I. Competing Models of Multiethnic and Multiracial Societies1

1. Introduction3

2. Selective Permeability and Reference Group Sanctioning: Psychocultural Continuities in Role Degradation7

3. Three Issues in Ethnicity: Boundaries, Deprivations, and Perceptions25

4. Competing Models of Multiethnic and Multiracial Societies: An Appraisal of Possibilities50

5. On Models of Multiethnic Societies: A Commentary66

6. Comments on the Discussion of Roy S. Bryce-Laporte78

II. On the Effectiveness of Public Programs: Poverty and Civil Rights83


8. The Political Economy of Income Distribution: Issues in the Analysis of Government Approaches to the Reduction of Inequality87

9. The Politics of Public Assistance: Western Europe and the United States109

10. Why, and How Well, Do We Analyze Inequality?126

11. Changing Civil Rights Through Law: Can It Be Done?141

III. The Explanation and Control of Crime149

12.Introduction: The Study of Crime, Items for an Agenda151

13. Description, Prescription, and Science: On Differences Between Knowing Something and Knowing Enough, Promising and Predicting156

14. Deterrence and Economics: A Perspective on Theory and Evidence172

IV. The Impact of Contemporary Trends in the Family on Socialization189


16. Current Changes in the Family and Their Impact Upon the Socialization of Children195

17. Socialization and the Young Family208

18. The Dependency Hang-up and Experiments in Alternative Life Styles217

V. On the Quality of Life: Population, Resources, and Community Design227


20. Carrying Capacity, Overshoot, and the Quality of Life231

21. Sociology and Ecology: The Need for Mutual Concern250

22. Biology, Meaning, and the Quality of Life265

23. Design and the Quality of Life in a New Community277

VI. On the Multidisciplinary Analysis of Fertility291


25. On Fertility Analysis: Where Sociologists, Economists, and Biologists Meet295

26. New Direction for the Economics of Fertility310

VII. The Social Sciences and Public Policy319


28. Sociology, Aging, and Guided Social Change: Relating Alternative Organization of Helping Resources to Well-Being323

29. Historical Changes in the Life Course and the Family: Policy Implications338

30. Some Expanded Perspectives on Use of Social Science in Public Policy346

31. The Contribution of Economics to Public Policy's Formulation358

VIII. The Attitude-Behavior Complex371

32.Introduction: Ambiguities in the Attitude-Behavior Relation373

33. Attitudes and Behavioral Prediction: An Overview377

34. Attitudes, Behavior, and Economics390

35. Attitude and Behavior: A Social-Psychological Problem412

IX. The Social Consequences of Powerlessness421


37. On Power and Powerlessness425

38. On Power and Powerlessness: Or with a Little Help from Our Friends439

X. On Social Change: Modernity and Countermodernity455


40. The Future of Individual Modernity459

41. Countercultures and Social Change476


Name Index559

Subject Index570

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