《表4 长白山4种典型天然沼泽湿地类型的植被碳储量及其分配Tab.4 Carbon storage and allocation proportion of four kinds of natural

《表4 长白山4种典型天然沼泽湿地类型的植被碳储量及其分配Tab.4 Carbon storage and allocation proportion of four kinds of natural   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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注:表中给出数据是平均值,括号内为标准差;不同大写字母表示不同湿地类型植被碳储量差异显著(P<0.05)。Notes:data in the table is the mean and the data in the bracket is standard deviation.Different capital letters indicate significant difference in carbon stor
