Chapter Ⅰ.Environmental Problems in Perspective1

A.The Ecological Perspective1

B.Some Dimensions of Environmental Problems11

C.Economic Perspectives32

D.Political Perspectives42

Chapter Ⅱ.The Judicial Role54

A.Judicial Intervention in Environmental Decisionmaking54

B.The National Environmental Policy Act111

C.Constitutionally Based Judicial Review173

Chapter Ⅲ.Pollution Control220

A.Nuisance Law220

B.Cost and Feasibility in Source-Oriented Regulatory Schemes240

C.Area Planning295

D.Beyond Regulation: Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection345

Chapter Ⅳ.Regulation of Toxic Substances376

A.Risk Management and Scientific Uncertainty377

B.Regulating the Sale of Toxic Substances431

C.Regulation Under the General Pollution Statutes456

D.Regulating the Disposal of Toxic Wastes on Land467

E.Regulating the Transportation of Hazardous Materials537

F.Common Law Remedies542

Chapter Ⅴ.Environmental Regulation and National Energy Policy568

A.Nuclear Energy569

B.Fossil Fuels614

C.Renewable (Solar) Sources and Conservation659

Chapter Ⅵ.Preservation of Natural Areas692

A.Restrictions on Development of Private Land703

B.Protection of Public Lands753

APPENDIX: The Wilderness Act of 1964798


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