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For this outline of events I have drawn heavily from the fuller'Chronological Outline'in John Robert Moore's Daniel Defoe:Citizen of the Modern World(1958)1660

Born in London.son of James Foe,a tallow-chandler of Flemish ancestry1660

As a result of the Act of Uniformity the Foe family left the Church of England and became Presbyterian Dissenters 21662

(?)-79 Attended a dissenter's academy at Newington Green and planned to ent?er the Presbyterian ministry 141674

Renounced his intention to become a minister 211681

Established as a merchant in various trades near the Royal Exchange in London.Published his first political tract 231683

Married Mary Tuffley,who brought him a large dowry,bore him seven children,and was apparently devoted to him through all his political sufferings and financial hardships 241684

Took part in Monmouth's Rebellion 251685

-92 As a merchant,ship-owner and importer of various com-modities,he travelled extensively in Great Britain and on the Continent.In 1692 he was declared bankrupt for ? 17,000 251685

Admitted to the Butchers' Company by virtue of his father's membership.Published a pamphlet supporting the Revolution of 1688 and began long years of service to William III,whose confidential advisor he would later become 281688

-1 Made his first contributions to periodicals in Dunton's Athenian Mercury 301690

Published An Essay Upon Projects 371697

The True-Born Englishman,a poem defending William and his Dutch origins 411701

-3 Death ot William ended Defoe's chances for political advance-ment.Published The Shortest Way with the Dissenters,a satire attacking Anglican intolerance Taken as a political prisoner and sentenced to stand in the pillory,he was finally released fr1702

-13 Edited the Review,a journal in which he wrote about political,commercial,and religious topics 441704

A True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs.Veal,the first of his narrative writings 461706

Arrested several times for debt and for controversial political writings 531713

The Family Instructor,the first of his didactic treatises 551715

The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,followed within several months by its sequel,The Farther Adven-lures 591719

Memoirs of a Cavalier;The Life,Adveutures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton;Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusne 601720

The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famnous Moll Flanders;Religious Courtship;A Journal of the Plague Year;The History of the Remarkable Life of the truly Honourable Colonel Jacque 621722

The Fortunate Mistress(Roxana);A General History of the Pyrates;A Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain;A New Voyage Round the World 641724

The Compleat English Tradesmen(Second Volume,1727) 651725

An Essay on the History and Reality of Apparitions;A New Family Instructor 671727

A Plan of the English Commerce 681728

Died'of a lethargy'in Ropemaker's Alley,London 711731

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