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1.Where Are You From1

2.Describing Your Job5

3.Making a Business Phone Call9

4.Making Introductions13

5.Talling About the Weather18

6.Understanding and Giving Directions(1)22

7.Going to the Post Office26

8.Going to the Bank30

9.Going to the Cleaner's34

10.Going to the Public Librzry38

11.In the Barber Shop42

12.Getting an Education(1)46

13.Spending Leisure Time50

14.Shopping by Mail-Order Catalog55

15.Discussing Plans for the Weekend59

16.Going to a Movie63

17.Watching Television67

18.Going to the Zoo71

19.Going on Vacation75

20.Traveling in Taiwan79

21.Traveling by Plane84

22.Traveling by Bus89

23.Eating in a Cafe93

24.Staying in a Motel97

25.Discussing Clothes101

26.Going to a Party105

27.Being Invited to Dinner110

28.Dining in a Restaurant114

29.Talking About Chinese Food119

30.Buying Groceries in a Supermarket125

31.Going to a Shopping Center130

32.Using a Laundromat135

33.Shopping in Hsi Men Ting140

34.Understanding and Giving Directions(2)145

35.Making a Long-Distance Phone Call150

36.Not Feeling Well155

37.Looking for an Apartment159

38.Obtaining a Driver's License163

39.Discussing Transportation in Taiwan167

40.Receiving and Giving Gifts173


42.Describing Chinese Houses182

43.Discussing Chinese Marriage Customs187

44.Discussing Chinese Funeral Customs192

45.Discussing Reasons for Going Abroad197

46.Getting an Education(2)202

47.Discussing Racial Discrimination in the U.S.206

48.Discussing Chinese Festivals211

49.Going to a Museum217

50.Discussing the Lunar Calendar221

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