《现代医护英语 第2册》求取 ⇩

补充读物:The Taking of a Medical HistoryLesson Two Surgeons of the Future Will Be Robots Injected into Your Body10

补充读物:Genetic EngineeringLesson ThreeMcdical Treatment17

补充读物:Child HealthLesson FourChoosing a Health Adviser25

补充读物:School-based Health ClinicsLesson FiveThe Fight Against Wound Infections33

补充读物:Drugs Institute Gives Grant for Cocaine Vaccine阅读技巧(一):抓主旨大意Lesson SixDiagnostic Methods in TCM42

补充读物:AcupunctureLesson SevenUnblocking Arteries:Sounds Good50

补充读物:Coronary Heart Disease阅读技巧(二):理解重要的事实和细节Lesson EightModern Patterns of Medical Education59

补充读物:Clinical Medicine as a Discipline without BoundariesLesson NineA Historic Review of Breast Cancer67

补充读物:Environmental Risk Factors and Female Breast Cancer阅读技巧(三):根据上下文猜测词义Lesson TenCare for the Dying77

补充读物:InfertilityLesson ElevenAromatherapy for Stress Release86

补充读物:Vegetarianism阅读技巧(四):推理和判断Lesson TwelveUncontrolled Cell Growth96

补充读物:Can Aspirin Prevent Cancer?Lesson Thirteen  AIDS105

补充读物:Gene Therapy for AIDS阅读技巧(五):得出正确结论Lesson Fourteen  The Dangers of Self-dosing115

补充读物:The Challenge of Antibiotic ResistanceLesson FifteenThe Health-food Scene:Miracles or Rip-offs?123

补充读物:Food and Drug Interactions阅读技巧(六):使用信号词Lesson SixteenMind136

补充读物:Child and Adolescent DevelopmentLesson Seventeen  Nuclear Medicine for Diagnosis and Treatment146

补充读物:After Brain DeathLesson Eighteen Reconsidering the Definition and Criteria of Death154

补充读物:Human Cloning Requires a Moratorium,Not a BanGlossary(总词汇表)163



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