作者:(日)稻垣道夫,康飞宇著 出版:北京:清华大学出版社 页数:539    ✅ 真实服务 非骗流量  ❤️ 出版时间:2014.11 (求助前请核对清楚) 求助编号:9136726800 (学习资料 勿作它用) 求助格式:PDF(无水印/扫描版)我要投诉 重要说明:求助即说明同意《文件求助条款》   Word/doc、ePubb、mobi、PPT、TXT
  • Materials Science and Engineering of Carbon provides a comprehensive introduction to carbon, the fourth most abundant element in the universe. The contents are organized into two main parts. Part 1 focuses on the fundamental science of the preparation and characterization of various carbon materials, and Part 2 concentrates on carbon engineering and applications, including the use of carbon in high profile areas such as energy storage and environmental remediation. The book also incl
