1Sex and Marriage1


Valid marriage2

Void marriage2

Voidable marriage3

Mental disorder and marriage4


Transsexual 'marriage'8

2Sexual Intercourse19

Sexual intercourse and the criminal law19

Intramarital 'rape'21

Indecent assault within marriage24

The definition of sexual intercourse in the criminal law24

Consummation of marriage26


Non-consummation of marriage34


Medical aspects of contraception43

Contraception and the mentally handicapped50

Contraception for minors51

The Gillick case53

Interceptive methods57

Displanting methods60



Non-consensual sterilisation68

Involuntary sterilisation68

Eugenic sterilisation69

Punitive sterilisation70

Non-voluntary sterilisation72

Sterilisation of the mentally impaired72

Other English cases84

The right to procreate84

Consensual non-therapeutic sterilisation87

The doctrine of 'informed consent'89

Failed sterilisation or wrongful pregnancy92


The law in the United Kingdom111

The Abortion Act 1967115

The Comparative Scene118

Northern Ireland118

The Republic of Ireland118


The American approach119

Other jurisdictions121

The conflict of interests122

The rights of the pregnant woman123

Abortion in practice124

Other people's rights126

The father126

The professionals127

Abortion and minors130

Abortion and the mentally handicapped132

Reduction of multiple pregnancy and selective reduction134

'Preventive' abortion134

Revision of the law135

6Protection of the Fetus143

The legal rights of the fetus143

Can we say the fetus is a person?146

Wrongful death of the fetus148

Fetal rights to treatment152

Interventional treatment of the fetus153

Fetal rights and abortion157

The 'wrongful life' action161

The preconception tort165

The living abortus165

Fetal advantage?169

Comatose or post-mortem gestation170

Fetal neglect172

Fetal disposal176

7Fetal Experimentation187

The moral framework187

Consent and fetal research and experimentation191

Legal constraints191

Civil liability193

Maternal consent to fetal research194

The use of uterine contents other than the fetus195

The fetus or the neonate as an organ transplant donor196

The donation of fetal cellular material198

Fetal ovaries and ova201

Research ethics committees202

8The Infertile Man207

Infertility in general207

Childlessness due to non-consummation and related reasons209

Artificial insemination by husband or partner209

Posthumous AIH209

Other reasons for AIH212

The infertile husband or partner: artificial insemination by donor (AID)212

The role of the medical adviser213

The donor214

The prospective parents217

The child conceived by AID219

Evading the issue: AIHD222

9The Infertile Woman227

Causes of female infertility227

The problem of tubal insufficiency228

In vitro fertilisation229

Medico-legal complications of IVF230

The aftermath of the Warnock Committee238

Other treatments of childlessness239

Ovum donation240

Improving the supply of ova242

Embryo donation244

Gamete intrafallopian transfer246

10A Third Party to Marriage251

Surrogate motherhood253

Moral aspects254

The socio-economic atmosphere255

Parental orders259

The British cases263

The American scene266

Prohibition of surrogacy270

Womb leasing271

Possible legislation273

11Defective Neonates and Infants281

The concept of medical futility282

The evolution of the concept283

The case of Dr Arthur285

Futility in practice287

The anencephalic baby288

In re T (a minor) (Wardship: Medical Treatment)289

The case of Child B290

The moral ambience293

Medical indicators295

The legal position300

The British cases301

The American cases305

The current position307

Feeding and hydration310

Passivity or activity?312

12Consent to Treatment and Research in Children319

The nature of consent to treatment319

Consent by minors320

Refusal of treatment by minors321

The reasonable parent324

The unreasonable parent327

Experimental or unusual treatment330

Minors as subjects for experiment and research332

The position of the researcher in law335

13The Protection of Young Children341

The definition of child abuse342

An increasing awareness344

An increase in reporting345

The statutory protection of children345

The criminal law345

Family law346

The emergency protection of children350

The shifting emphasis of the new legislation353

The practical response to child abuse355

The Cleveland experience360

Scotland: the Orkney debacle364

Münchhausen Syndrome by Proxy365


14The Killing of Children Within the Family: Filicide375

Paternal filicide376

Child neglect378

Other forms of child killing380

Multiple murder380

Mercy killing or active euthanasia380

Maternal filicide382

Historical aspects383

Current jurisprudential attitudes384

Conviction and sentencing for infanticide386

Women who kill their children390

Early infanticide and the pathologist392

The cot (or crib) death problem: the sudden infant death syndrome393



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