《英语常用句型350》求取 ⇩

1.How are you?(你好?)1

2.How is everything with you?(你一切都好吗?)2



5.How do you do?(你好!)5

6.Lovely day,isn t it?(天气真好,是不是?)6

7.Isn t it a lovely day?(多么晴朗的天啊!)7

8.I d like you to meet sb.(我想让你见见某人。)8

9.Let me introduce you to...(让我把你介绍给……。)9

10.I m glad/nice/pleased to meet you.(见到你我很高兴。)10


12.So long!(再见!)13


14.See you later.(回头见!)14

15.Good night.(晚安!)15

16.I must be going.(我该走了。)16

17.Give my(best)regards to sb.(请代我向某人问好(候)。)17

18.Remember me to....(代我向……问候。)18

19.Say hello to sb.for me.(代我向某人问好。)19

20.Thank you(very much).((非常)感谢。)20

21.You re welcome.(不用客气(不必谢)。)21

22.Not at all.(不用客气。)23

23.Think nothing of it.(没关系。)23

24.It s my pleasure.(愿意为您效劳。)24

25.Don t mention it.(没什么,别客气。)26

26.Is that you...?(你是……吗?)27

27.You re wanted on the phone.(你的电话。)28

28.May I speak to sb?(我可以同……通话吗?)29

29.This is sb.speaking.(我是……。)30

30.Hold the line,please.(请等一下。)31

31.Who s that speaking,please?(请问你是谁?)32

32.Who s that?(您是哪位呀?)33

33.Would you like to leave a message?(你想留个口信吗?)34

34.May I take a message for you?(我给你带个口信好吗?)35

35.The line is busy.(占线。)37

36.Opezator,please put me throughto Empire 5-4093.(接线员,请给我接帝国5-4093)38


38.I m just very lucky.(我只是十分幸运罢了。)40

39.Will you please do sth?(请你……好吗?)41

40.Would you please do...?(请您干……好吗?)42

41.May I ask you a favour?(你能帮我个忙吗?)43

42.Would you mind doing sth.?(请……吗?)44

43.Would you mind if...?(要是……您不介意吧?)45

44.Would you mind me(my)doing sth.?(要是……干某事您介意吗?)46


46.Would you like me to do sth.?(你想让我……?)48

47.Let me....(让我来……。)49


49.No more,thanks.(不再要了,谢谢。)51

50.Excuse me.(对不起。)51

51.Excuse me.(对不起。)53

52.Excuse me.(对不起。)54

53.(I m)sorry.(对不起。)55

54.I m sorry.(对不起/很难过。)56

55.Could you tell me the way to...?(请问到……怎么走?)57

56.Could you tell me how can get to...?(请问到……怎么走?)58

57.Go down this street.(沿着这条街走。)59

58.Come this way.(从这边走。)60

59.Can I help you?(你要什么?)61

60.What can I do for you?(你要买什么?)61

61.May I try it/them on?(我试穿一下可以吗?)62

62.How much does it cost?(这个花多少钱?)63

63.What s the price of...?(……价格是多少?)65

64.It cost me twenty dollars?(这东西花了我20美元。)66

65.I paid $200.00 for a CD-Rom.(我花了200美元买了一台光驱。)67

66.I ll take it/them.(我买了。)68

67.What s the weather like?(天气怎样?)69

68.How is the weather?(天气怎样?)69

69.It s nice and...(非常(很)……)70

70.Yes,isn t it?(是呀,可不是吗?)71

71.I agree with you.(我同意你(的意见)。)72

72.I agree to it.(我同意这个意见。)73

73.I don t think so.(我不这样认为。)74

74.That s it. (对了。/就这样。)75

75.By all means.(当然/一定。)76

76.By no means!(当然不行!)77

77.I m afraid not.(我想不是。)78

78.I prefer A to B.(我喜欢A不大喜欢B。)79

79.I prefer to read rather than watch TV.(我更喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。)80

80.I d prefer you did not go there alone.(我倒希望你不要单独前往。)81

81.I would rather die than give in.(宁死不屈。)82

82.I don t care for...(我不喜欢……)83

83.What s the matter?(怎么了?/有什么不舒服?)84

84.What s wrong with you?(你怎么了?/你有什么不舒服?)85

85.What s happened to him?(他出什么事了?/他怎么了?)86

86.I ve caught a bad cold.(我感冒了。)87

87.I m coming down with...(我要患……)88

88.I m running a fever./I m feverish.(我在发烧。)89

89.I ll have your temperature taken.(我让人给你量一下体温。)90

90.Have you got the time?(几点了?)91

91.What s the time,please?(请问几点了?)92

92.What day is(it)today?(今天星期几?)92

93.What day of the week is(it)today?(今天星期几?)93

94.What s the date today?(今天是几号?)94

95.It s fifteen(minutes)to nine.(现在是8点45分。)95

96.It s five past eleven.(现在是10点5分。)96

97.It s out of order.(它坏了(出了毛病)。)97

98.It s time to do sth.(该去做某事了。)98

99.It s high time you went home. (你早该回家了。)99

100.It s time for supper.(该吃晚饭了。)101

101.I suggest that sb. do sth.(我建议某人做某事。)101

102.They suggested going to the seashore.(他们建议去海边。)103

103.Why not visit the Great Wall?(为什么不游览长城呢?)104

104.Why not!(为什么不呢!)105

105.How about sleeping?(睡觉怎样?)106

106.You d better do...(你最好……)107

107.Watch out!(当心!)109

108.Take care!(保重!)111

109.What a pity!(太可惜了!太令人遗憾了!)112

110.What a shame!(真可惜。)113

111.Bad luck.(真可惜。)114

112.I m glad to hear that.(听了你的话我十分高兴。)115

113.I m delighted to hear that.(听了你的话我十分高兴。)116

114.Well done!(做得好!)117


116.What a lovely day!(天气真好!)119

117.How nice!(多漂亮!)120

118.I mean...(我的意思是说……)121

120.How old are you?(你多大年纪了?)123

119.What do you mean by...?(你说……是什么意思?)123

121.What s your age?(你多大年纪了?)124

122.Here you are.(给你。)126

123.Here it is.(给你。)127

124.Where s the toilet,please?(厕所在什么地方?)127

125.Could I have your name?(请你告诉我你的名字好吗?)129

126.I m calling to find out...(我打电话是要知道……)130


128.Let me put it another way. (让我换一种说法。)132

129.What I m trying to say is...(我想说的是……)133

130.I am Chinese.(我是中国人。)134

131.I m a Chinese.(我是中国人。)135

132.He is in hospital.(他生病住院了。)136

133.He s in the hospital.(我现在在医院。)137

134.How beautiful it is!(多美啊!)138

135.How he works!(他干得多带劲!)139

136.Here comes the bus!(汽车来了!)140

137.I have a hard time doing sth.(我做某事感到难。)141

138.I have some trouble in doing sth.(我做某事感到难。)142

139.How come...?(为什么……?)143

140.I m your friend ,aren t I?(我是你的朋友,是吧?)144

141.Then you are not a tourist guide,are you?(那么,你不是导游,是吗?)146

143.What s your job?(你干什么工作?)148

142.What do you do?(你是干什么的?)148

144.You(I)can make it at + 时间(把时间定在……)149

145.I m afraid I won t be able to see you.(恐怕我不能见你。)150

146.I don t mind.(无所谓/随便。)151

147.Come in,please.(请进。)152

148.Excuse me a minute.(对不起,我得离开一会儿。)153

149.Here s to success in your new job.(祝你在新的工作中取得成就。)154

150.I m pleased with it/them.(我对它(们)很满意。)155

151.I m satisfied with your work. (我对你的工作很满意。)156

152.Let me see.(让我看看(想想)。)156

153.Put it/them on ,please.(请把它(们)穿(戴)上。)157

154.Dress yourself.(请把衣服穿上。)158

155.She has on a mini-skirt.(她常穿迷你裙。)159

156.He wears well.(他穿着讲究。)160

157.Don t worry.(不用担心(着急)。)161

158.I ll ring sb. up.(我给某人打电话。)162

159.I ll call you up later.(回来,我给你打电话。)163

160.Welcome back!(欢迎你(们)回来!)164

161.Welocme to China!(欢迎来中国!)165

162.It doesn t matter.(没关系。)166

163.Have you got any change?(你有零钱吗?)167

164.Let s call it a day.(今天就到此为止。)168

165.Let s get to the point.(咱们来谈谈要点吧。)169

166.We are in the same boat.(我们的处境相同。)170

167.What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?)171

168.It s out of the question.(这是不可能的。)172

169.Suit yourself.(请便。)174

170.Once in a lifetime.(一生中难得的一次。)175

171.This milk has gone bad.(这牛奶坏了。)176

172.It doesn t make any difference.(这没关系/没差别。)177

173.Hardly had he sat down when the bell rang.(他刚一坐下,电话铃就响了。)178

174.No sooner had we got home than it began pouring.(我们刚一到家大雨便倾盆而下。)179

175.He will come in two days.(他两天后回来。)180

176.We started early so that we couldget there on time.(我们早起为的是能准时到达那里。)181

177.It is no use doing sth.(做这件事没有用。)182

178.He robbed me of my watch.(他抢了我的表。)183

179.He stole a watch from a shop.(他在店里偷了一块表。)185

180.How often do you...?(你多长时间……一次?)186

181.I hope you re better soon.(愿你早日康复。)187

182.Better late than never.(迟到总比不到好。)188

183.Did you have a good time?(你(们)玩得好吗?)189

184.Did you enjoy yourself at the party?(晚会上你玩得开心吗?)190

185.That ll be fine.(那太好了。)191

186.Nice seeing(meeting,talking to)you.(见到你(同你谈话)真愉快。)192

187.Come on!(来(快呀)!)193

188.Come on!(加油!)194

189.Have you ever been to sp.?(你去过某地吗?)195

190.He s gone to Guangzhou.(他去广州了。)196

191.He s (a little)weak in...(他在……(有点)差。)197

192.China is not poor in orl.(中国不是贫油国。)198

193.It s a bad line.((电话)线路不好。)199

194....if possible.(……如果有可能。)200

195....used to do sth.(……过去经常做某事。)201

196.I m used to it.(我对这习惯了。)202

197.I want some information about flights to....(我想问一下飞往……班机情况。)203

198.By cheque or in cash?(付支票还是付现金?)204

199.Forget it!(没关系!)205

200.May I take your order?(点菜吗?)207

201.That goes without saying.(那用不着说。)208

202.It s more or less finished.(这项工作差不多完工了。)209

203.Twenty minutes or so.(20分钟左右。)210

204.I hope not.(希望不至如此。)211

205.What on earth...?(到底(究竟)……?)212

206....if you like.(……随便。)214

207....if you like.(就算……吧。)215

208.We are fully booked.(房间都订满了。)216

209....win the first place.(……得了第一名。)217

210.So do we.(我们也如此。)218

211.So we do.(我们就这样做。)219

212.I m not a little tired.(我很累。)220

213.I don t like doing.(我觉得……不好。)221

214.I don t like to do....(我不喜欢干……。)222

215.He studies...as well as....(他不但学习……而且学习……。)223

216.He studies not only...but also....(他不但学习……而且学习……。)224

217.The boy was afraid to wake up his father.(这男孩不敢叫醒他爸爸。)225

218.The boy was afraid of beingscolded by his father.(这男孩担心他爸爸责备他。)226

219.You helped him,as well as I.(你我都帮助过他。)227

220.You helped him,as well as me.(你帮了他的忙,也帮了我的忙。)228

221.We re of the same age.(我们都是同龄人。)229

222.You can t praise him too highly.(你不论怎样赞扬他也不过分。)230

223.Happiness consists of struggle and work.(幸福是由斗争和工作组成的。)231

224.I heard from Mike yesterday.(昨天我收到了麦克的信。)232

225.I heard of Mike yesterday.(昨天我了解了麦克的情况。)233

226.He must have painted the roof.(他一定粉刷了屋顶。)234

227.I remember to do sth.(我记着去做某事。)235

228.I remember doing sth.(我记得做过某事。)236

229.So it is(was)with....(……也如此。)237

230.He stopped to read.(我停下来去看书。)238

231.He stopped reading.(他停止看书。)239

232.My shoes need mending.(我的鞋需要修理。)240

233.So long as I live,I will devore myselfto the cause of world peace.(只要我活着,我就献身世界和平事业。)241

234.He is to arrive at seven.(他预定7点到。)242

235.He is about to go.(他刚要走。)243

236.He is too old to do it.(他太老了,不能做这件事。)244

237.She is too ready to talk.(她爱说话。)245

238.She is only too pleased to do so.(她非常高兴这么做。)246

239.Work hard and you will succeed.(好好干,你就会成功。)246

240.Hurry up or we will be late.(快点,不然的话我们就迟到了。)247

241.Young as he is,he knows a lot.(虽然他很年轻,他懂得很多。)248

242.It seams that no one knows about it.(似乎没人知道这件事。)249

243.It seems as if it were going to snow.(天似乎要下雪。)250

244.This paper is made from rags.(这种纸用破布制造。)250

245.I served in the army for three years.(我曾当过3年兵。)252

246.He s been in the army for three years.(他当兵已经3年了。)252

247.It is three years since I joined the army.(我参军已经3年了。)253

248.He means to pass the exam.(他意欲通过这次考试。)254

249.This car belongs to me.(这辆车属于我。)255

250.I couldn t care less.(我最不在乎。)255

251.I wonder if you care to come here.(不知道你是否愿意来。)256

252.This book is worth reading.(此书值得一读。)257

253.This film is worthy of being seen.(这部电影值得看。)258

254.All that glitters is not gold.(发光的东西未必都是黄金。)259

255.He is anything but a scientist.(他决非一个科学家。)260

256.He is nothing but a doctor.(他只不过是一个医生。)261

257.He is all but a fool.(他几乎是个傻子。)262

258.It was not long before the wholecountry rose up.(时间不长,全国就起义了。)263

259.Is that so?(真的吗?)264

260.I think so.(我这样认为。)264

261.Don t get me wrong.(别误解我。)265

262.Get it?(明白吗?)266

263.What you say is out of the question.(你说的是办不到的。)267

264.He did it alone out of question.(他独自做是没问题的。)268

265.Help oneself to sth.(随便吃(喝)……)269

266.Make yourself at home.(不必拘束。)270

267.He came in flower in hand.(他手里拿着一朵花进来了。)270

268.Tom is always talking to me.(汤姆老是同我讲话。)271

269.It is five days since he stayed here.(他离开这里已有5天了。)273

270.That s just the point.(这就是问题的要害。)275

271.Are you here on holiday?(你是来这里度假吗?)276

272.This is my first visit to Shaolin Temple.(这是我第一次参观少林寺。)277

273.Let s get down to business.(让我们开始谈业务吧。)278

274.It took me an hour to walk there.(我步行到那里用了一个小时。)279

275.He spent two hours(in)watching TV.(他花了两个小时看电视。)280

276.I m looking forward to seeing him.(我在盼着见到他。)282

277.I finished reading this book.(我看完了这本书。)282

278.He insisted that she(should)be present at the meeting.(他坚持她出席会议。)284

279.Never shall I forget it.(我将永远忘不了那件事。)285

280.Only in this way can we do it better.(只有这样才能把这件事干得更好。)286

281.Can you keep an eye on my bag?(您能帮我照看一下我的书包吗?)287

282.Let s keep in touch.(咱们要保持联系啊。)288

283.That s a steal.(那真便宜。)289

284.They may be out of stock.(这些可能缺货。)290

285.I couldn t help it.(我没办法。)291

286.I cannot help crying.(我情不自禁地哭了。)292

287.Are you going to turn up at the meeting?(你将到会吗?)293

288.It slipped my mind.(我忘得一干二净。)294

289.I hate this rush hour traffic.(我恨这交通高峰期。)295

290.Far from it!(绝对没那回事!)296

291.I have to brush up on my English.(我得温习我的英语。)297

292.I m fed up with him.(我受够了。)298

293.You can t count on us.(你不要指望我们。)299

294.I d like a refund. (我想退钱。)300

295.I ll do my best.(我尽力吧。)301

296.I ve talked till I m blue in the face.(我直到说到没词了。)302

297.You d be better off staying here.(从长计议,你留下来好。)303

298.It doesn t work.(它不走了。)304

299.It s better than nothing.(总比什么都没有强。)305


301.I m not myself today.(我今天心神不定。)307

302.I d like to ask for a raise.(我想要求加薪。)308

303.Am I going to the States for good?(我要去美国久居吗?)309

304.After you,please.(您先走,请。)310

305.What make is it?(它是什么牌号?)311

306.It s up in the air.(此事尚未确定。)312

307.Where was I?(我讲到哪里了?)313

308.It s up to you.(由你决定。)314

309.Did you get the day off?(你那天休假了吗?)315

310.Can you drop me off at the bank?(你能把我送到那家银行吗?)316

311.Do you need a lift?(你需要搭车吗?)317

312.I ll pick you up at the entrance.(我到门口去接你。)318

313.I have a ride.(有人载我。)319

314.You re asking me out!(你在邀我出去!)320

315.How large is your party?(你们有多少人?)321

316.Let s go Dutch.(咱们各付各的帐吧。)322

317.In other words.(换言之。)323

318.It will serve your purpose.(它对你会有用的。)324

319.I draw a line at spending much.(我为花多少钱做了限定。)325

320.I put my foot in it.(我干了蠢事了。)326

321.Please take it easy.(别紧张。)327

322.I have to learn how to cut corners.(我得学着节俭点儿。)328

323.I ll put in a word for you.(我将替你美言。)329

324.Bill White is in charge of it.(比尔·怀特负责此事。)330

325.So much the better.(这更好。)331

326.Just to be on the safe side.(只是为了保险。)332

327.Smoking or non-smoking?(吸烟区还是禁烟区?)332

328.He s tied up.(他走不开。)334

329.Could you speak up,please?(请你大声点儿好吗?)335

330.Do you want a go?(你想试一试吗?)336


332.Happy New Year!(新年好!)337


334.Can I get you a drink?(我能给您拿点饲料吗?)339

335.He doesn t just scratch the surface,either.(他也不是仅仅学些表面的东西。)340

336.It must be a close match.(这场比赛一定势均力敌。)341

337.It all depends.(那要看情况了。)342

338.I hope you saved room for dessert.(我希望你有点儿量吃甜食。)343

339.What s up,Ted?(泰德,怎么回事?)344

340.I ll give you a rain check.(我改日再请你。)345

341.We can take turns driving.(我们可以轮流开车。)346

342.Let s make the most of our weekend.(咱们好好利用我们的周末。)347

343.I took it for granted that you are good friends.(我以为你们是好朋友呢。)348

344.We can always make room for one more.(我们总能多安排一个人的位置。)349

345.Can you give a hand with this desk?(你能帮助我搬下这张桌子吗?)350

346.I ll make short work of this.(我会很快地干完这项工作。)351

347.We should get rid of it.(我们应把它淘汰掉。)353

348.Here s to your health!(为了你的健康干杯!)354


350.I can t express myself very well in English.(我不能用英语很好地表达我自己。)356

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出国常用英语短句(1992 PDF版)
1992 世界图书出版公司广州分公司
英语常用词句活用法(1977年10月第1版 PDF版)
航海英语常用句  800( PDF版)
航海英语常用句 800
常用科技英语句例(1986 PDF版)
1986 广州:广东科技出版社
日语常用句型便览(1983 PDF版)
1983 台湾:鸿儒堂出版社
英语常用词句活用法(1977 PDF版)
1977 北京:大众出版社
大学英语写作常用句型(1996 PDF版)
1996 上海:上海外语教育出版社
英语口语常用句手册(1997 PDF版)
1997 北京:中国书籍出版社
常胜英语句型析(1999 PDF版)
1999 北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
英语句型(1984 PDF版)
1984 南宁:广西人民出版社
英语常用动词句型手册(1992 PDF版)
1992 成都:成都科技大学出版社
妙语连珠-常见常听的英美口语一千句(1977 PDF版)
1977 北京:商务印书馆
汉语常见句型的用法(1981 PDF版)
1981 北京:新华出版社
大学英语常用词句型搭配(1994 PDF版)
1994 上海:复旦大学出版社