《A New English Grammar Part I Parts of Speech and Outlines of Analysis》求取 ⇩

1-4 Ⅰ.The sentence—The Subject and the Predicate—Analysis of sentences11

5-10 Ⅱ.The parts of speech—Nouns and Verbs—Table of analysis13

11-13 Ⅲ.Adjectives—The two uses of Adjectives(Epithet-adjectives,Predicative Adjectives)16

14-20 Ⅳ.Epithet-nouns—Nouns in apposition—Predicative Nouns18

21-25 Ⅴ.Adverbs—Adverbial qualification20

26-27 Ⅵ.Pronouns24

28-30 Ⅶ.The Object26

31-32 Ⅷ.Adjectives and Nouns used predicatively of Objects—Predicative Pronouns28

33-36 Ⅸ.Groups of words(Phrases)—Prepositions—Prepositions and Adverbs29

37 Ⅹ.Table of analysis of simple sentences33

38-44 Ⅺ.Subordinate clauses—Subordinating Conjunctions34

45-50 Ⅻ.Relative Pronouns—Definitions of Adjective-clauses,Adverb-clauses,Noun-clauses37

51-54 ⅩⅢ.Simple sentences and Complex sentences—Main clauses39

55 ⅩⅣ.Analysis of Complex sentences—Sentence-pictures41

56-59 ⅩⅤ.Co-ordinating Conjunctions—Double and Multiple sentences and members of sentences44

60-62 ⅩⅥ.Analysis of sentences containing Co-ordinating Conjunctions46

63-65 ⅩⅦ.Co-ordination without a Conjunction—Sentence-adverbs49

66-68 ⅩⅧ.The two uses of Relative Pronouns—Relative Adverbs50

69-70 ⅩⅨ.Interjections—Sentence-words53

ⅩⅩ.Note to the Teacher54


APPENDIX:The Pied Piper of Hamelin79

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