Part I Theoretical Concerns1

Introduction. Coalition politics, religious nationalism and public policy : a theoretical examination3

1: The BJP coalition : partisanship and power-sharing in government13

2: The shapes of Hindu nationalism36

3: In part, a myth : the BJP's organisational strength55

Part II Domestic Governance75

4: The NDA and the politics of 'minorities' in India77

5: Hindu nationalists and federal structures in an era of regionalism97

6: Social justice and empowerment of the weaker sections and gender rights116

7: Managing the anti-corruption rhetoric : the National Democratic Alliance, transparency and corruption136

8: Indian education policy under the NDA government153

Part External Factors171

9: The NDA and the politics of economic reform173

10: The NDA and Indian foreign policy193

11: The NDA and national security212

12: The BJP and the 2004 general election : dimensions, causes and implications of an unexpected defeat237

13: Hindutva's march halted? : choices for the BJP after the 2004 defeat254



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