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19.Chairman Mao Tse-tung Talks with Guests from Asia,Africa and Latin America(A.R.)1

(Same as above)(S.R.)6

20.The Solar System(A.R.)10

The Sun;U S.S.R Builds Solar Boiler(S.R.)14

21.The Thought of Mao Tse-tung is the Victoriou Banner of the Great Revolution of the Chinese People(A.R.)18

(Same as above)(S.R.)24

22.The Chemist in the Steel Mill(A.R.)27

(Same as above)(S.R.)32

23.Inside the Atom(A.R.)35

Eyes That See Through Atoms(S.R.)40

24.The Technical Transformation of China's Agriculture(A.R.)42

(Same as above)(S.R.)47

25.The Properties of Gases(A.R.)50

Gas Analysis(S.R.)55

26.Electricity Today(A.R.)58

(Same as above)(S.R.)63

27.Agriculture:Foundation of the National Economy(A.R.)66

(Same as above)(S.R.)72

28.The Physical Properties of Substances(A.R.)75

The Nature and Properties of Matter(S.R.)80

29.Elements,Compounds and Mixtures(A.R.)83

Elements,Elementary Substances and Compounds(S.R.)88

30.Long Live Leninism(A.R.)91

(Same as above)(S.R.)95

31.Satellite Will Be Useful(A.R.)99

Earth Satellite,The Second Artificial Earth Satellite(S.R.)104

32.Heat,Steam,and Power(A.R.)108

(Same as above)(S.R.)113

33.Northeast China—Heavy Industry Base(A.R.)115

Everyone a Geologist(S.R.)121

34.China's Chemical Fertilizer Industry Leaps Forward(A.R.)127

(Same as above)(S.R.)132

35.Radioactive Elements(A.R.)135

Radioactivity;What is An Isotope?(S.R.)140


Ultrasonic Waves in Our Life(S.R.)148

37.New Atomic Reactor and Cyclotron(A.R.)151

Atomic Fission(S.R.)158

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