12 Chinese Americans in New York98

13 Olympic Games106

14 Aspects of Egypt112

15 Aspects of Thailand119

16 Aspects of France125

17 Japanese Festivals131

18 Japanese Theatre136

19 Malaysia Overview143

20 Malaysia Longhouse150

21 Muppets158

22 Peranakan in Singapore166

23 Hollywood175

24 Thailand—The Miaos and Phuket180

1987《世界各地 1》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由靳羽西著 1987 北京:中国文学出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。