1 Changing Security Dynamics and Military Trends in Northeast Asia1

I. Overview1

II. The War on Terror and the Changing Strategic Environment in Northeast Asia6

IU. Military Development in Northeast Asia33

IV. Changing Security Conditions on the Korean Peninsula72

2 U.S. Strategy of Building Peace Through Power97

I. Pursuit of a Security Strategy Based on Power99

II. New Defense Strategy and Restructuring of Overseas Bases110

III Pursuit of the World's Only Military Superpower117

IV. Implications for Security on the Korean Peninsula129

3 Japan's Changing Defense Strategy and Push for Emergency Legislation142

I. Pursuit of a Threat-Responsive Defense Policy145

II. Countering the North Korean Nuclear Threat150

III. Deployment of the SDF in the War against Terror157

IV. The Emergency Legislation165

V. Development and Launch of Surveillance Satellites, and Accelerated Pursuit of a Missile Defense System171

VI. Conservative-and Right-leaning Trend and Active Discussions on Constitutional Revision178

VII Development of Technology-Intensive Cutting-edge Forces182

VIII Implications for Korea's Security194

4 China's Active Security Strategy and Buildup of Cutting-edge Information Forces199

I. New Security Concept and Active Diplomatic Strategy201

II. Changing Military Leadership under the Hu Jintao Regime218

III Building an Army with Chinese Characteristics221

IV. Building High-Tech Forces for the Future Warfare227

V. Taiwan's Changing Military Strategy and Forces242

VI. Cross-Strait Military Balance247

VII Implications for Korean Security249

5 Russia's Realistic Security and Military Policies251

I. Efforts for the Restoration of Russia's National Prestige253

II. Mounting Momentum in Putin's Military Policies264

III. Building High-Tech Strategic Forces274

IV. The Persistence of the Russian Military's Triple Distresses285

V. Russia's Entrance into the Korean Peninsula's Security Orbit300

6 The Shifting Security Structure on the Korean Peninsula and the Nuclear Crisis303

I. Heightening Military Tensions and Challenging New Developments305

II. The Basic Tenets of the Two Koreas' Security and Defense Policies312

III. The Balance of Conventional Military Power on the Korean Peninsula319

IV. North-South Military Cooperation and the Possibility of Arms Control329

V. The Looming Threat Posed by North Korea's WMD333

VI. Mid- to Long-Term Prospects for the ROK-U.S. Alliance and the USFK364

VII. South Korea's Choices in the Security and Military Spheres378

Appendix I381

Appendix II388


About the Contributors425

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