《历史研究 英文 9》求取 ⇩


Ⅰ.The Unit of Historical Study15

Ⅱ.The Comparative Study of Civilizations28

Ⅲ.The Comparability of Societies53

1.Civilizations and Primitive Societies53

2.The Misconception of'The Unity of Civilization'54

3.The Case for the Comparability of Civilizations60

4.History,Science and Fiction62

2.The Geneses of Civilizations67

Ⅳ.The Problem and How Not To Solve It67

1.The Problem Stated67



Ⅴ.Challenge and Response81

i.The Mythological Clue81

2.The Myth Applied to the Problem89

Ⅵ.The Virtues of Adversity103

Ⅶ.The Challenge of the Environment112

1.The Stimulus of Hard Countries112

2.The Stimulus of New Ground124

3.The Stimulus of Blows134

4.The Stimulus of Pressures138

5.The Stimulus of Penalizations153

Ⅷ.The Golden Mean170

1.Enough and Too Much170

2.Comparisons in Three Terms176

3.Two Abortive Civilizations185

4.The Impact of Islam on the Christendoms192

3.The Growths of Civilizations197

Ⅸ.The Arrested Civilizations197

1.Polynesians,Eskimos and Nomads197


3.The Spartans213

4.General Characteristics216

NOTE.Sea and Steppe as Language-conductors221

Ⅹ.The Nature of the Growths of Civilizations223

1.Two False Trails223

2.Progress towards Self-determination235

Ⅺ.An Analysis of Growth247

1.Society and the Individual247

2.Withdrawal and Return:Individuals256

3.Withdrawal and Return:Creative Minorities271

Ⅻ.Differentiation through Growth283

4.The Breakdowns of Civilizations286

ⅩⅢ.The Nature of the Problem286

ⅩⅣ.Deterministic Solutions289

ⅩⅤ.Loss of Command over the Environment298

1.The Physical Environment298

2.The Human Environment304

3.A Negative Verdict317

ⅩⅥ.Failure of Self-Determination320

1.The Mechanicalness of Mimesis320

2.New Wine in Old Bottles325

3.The Nemesis of Creativity:Idolization of an Ephemeral Self356

4.The Nemesis of Creativity Idolization of an Ephemeral Institution366

5.The Nemesis of Creativity:Idolization of an Ephemeral Technique377

6.The Suicidalness of Militarism388

7.The Intoxication of Victory402

5.The Disintegrations of Civilizations414

ⅩⅦ.The Nature of Disintegration414

1.A General Survey414

2.Schism and Palingenesia423

ⅩⅧ.Schism in the Body Social426

1.Dominant Minorities426

2.Internal Proletariats431

3.The Internal Proletariat of the Western World450

4.External Proletariats462

5.External Proletariats of the Western World472

6.Alien and Indigenous Inspirations481

ⅩⅨ.Schism in the Soul490

1.Alternative Ways of Behaviour,Feeling and Life490

2.'A bandon'and Self-Control502

3.Truancy and Marryrdom504

4.The Sense of Drift and the Sense of Sin507

5.The Sense of Promiscuity519

a.Vulgarity and Barbarism in Manners519

b.Vulgarity and Barbarism in Art531

c.Lingue Franche532

d.Syncretism in Religion539

e.Cuius Regio eius Religio?549

6.The Sense of Unity563



9.The Self-transcendenice of Futurism591

10.Detachment and Transfiguration598


ⅩⅩ.The Relation between Disintegrating Societies and Individuals606

1.The Creative Genius as a Saviour606

2.The Saviour with the Sword607

3.The Saviour with the Time Machine611

4.The Philosopher Masked by a King613

5.The God Incarnate in a Man618

ⅩⅪ.The Rhythm of Disintegration623

ⅩⅫ.Standardization through Disintegration631

Editor's Note and TablesⅠ-Ⅴ635



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