Units and Dimensions1

Dimensional Analysis4

Measurements,Precision,and the Treatment of Data6


Certain and Uncertain Figures.Significant Figures6

Precision and Accuracy7


Statistical Considerations9

Rules for Computations16

Plotting Procedures17

Precision and Statistical Applications21

Special Instruments25

The Fortin Barometer25

The Beckmann Thermometer26

Constant-Temperature Baths27

The Westphal Balance28

The Potentiometer29

The Abbe Refractometer33

Experiment 1.Molecular Weight.Victor Meyer Method39

Experiment 2.The Molecular Weight of Gases.Method of Dumas43

Experiment 3.Effusion of Gases.Molecular Weight and Molecular Diameter46

Experiment 4.Vapor Pressure.Dynamic Method49

Experiment 5.Vapor Pressure.Static Method52

Experiment 6.Viscosity.Ostwald Viscosimeter and Falling-Ball Method55

Experiment 7.Surface Tension.Capillary-Rise and Tensiometer Methods59

Experiment 8.Raoult’s Law65

Experiment 9.Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium.Azeotropic Mixtures68

Experiment 10.Molecular Weight.Boiling-Point Method72

Experiment 11.Molecular Weight.Freezing-Point Method75

Experiment 12.Heat of Combustion.Bomb Calorimeter79

Experiment 13.Heat of Neutralization.Calorimetric Procedure84

Experiment 14.Heat of Solution.Calorimetric Method87

Experiment 15.Heat of Solution.Solubility Method90

Experiment 16.Homogeneous Equilibrium.The System:Ethanol-Acetic Acid-Water-Ethyl Acetate92

Experiment 17.Homogeneous Equilibrium.The Gaseous System:Nitrogen Tetroxide-Nitrogen Dioxide95

Experiment 18.Freezing-Point Diagram.(a)Two-Component Alloy System.(b)Two-Component Organic System99

Experiment 19.Solubility Diagram.Three-Component Liquid System105

Experiment 20.Polarimetry.Optical Activity110

Experiment 21.Reaction Kinetics.The Inversion of Sucrose115

Experiment 22.Reaction Kinetics.The Reaction of 2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene with Pi-peridine119

Experiment 23.The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate124

Experiment 24.Adsorption127

Experiment 25.Distribution.Acetic Acid between Water and (a)Benzene or (b)Ether129

Experiment 26.Electrical Conductance133

Experiment 27.Transference Numbers.Hittorf Method140

Experiment 28.Determination of Standard Oxidation Potentials145

Experiment 29.Concentration Cells150

Experiment 30.The Thermodynamics of the Daniell Cell153

Experiment 31.Hydrogen-Ion Activity.Potentiometric Titrations157

Experiment 32.Buffer Solutions.The Colorimetric Determination of pH164

Experiment 33.Colloids168

Appendix.Apparatus,Equipment,and Chemicals173

Student Apparatus List173

Special Apparatus Lists174

List of Chemicals177

Instructions for Preparing Solutions179

List of Text and Reference Books181

Logarithm Table182


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