《联想英语 第2册 学生用书》求取 ⇩

Unit 1-Choosing Foods3


What's your Favorite Food?3

May I Take your Order?6

What's Good to Eat?8

What's a Healthy Diet?12

How Much Fat?An Investigation20

How did the Potato get to North America?21

How do you eat a Hot Fudge Sundae?24

Unit 2-Sending Messages33


Forms of Communication33

Nonverbal Communication34

Communication Problems:A Folktale37

Communication Problems:A Poem44

Making Sounds:An Investigation48

Sending Messages with Music51

A Message from Students at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf56

Unit 3-Setting Goals71


What are your Goals?71

Reaching your Goals:A Folktale76

Reaching your Goals:A Song82

Career Goals86

The Goals of the U.S.Government94

Unit 4-Making Changes109


Moving to a New Place:An Autobiographical Account109

Inventions that Changed the Way we Live113

A Changing Population123

Working for Social and Political Change:Rosa Parks130

Unit 5-Resolving Conflict147


What's the Conflict?A Cartoon147

Dealing with Conflict:A Folktale149

Dealing with Conflict:A Poem156

Finding a Win-Win Solution:Peer Mediation158

Looking at Both Sides of a Conflict165

Making Peace:The Iroquois Confederacy168


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联想英语  第3册  活动册(1999 PDF版)
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1999 北京:机械工业出版社
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