《A Basic History of The United States》求取 ⇩

Ⅰ English Territorial Claims and Colonial Beginnings1

Ⅱ Backgrounds of Migration and Settlement11

Ⅲ Laying Foundations in Agriculture24

Ⅳ The Rise of Commerce and Industry36

Ⅴ Growth of Social and Intellectual Autonomy46

Ⅵ Practising the Arts of Self-Government70

Ⅶ Two Systems and Ideologies in Conflict87

Ⅷ Independence Completed by Revolution102

Ⅸ Constitutional Government for the United States120

Ⅹ Establishing the Republican Way of Life138

Ⅺ The Revolutionary Generation in Charge of the Federal Government157

Ⅻ Expansion to the Pacific179

ⅩⅢ The Industrial Revolution193

ⅩⅣ Rise of National Democracy209

ⅩⅤ A Broadening and Deepening Sense of Civilization225

ⅩⅥ Party Strife over Control of the Federal Government246

ⅩⅦ National Unity Sealed in an Armed Contest266

ⅩⅧ Reconstruction and Economic Expansion287

ⅩⅨ Centralization of Economy303

ⅩⅩ Centralization as Involved in the Political Struggle320

ⅩⅪ The Breach with Historic Continentalism337

ⅩⅫ Widening Knowledge and Thought356

ⅩⅩⅢ Revolts against Plutocracy Grow in Political Power374

ⅩⅩⅣ Realizations in Social Improvement393

ⅩⅩⅤ Gates of Old Opportunities Closing411

ⅩⅩⅥ World War and Aftermath427

ⅩⅩⅦ Economic Crash and New Deal Uprising452

ⅩⅩⅧ Global War and Home Front463

Brief Reading List490



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