1. Introduction and Summary1

Domestic Policy2

Defense Policy16

Foreign Policy18

Competence in Government32

2. Economic Policy35

Demand-Management Policy37

Cost and Supply Issues39

Policy Constraints61


3. World Economic Interdependence71

Types of Interdependence73

Constraints on U.S. Economic Policy from Interdependence78

The Need for International Economic Cooperation85

Trend toward Economic Pluralism in the World Economy88

Fostering Greater International Cooperation89

World Recession, Recovery, and Constrained World Energy Supply92

Implications for U.S. Economic Policies96

4. Energy99

Reducing Energy Demand99

Supply Outlook and Strategies111

Selected New Technologies and Sources125


5. Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulations131

Costs of Social Regulation132

Social Goals133

Conflicts among Goals135

Public Perceptions135

History of Recent Legislation137

Recent Controversies145

Lessons from the Controversies and Possible Solutions159

6. Medical Care169


Medical Care in the 1970s178

Experience in Other Countries185

Where Next?190

Coverage and Benefits190

7. Education and Training205

Elementary and Secondary Education207

Training Programs for Youth220

Higher Education234

8. Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations247

Recent Trends247

Categorical Grants251

Block Grants256

Revenue Sharing261


9. Defense Policy283


Problems of Assessment286

International Trends288

Nuclear Capabilities294

Nonnuclear Capabilities299


10.The Middle East317

The Regional Setting317

Current Issues329

U.S. Policy Choices338


11.The Soviet Challenge347

Trends and Uncertainties348

Managing Conflict: A More Comprehensive Approach359

Regional Conflicts363

Arms Control Issues369

Economic Relations386

Human Rights393

12.The China Connection397

The Domestic Factor397

Bilateral Relations402

Strategic Considerations408

The Asian Setting414

Global Issues417


13.The Japan Relationship423

The Other Alliance424

Mutual Security429

Peaceful Economic Coexistence?436

Concluding Comments454

14.The Atlantic Alliance459

The Political Psychology of Atlantic Relations460

Clouds in a Crystal Ball463

Whither European Security?467

Beyond the North Atlantic478

The Economic Key to Transatlantic Relations483

The Domestic Roots of Foreign Policy492


15.North-South Relations497

Importance of North-South Relations498

U.S. Security Interests in the Third World500

Economic Development in the South501

U.S. Economic Interests in the Third World504

North-South Bargaining: The "Dialogue"512

Recent U.S. Policy521

Priorities for the Next Decade526

16.The Crisis of Competence in Government531

The Crisis of Confidence532

A Crisis of Governmental Competence537

Party Disintegration540

Haphazard Presidential Selection543

Rejection of Presidential Leadership544

Limitations on Congressional Leadership548

Deterioration of Administrative Competence554

Searching for Remedies557

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