《Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume XI Nuclear Reactor Theory》求取 ⇩

Reactor Types&By ALVIN M.WEINBERG1

Neutron Thermalization&By M.S.NELKIN20

Deep Penetration of Radiation&By U.FANO and M.J.BERGER43

The Theory of Resonance Absorption&By L.W.NORDHEIM58

Mathematical Problems of Nuclear Reactor Theory&By EUGENE P.WIGNER89

Diffusion Approximation to the Transport Equation&By J.ERNEST WILKINS,Jr105

Positivity and Criticality&By GARRETT BIRKHOFF116

Existence Theorems and Spectral Theory for the Multigroup Diffusion Model&By G.J.HABETLER and M.A.MARTINO127

Transport Theory and Spectral Problems&By G.MILTON WING140

One-Dimensional Multigroup Calculations:Estimation of Group Constants&By R.EHRLICH151

Numerical Methods for Solving Multi-Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Equations&By RICHARD S.VARGA164

Monte Carlo Methods&By R.D.RICHTMYER190

Transport Theory and Invariant Imbedding&By RICHARD BELLMAN and ROBERT KALABA206

Numerical Solution of Neutron Transport Problems&By BENGT CARLSON219

Problems of Reactor Kinetics&By HARRY SOODAK233

Core Kinetics&By H.L.GARABEDIAN256

Temperature Coefficients and Stability&By HARVEY BROOKS289

System Kinetics&By T.A.WELTON309

Rearrangement Inequalities and Non-Linear Stability Criteria&By W.K.ERGEN327

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