《Nationality and statelessness in international law》求取 ⇩

PART ONE The Conception of Nationality3

1. ''Nationality" and its Synonyms3

A. Nationality and Citizenship3

B. Ressortissants7

C. Note on "Enemy Character"9

2. Nationality in Composite States and Dependencies13

A. Composite States13

B. The British Commonwealth15

C. British Protected Persons18

D. Mandated and Trust Territories20

3. The International Functions of Nationality26

A. The Hague Codification Conference26

B. The United Nations28

C. Nationality as a Term of International Law29

D. International Protection32

E. The Duty of Admission45

(a) Nationals45

(b) United Kingdom Immigration Legislation49

(c) Former Nationals53

F. Summary59

PART TWO Municipal Law and International Law65

4."Exclusive Domestic Jurisdiction"65

5. Decisions of International Tribunals71

A. Nationality Decrees in Tunis and Morocco71

B. Other Decisions of International Tribunals75

6. Decisions of Municipal Courts79

7. State Practice and the Hague Codification Conference82

8. The Views of Writers85

9. Summary88

PART THREE The Public International Law of Nationality95

10. Limitations on Conferment and Withdrawal of Nationality95

A. Acquisition of Nationality95

1. Original Acquisition95

2. Derivative Acquisition (Naturalisation)96

B. Loss of Nationality115

1. In General115

2. Denationalisation117

3. Expatriation and Substitution of Nationality127

11. Effect of Territorial Transfers on Nationality135

A. Introduction135

B. Universal Succession136

C. Partial Succession144

1. In General144

2. Cession152

3. Decolonisation153

4. Option156

12. "Conflict Rules"161

A. Introduction161

B. Statelessness161

1. In General161

2. International Action162

(a) On Statelessness162

(b) On the Status of Stateless Persons168

C. Plural Nationality169

1. In General169

2. Decisions of International Tribunals170

(a) Earlier cases170

(b) The Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala)176

(c) The Italian Conciliation Commissions181

(d) Conclusions184

3. State Practice186

(a) The Hague Codification Conference186

(b) Legislation and Administrative Practice189

(c) Treaties190

4. Decisions of Municipal Courts193

5. The Views of Writers196

D. Conclusions197

13. Proof of Nationality204

A. In General204

B. The Practice of International Tribunals205

1. Introduction205

2. Municipal Law of Evidence206

3. Rules of Evidence210

(a) Nature of the Evidence Required210

(b) Admission by Defendant212

(c) The "Best Evidence" Rule213

(d) Specific Methods of Proof214

(e) Evidence of Naturalisation: the Question of Fraud218

4. Conclusions220

C. Internationally Accepted Nationality Documents222

1. Passports222

2. Consular Certificates230

PART FOUR Summary and Conclusions239

14. Summary239

15. Conclusions246

A. The Existing Law (De Lege Lata)246

B. Future Developments (De Pacto Ferendo)250


1. Convention on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws (The Hague, 1930)257

2. Protocol Relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nationality (The Hague, 1930)262

3. Protocol Relating to a Certain Case of Statelessness (The Hague, 1930)263

4. United Nations Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness264

5. Convention on the Nationality of Married Women270

6. Convention on Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality273

7. Protocol Amending the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality277

8. Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality279

9. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (Geneva, 1951)282

10. Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees297

11. Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (New York, 1954)300



About the author339

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