《英语语法精要》求取 ⇩

Ⅰ.The parts of speech1


1.1 Nouns Definition and Classification1

1.2 Nouns Number3

1.3 Nouns Gender6

1.4 Nouns Case8

1.5 Uses of the Objective Case10

1.6 Ways of Forming the Possessive Case11


2.1 Personal Pronouns14

2.2Relative Pronouns21

A.Simple Relative Pronouns21

B.Compound Relative Pronouns23

C.Relative Pronouns and their Amee?dents25

D.Omission of the Relative Pronoun25

2.3 Interrogative Pronouns28

2.4 Demonstrative Pronouns30

2.5Indefinite Pronouns32

A.Uses of Indefinite Pronouns32

B.Some Indefinite Pronouns or Adjectives and their Uses33


3.1 Transitive and Intransitive37

3.2 Linking Verbs and Subjective Complement38

3.3 Factitive Verbs and Objective Complement39

3.4 Dative Verbs and Double Object40

3.5 Principal Parts of Regular and Irregular Verbs42

3.6 Agreement43


A.Three Main Tenses47

B.Table of the 26 Tenses48

C.Uses of the Tenses49

(1)The Present Tense49

(2)Present,Present Continuous,and Present Perfect50

(3)The Presen!Perfect and the Past Indefinite Compared53

(4)Past,Past Continuous,and Past Perfect54

(5)Future,Future Continuous,Future Perfect56

(6)Perfect Continuous Tense57


A.Active and Passive Voice60

B.Tense and Voice61

C.Other Passive Forms62

(1)Dative Verbs62

(2)Factitive Verbs63

(3)Intransitive Verbs and Verbal Phrases63



A.There are three moods65

B.Uses of the subjunctive mood67

C.Other uses of the Subjunctive Mood70

3.10Auxiliary Verbs78

A."Shall"and "Will"78

B."Should"and "Would"81



3.11The Infinitive90

A.Tenses of the infinitive90

B.Uses of the infinitive91

C.The negative form of the infinitive93

D.The complex structure of the infinitive93

E.Omission of"to"94

3.12The Participles96

A.Tenses of the Participles96

B.Uses of the Participles97

C.The Participial absolute construction101

3.13The Gerund104

A.The forms of the gerund104

B.Uses of the gerund105

C.The perfect form and negative form of the gerund107

D.The Gerundial Complex108

3.14A summary of the non—finjte forms of the verbs112

A.The table of the usage of the non—finite forms of the verb112

B.Gerunds and Par?ieiples112

C.Gerunds and infinitives114

4The Adjective117

A.Uses of the adj117

B.The degrees of the adj and ad117

C.Uses of the degrees of comparison119

5The Numeral124

A.Cardinal Numerals124

B.Ordinal Numerals125

C.Uses of the Numerals127

D.Note the followings127

6The Preposition133

A.Three kinds of prepositions in general use133

B.Some useful prepositions134

C.Position of the preposition138

D.Pay attention to the different meanings of the preposition138

E.Omission of the prepositions139

F.The substitution between prepositional phrases and clauses141

7.The Conjunction147

A.Coordinating Conjunctions147

B.Subordinating Conjunctions148

8The Interjection152

9The Article154

A.Uses of the Indefinite Article155

B.Uses of the definite Article156

C.Omission of Articles159

10The Adverb168

A.Kinds of the Adverbs168

B.Uses of the Adverbs171

C.Formation of the Adverbs172

D.Preposition—like Adverbs174

E.Position of the Adverbs175

The Sentence182

1Kinds of Sentences182

A.Declearative Sentences182

B.Interrogative Sentences183

C.Imperative Sentences186

D.Exclamatory Sentences187

2Types of Sentences192

A.The Simple Sentence192

B.The Compound Sentence195

C.The Complex Sentence199

D.The Compound——Complex Sentence215

Direct and Indirect Speeches218

1 Direct and Indirect Declearative Sentences220

2 Direct and Indirect Questions221

3 Direct and Indirect Imperative Sentences222

4 Direct and Indirect Exclamatory Sentences223

Transformation of Sentences229

1 From Simple to Complex229

2 From Complex to Simple231

3 From Simple to Compound232

4 From Compound to Simple233

5 From Compound to Complex234

The Inverted Order237

Comprehensive Exercises244

Key to Exercises264

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德语语法精要(1990 PDF版)
1990 上海:上海外语教育出版社
英语语法要点( PDF版)
英语语法精要(1993 PDF版)
1993 西安:西北工业大学出版社
英语语法要点(1980 PDF版)
1980 西安:陕西人民出版社
英语语法纲要(1984 PDF版)
1984 南京:江苏教育出版社
英语作文精要(1993 PDF版)
1993 天津:天津大学出版社
大学英语语法精要(1999 PDF版)
1999 北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社
科技英语语法精要(1983 PDF版)
1983 西安:陕西人民出版社
大学英语语法精要(1990 PDF版)
1990 西安:西北大学出版社
英语语法精华(1999 PDF版)
1999 上海:同济大学出版社
英语语法纲要(1982 PDF版)
1982 成都:四川人民出版社
英语语法举要(1985 PDF版)
1985 上海:上海译文出版社
实用英语语法精要(1998 PDF版)
1998 杭州:浙江大学出版社
英语语法要诀与注释  英语语法速记法(1991 PDF版)
英语语法要诀与注释 英语语法速记法
1991 济南:山东科学技术出版社
大学英语语法要目精解(1998 PDF版)
1998 北京:人民邮电出版社