《Radioisotopes in The Physical Sciences and Industry II》求取 ⇩


Design and characteristics of beta-excited X-ray sources&I.Filosofo, L.Reiffel, C.A.Stone and L.Voyvodic (United States of America)3

Beta-excited sources of electromagnetic radiation&J.F.Cameron and J.R.Rhodes (United Kingdom)23

Nouveaux developpements de l'analyse et de la mesure des epaisseurs parexcitation des raies de fluorescence X au moyen de particules β&P.Martinelli et G.Seibel (France)41

The limitations of determining traces of elements by radioisotope fluorescencespectroscopy&C.E.Mellish and J.A.Payne (United Kingdom)55

Research applications of beta-particle techniques: back scattering and X-ray excitation&R.H.Muller (United States of America)65

Jauge d'epaisseur radioactive&J.Guizerix (France)81

Прибордляиэмерениятолщины толстолистового горячего проката&Б.Н.Васичев,В.К.Латышев,Ю.С.Плискин и А.К.Фелингер(СССР)93

Utilisation du rayonnement alpha pour les mesures industrielles de poidssuperficiel&J.Perette et J.Maugest (France)109

Mesure du rapport C/H au moyen des neutrons&P.Martinelli et M.H.Ricci (France)129

Continuous analysis for sulphur in a refinery&R.Pegg and J.Pollock (United Kingdom)137

Некоторые возможности испольэования радиоактивых иэотопов врэиновойпромышленности&ЙШиморда М.Можишек,Л.Климанек иЙ.Староба(ЧССР)147

The use of tritium as a static eliminator at the 10—20 curie level of activity&P.Reasbeck (United Kingdom)157

Gamma-radiography of the bronze door of the royal cathedral at Gniezno&Z.Godlewski (Poland)165

Voltmetre statistique a rayons β&R.Vinet, F.Barrault et A.Delpoux (France)177


Comptage du tritium dans le domaine de Geiger&R.Coekelbergs, A.Frennet et G.Lienard (Belgique)193

Activation analysis by means of coincidence spectrometry&K.Ljunggren (Sweden)199

Potentialities of autoradiography for comparison of radioactive samples&G.W.W.Stevens and D.Spracklen (United Kingdom)211

Application of radioisotopes to a gas-chromatographic detector for direct indi-cation of concentration&L.Wiesner, W.J.Schmidt-Kuater and G.R.Schultze (Federal Republicof Germany)225


An investigation of automated activation analysis&W.E.Kuykendall, Jr., R.E.Wainerdi and Associates (United Statesof America)233

Application des radioisotopes a l'analyse systematique des impuretes dansles metaux de tres haute purite&P.Albert et J.Gaittet (France)243

Neutron activation analysis of ancient silver coins&M.J.Aitken, V.M.Emeleus and E.T.Hall (United Kingdom)261

The determination of sulphur in materials of high neutron absorption cross-section by fast-neutron activation analysis&D.Gibbons and H.Simpson (United Kingdom)269

Activation analysis utilizing fast radiochemical separations and portableneutron generators&W.W.Meinke (United States of America)277

The use of antimony-124 for beryllium analysis&F.H.Hale and H.Bisby (United Kingdom)291

The application of isotope dilution analysis to studies with optical enantio.morphs&R.J.Bayly (Uniied Kingdom)305

Determination of hydrogen in metals by isotopic dilution with tritium&C.Evans and J.Herrington (United Kingdom)309

The isotope-dilution method of fluorine microestimation&J.N.Kudahl, J, H.Fremlin and J.L.Hardwick (United Kingdom)317

Identification and estimation of carbohydrates using radioisotopic methods&G.O.Phillips and W.J.Criddfe (United Kindgom)325

Radiometric chemical analysis&B.F.Scott and W. J.Driscoll (United States of America)339

The radiometric analysis of non-radioactive materials by chemical exchange&D.J.Chleck and C.A.Ziegler (United States of America)351

Adsorption of the elements from nitric acid by anion exchange&R.F.Buchananand J.P.Faris (United States of America)361


Recent advances in the field of recoil chemistry&G.Harbottle (United States of America)375


Получениеконцентрованыхпреларатов CL36 и Br82 методом ядер отдачи приоблучении в нейтроииых полях высокой плотности&Л.Н.Курчатова и Б.В.Курчатов(ССР)395

New processing techniques for radioisotopes at Oak Ridge National Labora.tory&T.A.Butler, E.Lamb and A.F.Rupp (United States of America)407

The production of radioisotopes with a betatron using an internal bombardingtechnique&H.Morinaga (Japan)419

The production of carrier-free tantalum by deuteron bombardment of tungsten&A.Demildt and J.Hoste (Belgium)425

Separation of tritium from hydrogen by thermal diffusion&E.S.Robinson, A.C.Briesmeister, B.B.McInteer and R.M.Potter (UnitedStates of America)431

Traitement des solutions de produits de fission— Separation du cesium-137&R.Stiennon-Bovy et R.Gvion (Belgique)439

Une methode simple de preparation du beryllium-7 par I’action de protonsrapides sur l'eau&E.Gradsztajn et R.Bernas (France)453

On the production of Re7 in the NRX reactor by the B10 (p, a) Be7, Li7(p, n)Be7 and Li6 (d, n) Be7 reactions&J.C.Roy, M.Bresesti and J.J.Hawton (Canada)455

Labelling of carbon suboxide in a radiation field&M.A.Rollier, V.Maxia and M.Secci (Italy)465

Investigations of the chemical states of carrier-free phosphorus-32 as extractedinto water from pile-irradiated sulphur&J.B.Dahl and O R.Birkelund (Norway)471

Progress towards phosphorus-33 production: studies on the enrichement ofsulphur-33 by means of anion exchangers&S.Forberg and T.Westermark (Sweden)495

Une source reservoir a francium-223&J.Fouarge (Belgium) and W.W.Meinke (United States of America)511

Sources solides de krypton-85&J.R.Puig et J.Sandler (France)521

Основы термического метода приготовления бета-источников сплавленными носителямивключающими стронций-90&Н.И.Богданов,К.П.Эахарова,П.В.Эимаков,В.В.Куличенко(СССР)527

Mutual separation of californium and curium by extraction with acidic phos-phonates&D.F.Peppard, G.W.Mason and Ⅰ.Hucher (United States of America)541

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