《Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume XIII Hydrodynamic Instability》求取 ⇩

On the instability of shear flows&By C.C.LIN and D.J.BENNEY1

Hydrodynamic stability and the initial value problem&By K.M.CASE25

Stability theory in plasma physics&By MARSHALL N.ROSENBLUTH35

Experimental determination of stability limits&By R.J.DONNELLY41

Helmholtz and Taylor instability&By GARRETT BIRKHOFF55

Slip line instability&By RUSSELL E.DUFF77

Generation of surface waves by shear flows&By JOHN W.MILES79

Resonance phenomena in gravity waves&By O.M.PHILLIPS91

The statistical geometry of random surfaces&By M.S.LONGUET-HIGGINS105

On the oscillations of ships in confused seas&By M.ST.DENIS145

Remarks on the functional-analytic approach to turbulence&By EBERHARD HOPF157

Statistical mechanics of continuous media&By J.KAMPE DE FERIET165

The closure problem of turbulence theory&By ROBERT H.KRAICHNAN199

Wave propagation in random media&By JOSEPH B.KELLER227

Stability of many-body computations&By S.ULAM247

Control in linear systems&By BROCKWAY MCMILLAN259

On the foundations of a theory of stochastic variational processes&By RICHARD BELLMAN275

Control of randomly varying linear dynamical systems&By R.E.KALMAN287

Asymptotic stability criteria&By J.P.LASALLE299

Flow between rotating cylinders in hydrodynamics and hydromagnetics&By S.CHANDRASEKHAR309



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