《联想英语 第1册 活动册》求取 ⇩

Unit 1Getting Around School1

1.1 Students from Around the World1

1.2 Bingo2

1.3 Time and Place3

1.4 Getting Organized4

1.5 Planning Your School Day5

1.6 Exploring Your School6

1.7 Likes and Dislikes7

Unit 2Spending Free Time8

2.1 Activities8

2.2 What Do You Like to Do?9

2.3 What Do People Like to Do?10

2.4 Venn Diagram11

2.5 What Would You Love to Do?12

2.6 Your Daily Schedule13

Unit 3Counting Dollars and Cents14

3.1 How Much Money Is It?14

3.2 Guessing Prices15

3.3 Which Is Cheaper?16

3.4 What Do They Cost?17

3.5 Play a Game18

3.6 Your Bank Savings Account19

3.7 What Do You See on the Money?20

3.8 Information About Coins21

Unit 4Choosing Clothes22

4.1 Lotto Card22

4.2 Articles of Clothing23

4.3 What Do You Like?25

4.4 Compare Receipts26

4.5 Compare Items of Clothing27

4.6 Why Do People Wear These Clothes?28

Unit 5Checking the Weather29

5.1 Reading a Graph29

5.2 Make a Story Map30

Unit 6Making Journeys31

6.1 Getting from Here to There31

6.2 Modes of Travel32

6.3 Planning a Trip33

6.4 The United States34

6.5 The Jenkins' Route—Part A36

6.6 The Jenkins' Route—Part B37

6.7 Write About a Place38

Unit 7Solving Problems39

7.1 Listen and Complete39

7.2 Elena's Problems40

7.3 You and Your Partner's Problems41

7.4 What Happened in the Story?42

7.5 How Interesting Is It?43

7.6 Nasr-ed-Din's Problems44

7.7 Make a Chart45

7.8 Invent Something46

Unit 8Exploring Diversity47

8.1 Alike and Different47

8.2 Los Ratoncitos48

8.3 Make a Story Map50

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联想英语  第3册  学生用书(1999 PDF版)
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联想英语  第3册  活动册(1999 PDF版)
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1999 北京:机械工业出版社
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1999 北京:机械工业出版社