Part 1. Nationality, Religious and Racial Divisions in American Society1


Historical Perspectives on the American Ethnic Group6

Religious Group Conflict in America19

The Two Worlds of Race: A Historical View35

Part 2. Ethnic Groups and Political Behavior57


Membership in Social Groupings62

The Way of the Ethnic in Politics85

The Political Socialization of the American Negro110

American Jews and the Presidential Vote132

The Negro Voter in Northern Industrial Cities154

Catholic Voters and the Democratic Party170

Part 3. Ethnic Groups and Urban Politics187


Bosses, Machines and Ethnic Politics190

Two Negro Politicians: An Interpretation207

The Ex-Plebes228

Part 4. The Persistence of Ethnic Group Politics251


The New Men254

Ethnic Politics and the Persistence of Ethnic Identification267

Black Nationalism: Conclusions and Trends284

Black Power297

Beyond the Melting Pot307

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