《高中英文选 第3册》求取 ⇩

1.The Liberation of Paris-I(Ernie Pyle)1

2.The Liberation of Paris-II(Ernie Pyle)5

3.The Beautiful Sea(T.F.Powys)10

4.The Story of My Health(J.B.S.Haladane)16

5.Ehtel Florey:Penicillin Pioneer(Lois Mattox Miller)20

6.The Open Window(“Saki”)25

7.Delights of Reading(John Lubbock)30

8.Phantasy(George Macdonald)33

9.The Old Brown Coat(Lord Dunsany)36

10.Civilization Wants a Man(Arthur Mee)41

11.Sealed Room-I(Bernhard Ingemann)46

12.Sealed Room-II(Bernhard Ingemann)50

13.Uncle Oliver s Letter to Tom Smith(Hosea W.Rood)55

14.The Sight of Blood(John Hampson)59

15.Milk for the Cat(Harold Monro)65

16.The Delightful Game of Conversation(Gelett Burgess)66

17.The Road-Waterer(Jerome K.Jerome)71

18.The Harvest of the Air Tomorrow?(From The Children s Newspaper)76

19.The Reaping Race-I(Liam O Flaherty)79

20.The Reaping Race-II(Liam O Flaherty)85

21.The Most Unforgettable Character I ve Met(Walter B.Pitkin)89

22.The Sentinel(Francesco Soave)94

23.Arrival at Penang(Sir Frank Swettenham)99

24.Walking at Night(Bernard J.Farmer)102

25.Diary of a Probation Officer(E.L.Packer)106

26.Let It Rest(Carlo Gozzi)112

27.Get Out!(The Editor of “Answers”)115

28.Reunion in Paris(Alexander Woollcott)118

29.The Way Out(Albert Einstein)122

30.The Corn Planting-I(Sherwood Anderson)127

31.The Corn Planting-II(Sherwood Anderson)131

32.Bird Songs at Morning(The Editor of “Answers”)135

33.Roosevelt and the English Birds-I(Viscount Grey of Fallodon)138

34.Roosevelt and the English Birds-II(Viscount Grey of Fallodon)142

35.Lines Written in Kensington Gardens(Matthew Arnold)146

36.“How to Write a Short Story”-I(Albert Kinross)147

37.“How to Write a Short Story”-II(Albert Kinross)151

38.On Vanity and Vanities(Jerome K.Jerome)156

39.Two Stanzas(Ivan Turgeniev)159

40.What s in a Face?(John Brophy)163

41.Park Scene(Daniel Kaliestein)168

42.Mozart and the Grey Steward(Thornton Wilder)175

43.The Hare-I(Grazia Deledda)181

44.The Hare-II(Grazia Deledda)184

45.The Diamond Maker-I(H.G.Wells)188

46.The Diamond Maker-II(H.G.Wells)191

47.A Boy I Knew(E.B.White)195

48.Business Man-I(Lesley Storm)201

49.Business Man-II(Lesley Storm)207

50.If-(Rudyard Kipling)213


1948《高中英文选 第3册》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由葛傅椝,桂始旴编 1948 竞文书局 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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