《Monetary Theory and Public Policy》求取 ⇩

1.Introduction:The Significance of Monetary Analysis and Policy3

Part Ⅰ.Money and General Prices9

2.The Internal Value of Money11

3.Creation and Destruction of Money28

4.The Theory of Inflation40

5.Anti-Inflation Policies64

Part Ⅱ.Interest,Income,and Employment103

6.The Liquidity-Preference Theory105

7.Interest Policy and Full Employment123

8.Non-Keynesian Theories of Saving and Investment131

9.Aggregate Demand and National Income140

10.The Consumption Function151

11.Savings and Investment177

12.The Multiplier and Acceleration Theories210

13.Secular Underemployment Equilibrium235

14.Measures to Promote Investment256

15.Measures to Raise the Consumption Function273

16.Epilogue on Full Employment Policy287

Part Ⅲ.Domestic vs.International Equilibrium299

17.The External Value of Money—The Gold Standard301

18.The External Value of Money—The Paper Standard313

19.The International Monetary Fund—The Mixed Standard339

20.Monetary Sovereignty and International Equilibrium357

21.Foreign Investment,the World Bank,and Employment374


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