《初中英语趣味阅读训练 2》求取 ⇩

1.I Just Got Tired2

2.How Old Are You?4

3.A Painter6

4.I'm Glad8

5.The Winner10

6.Looking for the Ring12

7.Guess Who14

8.A Letter to His Wife16

9.Wednesday Is the Worst Day18

10.The Shopping List20

11.A Clever Soldier22

12.A Wise Mother24

13.The Double Life of Alfred Bloggs26

14.A Stupid Question28

15."Did They Like Swimming?"30

16.Absent-minded Lessing32

17.Get Used to Being Poor34

18.My Wife Doesn't Lay Eggs36

19.Valuable Salt38

20.Never Satisfied40

21.Get Anything42

22.It's Time for Tea44

23.A Policeman and Two Single Women46

24.Christmas Cards48

25.It Isn't the Mrs Poe50

26.A Call for Advice52

27.Just Continue with the Medicine54

28.A Talkative Girl56

29.A Priest and a Driver58

30.Asking for Trouble60

31.Two Women and the Monkey62

32.To Hell with Churchill64

33.Take or Give66

34.Who Would Hear Earlier?68

35.He Was Only Wrong by Two70

36.Who Should Read"The Dirty Joke Book"?72

37.Head or Tail?74

38.Hit Him Again76

39.Follow the Bus78

40.Tell Me When We Get There80

41.Take Another Chance82

42.What a Suggestion84

43.Better to Be Fat86

44.What Is Marriage88

45.At a Crossroads90

46.Peter Can Answer the Question92

47.A Tail94

48.No Time to Visit96

49.The King and the Critic98

50.The Call of the Child100

51.Enjoy Your Vegetables102

52.I Have Waited for an Hour104

53.The Circus Strong Man106

54.Why Not Stop Her?108

55.Jack and Billy110

56.A Truthful Letter112

57.A Car or a Chair114

58.I Didn't Find a Place for Them116

59.The Man Who Knows the Future118

60.No Time to Read There120

61.Not an Easy Case122

62.Stupid Orders124

63.A Paper Ball126

64.Five Months Older Than I Am128

65."You're a Stupid Man"130

66.An Unlucky Fact132

67.You're Taking All the Good Ones134

68.Don't Tell Anybody What It Is For136

69.The Precious Bowl138

70.The Same Illness140

71.In the Fun-fair142

72.A Happy Man144

73.Learn How to Observe and Reason146

74.A Clever Student148

75.Something Strange Happened150

76.Helping the Old152

77.I'm Here Already154

78.Our Oceans156

79.I Missed Again158


81.Mike's Family162

82.Top of the Class164


84.Air Pollution168

85.Good Advice170

86.Who Does What172

87.Alaska and Texas174

88.Drinking the Seawater176

89.That's Great178

90.Pray for Rain180

91.Ten Dollars,Please182

92.Calling a Wrong Number184

93.Poor or Stupid186

94.Where Is the Fish188

95.Poor Work190

96.A Good Idea192

97.A Picture of Cheese194

98.A Letter with No Writing196

99.Lucky to Have the Right Choice198

100.Where Is the Mother?200



1995《初中英语趣味阅读训练 2》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由李四新,刘玲编著 1995 武汉:湖北少年儿童出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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