《The Communist Manifesto Of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels》求取 ⇩

INTRODUCTION:The Communist League,1847-18521


Ⅰ.Bourgeois and Proletarians25

Ⅱ.Proletarians and Communists42

Ⅲ.Socialist and Communist Literature54

1.Reactionary Socialism54

(a)Feudalistic Socialism54

(b)Petty-bourgeois Socialism56


2.Conservative or Bourgeois Socialism61

3.Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism63

Ⅳ.Attitude of the Communists towards the various Opposition Parties66


Ⅰ.Bourgeois and Proletarians69

1.The Harrying of the Communists in 184769

2.Haxthausen,Maurer,and Morgan69

3.The Decline of the Medieval Economy,the Age of Geographical Discovery,and the Beginnings of the World Market71


5.The Industrial Revolution and the Development of Machinofacture75

6.Political Evolution of the Bourgeoisie77

7.The Growth of Exchange and the Dominion of Cash-Payment80

8.Revolutionary Character of Capitalism84

9.The Spread of Capitalism throughout the World85

10.Quantitative and Qualitative Growth of the World Market85

11.Development of the Means of Communication and Transport under the Capitalist System86

12.Cleavage between Town and Countryside89

13.The Accumulation of Capital91

14.Capitalism and Man's Conquest over Nature93

15.A Few Words Concerning the Theory and the History of Crises97

16.Historical Evolution of the Proletariat99

17.The Division of Labour During the Epochs of Manufacture and Largescale Production(Machinofacture)102

18.Labour and Labour Power103

19.Factory Despotism106

20.Labour of Women and Children107

21.Worker Gives Credit to Capitalist108

22.The Petty and Middle Bourgeoisie fall into the Ranks of the Proletariat109

23.Various Forms of Working-Class Protest Against Capitalism109

24.The Proletarians as Pawns in the Bourgeois Game112

25.Origin and Growth of the Trade Union Movement113

26.Political Organisation of the Working Class—Chartism116

27.Antagonisms Within Bourgeois Society—the Use made of these Conflicts by the Proletariat118

28.Proletariat,"People,"and Peasantry—Importance of the Forms of Exploitation122

29.The Proletariat and Respect for Law128

30.Evolution and Revolution—International Character of the Proletarian Movement131

31.Capitalist Accumulation leads to the Impoverishment and Degradation of the Working Class—Expropriation of the Expropriators133

Ⅱ.Proletarians and Communists136

32.Communists and the Working-Class Parties136

33.Feudalist Property and Bourgeois Property138

34.Capital is the Outcome of a Specific and Transient Phase of Social Evolution142

35.Private and Individual Property—the Principle of Distribution in a Communist Society144

36.The Dominion of Capital over Labour146

37.Bourgeois Personality and Human Personality147

38.Bourgeois Love of Work and Proletarian Sloth149

39.Material Production and Mental Production151

40.Supposed Fixity of the Bourgeois Type of Society158

41.The Family in Bourgeois Society161

42.The Workers and"Their"Country167

43.The Class War and the Historical Process170

44.Evolution in Ethics,Social Science,and Natural Science173

45.The Dictatorship of the Proletariat177

46.Communist Program for the Transition Period180

47.Centralisation and the State191

Ⅲ.Socialist and Communist Literature197

48.Reactionary Romanticism197

49.Feudalistic Socialism199

50.Christian Socialism206




54.Bourgeois Philanthropy226


56.The Great Utopists231

57.Communists in France and in Germany237

58.Owenites and Chartists240

Ⅳ.Attitude of Communists towards the various Opposition Parties242

59.Communists and the Working-Class Organisations of England and of the United States of America242

60.Communists and Radicals in France and in Switzerland245

61.Communists and the Polish Question247

62.Tasks of the Communists in Germany250

63.Communists and Democrats253


(A)Ryazanoff's Preface to the First Russian Edition of the Present Volume255

(B)Ryazanoff's Preface to the Second Russian Edition of the Present Volume257

(C)Prefaces to the Communist Manifesto:259

1.Authors' Preface to the German Edition of 1872259

2.Engels' Preface to the German Edition of 1883261

3.Engels' Preface to the German Edition of 1890262

4.Engels' Preface to the Polish Edition of 1892269

5.Engels' Preface to the Italian Edition of 1893270

(D)The Revolutionary Movements of 1847,&by F.Engels272

(E)"Communist Journal,"London,Sept.1847 Introduction286

Citizen Cabet's Emigration Scheme294

The Prussian Diet and the Prussian Proletariat,together with the Proletariat throughout Germany298

German Emigrants312

Political and Social Survey315

(F)Principles of Communism,by F.Engels319

(G)Rules and Constitution of the Communist League340

(H)Demands of the Communist Party in Germany345

(J)Chronological Table348



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