《计算机专业英语》求取 ⇩


1 Introduction5

1.1 General Skills5

1.1.1 Word Skills5

1.1.2 Reading Skills7

1.2 A Skeleton of English Textbook9

1.2.1 Book cover9

1.2.2 Copyright10

1.2.3 Contents12

1.2.4 Preface14

1.2.5 Acknowledgments16

1.2.6 Appendix17

1.2.8 Index19

1.2.7 Glossary19

1.2.9 Bibliography20

1.3 Reading Guide21

1.3.1 Book cover21

1.3.2 Copyright21

1.3.3 Acknowledgments21

1.3.4 Appendix22

1.3.5 Glossary22

1.3.6 Index22

1.3.7 Bibliography22

2 Number Systems23

2.1 The Decimal System23

2.2 The Binary System25

2.3 Counting in the Binary System27

2.4 Binary Addition and Subtraction29

2.5 Binary Multiplication and Division31

2.6 Converting Decimal to Binary33

2.7 Reading Guide36

2.7.1 The decimal system36

2.7.2 The binary system37

2.7.3 Counting in the binary system37

2.7.4 Binary addition and subtraction38

2.7.5 Binary multiplication and division38

2.7.6 Converting decimal to binary38

2.8 Problems and Points to Ponder38

3 Boolean Algebra and Gate Network43

3.1 Introduction43

3.2 Basic Concepts of Boolean Algebra45

3.3 Logical Multiplication47

3.4 OR Gates & AND Gates & Inverters48

3.5 Complementation and Inverters50

3.6 Evaluation of Logical Expressions52

3.7 Reading Guide55

3.7.1 Introduction55

3.7.2 Basic concepts of Boolean algebra55

3.7.3 Logical multiplication56

3.7.4 OR gates AND gates56

3.7.5 Complementation and inverters56

3.7.6 Evaluation of logical expressions57

3.8 Problems and Points to Ponder57

4 Date Structures60

4.1 Building Blocks60

4.2 Vectors61

4.3 Arrays68

4.4.1 Selection74

4.4 Sort74

4.4.2 Bubble75

4.5 Reading Guide76

4.5.1 Building blocks76

4.5.2 Vectors77

4.5.3 Arrays77

4.5.4 Selection78

4.5.5 Bubble78

4.6 Problems and Points to Ponder79

5 High-level Language82

5.1 PASCAL82

5.1.1 INTEGER values82

5.1.2 Data and data types83

5.1.3 Constants and variables85

5.1.4 Definitions and declarations87

5.1.5 Assignment statements90

5.2 C93

5.3 Reading Guide99

5.3.1 Integer values99

5.3.2 Data and data types99

5.3.3 Constants and variables100

5.3.4 Definitions and declarations100

5.3.5 Assignment statements101

5.3.6 A C sample program101

5.4 Problems and Points to Ponder102

6 Operating System104

6.1 Opening Remarks104

6.2 Generations ofOperating Systems106

6.3 Unbundling of Softwareand Hardware111

6.4 Future Trends113

6.5.1 Opening remarks115

6.5.2 Generations of operating system115

6.5 Reading Guide115

6.5.3 Unbundling of software and hardware116

6.5.4 Futuretrends117

6.6 Problems and Points to Ponder117

7 Computer Virus121

7.1 What is a Computer Virus?121

7.2 Affection of Computer Viruses122

7.3 Recommendations124

7.4 A Guide for Technical Management126

7.5 Common Viruses129

7.6 Summary131

7.7.2 Affection of computer viruses132

7.7 Reading Guide132

7.7.1 What is a computer virus?132

7.7.3 Recommendations133

7.7.4 A guide for technical management133

7.8 Problems and Points to Ponder134

8 Internet136

8.1 Electronic Mail136

8.2 Mailing Lists141

8.3 Internet Glossary144

8.4 Reading Guide155

8.4.1 Electronic mail155

8.4.2 Mailing lists156

8.5 Problems and Points to Ponder156


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计算机专业英语(1995 PDF版)
1995 北京:北京理工大学出版社
计算机专业英语( PDF版)
计算机专业英语阅读(1995年09月第1版 PDF版)
计算机专业英语教学参考书( PDF版)
计算机专业英语  专刊( PDF版)
计算机专业英语 专刊
计算机专业英语阅读  第2版(1995 PDF版)
计算机专业英语阅读 第2版
1995 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
计算机专业英语(1996 PDF版)
1996 上海:上海科学技术文献出版社
计算机专业英语(1997 PDF版)
1997 北京:高等教育出版社
计算机专业英语  英汉对照(1999 PDF版)
计算机专业英语 英汉对照
1999 北京:电子工业出版社
计算机专业英语  新版(1999 PDF版)
计算机专业英语 新版
1999 北京:高等教育出版社
计算机专业英语教程(1999 PDF版)
1999 北京:高等教育出版社
计算机专业英语(1996 PDF版)
1996 北京:北京大学出版社
计算机英语(1994 PDF版)
1994 北京:电子工业出版社
计算机专业英语  下  第2版(1998 PDF版)
计算机专业英语 下 第2版
1998 北京:电子工业出版社
计算机专业英语  上(1997 PDF版)
计算机专业英语 上
1997 北京:电子工业出版社