《大学英语写作测试练习》求取 ⇩


Part One An Introduction to College English Guided Writing 第一部分 大学英语写作指导1

Part Two A Guided Writing Practice for Examinatiens 第二部分 分题型有指导的命题作文练习20

Ⅰ.Guided Writing by Giving the First Sentence of Each Paragrph 根据段首句作文20

Ⅱ.Guided Writing Based on Given Picture(s) 看图作文24

10.The Structure of a Book 书的结构24

9.The Oceans—Man's Last Great Resources 海洋——人类最终的资源宝库24

8.Is Tourism a Good Thing? 旅游业的利弊24

7.Patriotism 爱国主义24

6.Buying a Pocket Calculator 购袖珍计算器24

5.Travelling by Train 火车旅行24

4.Exercise in Our Daily Life 日常锻练24

3.The One-child Family 独苗家庭24

2.On the New Year's Eve 除夕之夜24

1.A Forgetful Person 健忘者24

Ⅲ.Guided Writing Basedon Given Graph(s) 看图表作文31

20.A Careless Person 粗枝大叶的人31

19.The Flood 雨涝成灾31

18.A Relay Race 接力赛跑31

17.What a Clever Idea 锦囊妙计31

16.Against a Robbery 打击抢击犯31

15.Mr Smith and His Robot 史密斯智斗机器人31

14.The Water Cycle 水的循环31

13.Hurrying Home in the Rain 冒雨返家31

12.A Bitter Experience in My Childhood 童年时代的痛苦经历31

11.By Bicycle or On Foot 骑车还是徒步31

Ⅳ.Guided Writing Based on Given Situation 根据情景作文37

30.The Wonderful Machine 奇妙的机器37

29.Attendance at Science Club Meeting 科协会议出席情况表37

28.Use of Club Membership Dues 会费用途报表37

27.An Introduction to the Library 图书馆简介37

26.Some of My Classmates 同窗好友37

25.Education System in China 中国的教育制度37

24.The United Kingdom 联合王国37

23.Mr Smith's Office 史密斯先生的办公室37

22.Pressure Increases with Depth 水压随水深而增37

21.Grade “Inflation” 分数贬值37

Ⅴ.Guided Writing with Given Key Words 用关键词作文40

40.Bicycle in China 中国——自行车之乡40

39.We Should Use Our Natural Resources 开发自然资源40

38.It's Never Too Late for Success 大器晚成40

36.Share Your Cars 合用轿车40

37.An Application for a Scholarship 申请奖学金40

34.A Talkative Person 绕舌者40

33.Television and Newspaper 电视与报纸40

32.A Letter of Apology 一封道歉信40

31.To Choose a Flat 挑选住房40

35.My First Swim in a Pool 初入泳池40

47.The Helpful Features of Textbooks 教科书的便利之处44

Part Three Model Compositions of Guided Writing Practice for Examinations 第三部分 应试命题作文练习参考范文44

50.Difficulties in Learning English 英语难学44

49.The Other Side of City Life 都市生活的弊端44

48.Advertisements 广而告之44

45.Finding a Particular Book in the Library 图书馆查书44

46.A Few Remarks on Competition 略论竞争44

44.the United Nations 联合国44

43.Better by Bike 骑车为好44

42.Good Holiday the Cheaper Way 少化钱度好假44

41.An Awful Day When Everything Goes Wrong 万事不顺的一天44

Part Four Brief Analysis of Students'Compositions 第四部分 学生习作评析64

Part Five Guided Writing Practice 第五部分 命题作文练习71

19.A Request for a Letter of Reference 恳请他人写推荐信81

18.Choosing a Career 选职业81

20.School Uniforms 校服81

17.Apply for a Temporary Job 申请一份临时工作81

16.Dance or Not Dance 关于跳舞的议论81

15.Manned Space Flights 载人宇航81

14.The Distribution of Accidents 事故发生率81

21.The Uses of Clothes 衣着之功用81

22.The Traffic Accident 交通事故81

23.Value Your Time 珍惜时间81

24.I Buy the OneI Like 购买中意的东西81

25.Tom's Apartment 汤姆的住所81

Part Six ModelCompositionsforReference 第六部分 参考范文81

4.Mountaineering 登山运动81

13.A Slide Projector 幻灯放映机81

12.Man—the Slow Runner 人的步速较慢81

11.Recommend a Suitable Dictionary 推荐一本合适的词典81

10.If You Don't Buy It for Me 非买不可81

9.Bad Luck 运气不佳81

8.An Absent-minded Person 丢三忘四的人81

7.New Foolish Old Man 当代愚公81

6.Mr Green and His New Shirt 格林先生的新衬衫81

5.The Old Days Are Gone 昔日不再来81

3.Success or Failure? 成功还是失败81

2.Reading Hygiene 阅读时的眼晴保健81

1.The Disadvatages ofTruck Drivers'Life 当卡车司机的难处81

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