《现代经济学辞典》求取 ⇩






abatement cost 除害成本1

ability and earnings 能力与收入1

ability to pay theory 支付能力理论,(负税能力说)1

ACCB 非洲中央银行协会1

abatement cost 除害成本1

ability and earnings 能力与收入1

ability to pay theory 支付能力理论,(负税能力说)1

absentee landlord 遥领地主2

absolute advantage 绝对优势2

absolute cost advantage 绝对成本优势2

absolute income hypothesis 绝对收入假说2

absolute income hypothesis 绝对收入假说2

absenteeism 旷工2

abnormal profits 非正常利润2

above the line 线上预算2

abscissa 横坐标2

absenteeism 旷工2

abnormal profits 非正常利润2

absentee landlord 遥领地主2

above the line 线上预算2

absolute advantage 绝对优势2

abscissa 横坐标2

absolute cost advantage 绝对成本优势2

absolute monopoly 绝对垄断3

absolute prices 绝对价格3

absolute monopoly 绝对垄断3

absolute value 绝对值3

absorption appraoch 吸收分析法3

abstinece 节欲3

absolute scarcity 绝对稀缺3

absolute prices 绝对价格3

absolute scarcity 绝对稀缺3

absolute value 绝对值3

absorption appraoch 吸收分析法3

abstinece 节欲3

accelerated depreciation 加速折旧4

accelerating inflation 加速性通货膨胀4

accelerator 加速数4

accelerator coefficient 加速系数4

accelerator principle 加速原理4

acceptance 承兑4

accepting house 承兑行4

accelerated depreciation 加速折旧4

accepting house 承兑行4

accelerating inflation 加速性通货膨胀4

accelerator 加速数4

accelerator coefficient 加速系数4

accelerator principle 加速原理4

acceptance 承兑4

accession rate 加入率5

accession, treaty of 《加入条约》5

accessions tax 赠益税5

access/space trade-off model 位置/空间交替模型5

accommodating monetary policy 适应性货币政策5

accommodating transactions 适应性交易5

accession rate 加入率5

accession, treaty of 《加入条约》5

accessions tax 赠益税5

access/space trade-off model 位置/空间交替模型5

accommodating monetary policy 适应性货币政策5

accommodating transactions 适应性交易5

accrued expenses 应计费用6

achieving society, the 《有成就的社会》6

across-the-board tariff changes 全面改变关税6

account (1)帐户(2)结帐期6

accounting standards committe 会计标准委员会6

accrued expenses 应计费用6

achieving society, the 《有成就的社会》6

across-the-board tariff changes 全面改变关税6

account (1)帐户(2)结帐期6

accounting standards committe 会计标准委员会6

ACT 预付公司税7

action lag 行动时延7

action lag 行动时延7

active balance 活动余额7

activity analysis 活动分析7

activity rate 活动率7

adaptive expectations 适应性预期7

adding up problem 累加问题7

Additional worker Hypothesis 追加工人假说7

active balance 活动余额7

ACT 预付公司税7

Addition Rule 加法规则7

activity analysis 活动分析7

activity rate 活动率7

adaptive expectations 适应性预期7

adding up problem 累加问题7

Additional worker Hypothesis 追加工人假说7

Addition Rule 加法规则7

additive utility function 加性效用函数8

additive utility function 加性效用函数8

adjustment process 调整过程9

ADF 非洲发展基金9

adjustable peg system 可调钉住(汇率)制9

adjusted R■ 调整的R■9

adjustment lags 调整时延9

adjustment process 调整过程9

administered prices 操纵价格9

administered prices 操纵价格9

administrative leg 行政时延9

ad valorem tax 从价税9

administrative leg 行政时延9

ad valorem tax 从价税9

address principle 地址原则9

ADF 非洲发展基金9

adjustable peg system 可调钉住(汇率)制9

address principle 地址原则9

adjusted R■ 调整的R■9

adjustment lags 调整时延9

cost minimization 成本最小化10

advance 预付(垫款)10

Advance Corporation Tax(ACT) 预付公司税10

advance 预付(垫款)10

Advance Corporation Tax(ACT) 预付公司税10

advance refunding 提前转期10

advance refunding 提前转期10

advanced countries 发达国家10

advanced countries 发达国家10

cost minimization 成本最小化10

AFL—CIO 劳联-产联11

African Development Bank 非洲开发银行11

African Development Fund 非洲发展基金11

adverse balance 逆差11

advertising 广告宣传11

advertising-sales ratio 广告-销售比率11

AfDB 非洲开发银行11

Afticanization 非洲化11

AFL—CIO 劳联-产联11

African Development Bank 非洲开发银行11

adverse balance 逆差11

African Development Fund 非洲发展基金11

Afticanization 非洲化11

advertising 广告宣传11

advertising-sales ratio 广告-销售比率11

AfDB 非洲开发银行11

aggregate demand curve 总需求曲线12

aggregate demand curve 总需求曲线12

age-earnings profile 年龄-收入图12

Agency for International Of Deve-lopment 国际开发机构12

age-earnings profile 年龄-收入图12

Agency shop 工会代理制企业12

agglomeration economies 聚集经济12

Agency for International Of Deve-lopment 国际开发机构12

Agency shop 工会代理制企业12

agglomeration economies 聚集经济12

aggreate concentration 总体集中12

aggreate concentration 总体集中12

aggregate demand 总需求12

aggregate demand 总需求12

aggregate expenditure 总支出13

aggregate expenditure 总支出13

aggregate income 总收入13

aggregate output 总产出13

aggregate production function 总生产函数13

aggregate income 总收入13

aggregate output 总产出13

aggregate production function 总生产函数13

aggregate supply curve 总供给曲线14

aggregation problem 总合问题14

agrarian revolution 农业革命14

aggregate supply curve 总供给曲线14

aggregation problem 总合问题14

agrarian revolution 农业革命14

agricultural exports 出口农产品15

agricultural lag 农业滞后15

agricultural levies 农业税15

agricultural credit corporation 农业信贷公司15

agricultural mortgage corporation农业抵押公司15

agricultural reform 农业改革15

agricultural earnings 农业收入15

agricultural exports 出口农产品15

agricultural lag 农业滞后15

agricultural levies 农业税15

agricultural mortgage corporation农业抵押公司15

agricultural reform 农业改革15

agricultural credit corporation 农业信贷公司15

agricultural earnings 农业收入15

Aitken estimator 艾特肯估计式16

agricultural wages board 农业工资局16

aid 援助16

Aitken estimator 艾特肯估计式16

agricultural wages board 农业工资局16

agricultural sector 农业部门16

Agricultural stabilization and Conser-vation Service(ASCS)农业稳定与保护服务机构16

agricultural subsidies 农业补贴16

aid 援助16

agricultural sector 农业部门16

Agricultural stabilization and Conser-vation Service(ASCS)农业稳定与保护服务机构16

agricultural subsidies 农业补贴16

alienation 异化17

allen,sir Roy George Douglas 艾伦,罗伊·乔治·道格拉斯爵士17

allocation function 配置功能17

allocative efficiency 配置效率17

allowances and expenses for corpo-ration tax 公司税的折让及支出17

alienation 异化17

allen,sir Roy George Douglas 艾伦,罗伊·乔治·道格拉斯爵士17

allocation function 配置功能17

allocative efficiency 配置效率17

allowances and expenses for corpo-ration tax 公司税的折让及支出17

allowances and expenses for income tax 所得税的折让及支出18

Almon lag 阿尔蒙滞后18

alpha coefficient 阿尔法系数18

alternative technology 备择技术18

altruism 利他主义18

amalgamation 联合18

American Depository Receipt(ADR) 美国受托人收据18

allowances and expenses for income tax 所得税的折让及支出18

Almon lag 阿尔蒙滞后18

alpha coefficient 阿尔法系数18

alternative technology 备择技术18

altruism 利他主义18

amalgamation 联合18

American Depository Receipt(ADR) 美国受托人收据18

American Selling Price 美国销售价格19

American Stock Exchange(ASE or AMEX)美国证券交易所19

American Federation of Labour(AFL) 美国劳工联合会19

American Selling Price 美国销售价格19

American Stock Exchange(ASE or AMEX)美国证券交易所19

American Federation of Labour(AFL) 美国劳工联合会19

AMF 阿拉伯货币基金会20

amplitude 振幅20

Amtorg 苏联对外贸易公司20

analysis of variance 方差分析20

anarchy 无政府主义20

anchor argument 制动器论点20

Andean group 安第斯集团20

amortization 分期偿还20

amplitude 振幅20

Amtorg 苏联对外贸易公司20

analysis of variance 方差分析20

AMF 阿拉伯货币基金会20

amortization 分期偿还20

anarchy 无政府主义20

anchor argument 制动器论点20

Andean group 安第斯集团20

annuity 年金21

anomalies,pay 破例报酬21

anticipated inflation 预期通货膨胀21

animal spirits 血气冲动21

Annecy round 阿纳西回合21

annual allowances 年度折让21

antilogarithm 反对数21

annual capital charge 年度资本开支21

annuity 年金21

anomalies,pay 破例报酬21

animal spirits 血气冲动21

anticipated inflation 预期通货膨胀21

antilogarithm 反对数21

Annecy round 阿纳西回合21

annual allowances 年度折让21

annual capital charge 年度资本开支21

anti-trust 反托拉斯22

appreciation 增值22

apprenticeship 学徒22

appropriate products 适用产品22

appropriate tecnhology 适用技术22

appropriation account 盈余分拨帐户22

anti-trust 反托拉斯22

apprenticeship 学徒22

approval voting 赞成投票22

appropriate products 适用产品22

appropriate tecnhology 适用技术22

appropriation account 盈余分拨帐户22

appreciation 增值22

approval voting 赞成投票22

a priori 先验的23

Aquinas,St.Thomas 阿奎那,圣托马斯23

Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 非洲经济发展阿拉伯银行23

Arab Common Market 阿拉伯共同市场23

a priori 先验的23

Aquinas,St.Thomas 阿奎那,圣托马斯23

Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 非洲经济发展阿拉伯银行23

Arab Fund for Economic and Social DeveloPment 阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会23

Arab Common Market 阿拉伯共同市场23

Arab Fund for Economic and Social DeveloPment 阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会23

Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to Arab and African countries 技术援助阿拉伯和非洲国家阿拉伯基金会24

arbitage 套利24

arbitration 仲裁24

Arab Monetary Fund 阿拉伯货币基金会24

arbitage 套利24

arbitration 仲裁24

are elasticity of demand 需求的弧弹性24

ARIMA Fcrecsts 综合自回归移动平均数预测24

are elasticity of demand 需求的弧弹性24

ARIMA Fcrecsts 综合自回归移动平均数预测24

Atistetle 亚里士多德24

arithmetle mean 算术平均数24

Atistetle 亚里士多德24

arithmetle mean 算术平均数24

arithmetic progression 算术级数24

Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to Arab and African countries 技术援助阿拉伯和非洲国家阿拉伯基金会24

Arab Monetary Fund 阿拉伯货币基金会24

arithmetic progression 算术级数24

assesable income or profit 应税收入或应税利润25

assessable proits 应税利润25

asset 资产25

asset stripping 资产掠夺25

Arrow,Kenneth J. 阿罗.肯尼思25

AsDB 亚洲开发银行25

ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟25

assesable income or profit 应税收入或应税利润25

‘A’shares “A”类股票25

Arrow,Kenneth J. 阿罗.肯尼思25

Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行25

assessable proits 应税利润25

AsDB 亚洲开发银行25

ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟25

asset 资产25

asset stripping 资产掠夺25

‘A’shares “A”类股票25

Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行25

Association of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN)东南亚国家联盟26

assurance 定险保险26

assignment problem 指派问题26

Association of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN)东南亚国家联盟26

assurance 定险保险26

assisted areas 受援地区26

Association af African central Banks 非洲中央银行协会26

Association of International Bond Dealers 国际债券交易商协会26

assignment problem 指派问题26

assisted areas 受援地区26

Association af African central Banks 非洲中央银行协会26

Association of International Bond Dealers 国际债券交易商协会26

asymptote 渐近值27

asymptotic distribution 渐近分布27

atomistie competition 原子式竞争27

attribute 属性27

attrition 消耗27

auctioneer(general) 拍卖人27

auction markets 拍卖市场27

augmented phillips curve 增广的菲利普斯曲线27

attrition 消耗27

auctioneer(general) 拍卖人27

asymptote 渐近值27

auction markets 拍卖市场27

augmented phillips curve 增广的菲利普斯曲线27

asymptotic distribution 渐近分布27

atomistie competition 原子式竞争27

attribute 属性27

automation 自动化28

austrian school 奥地利学派(奥国学派)28

austrian school 奥地利学派(奥国学派)28

autarky 自给自足28

autocorrelation 自相关28

automatic stabilizers 自动稳定器28

automation 自动化28

autarky 自给自足28

autocorrelation 自相关28

automatic stabilizers 自动稳定器28

availability effects 可得性效应29

average 平均数29

average cost 平均成本29

autonomous expenditures 自发支出29

autonomous investment 自发投资29

autonomous transactions 自发性交易29

autonomous variables 自主变量29

autoregression 自回归29

availability effects 可得性效应29

autonomous expenditures 自发支出29

autonomous investment 自发投资29

average 平均数29

average cost 平均成本29

autonomous transactions 自发性交易29

autonomous variables 自主变量29

autoregression 自回归29

average rate of tax 平均税率30

average cost pricing 平均成本定价法30

average expected income 平均预期30

average cost pricing 平均成本定价法30

average fixed costs 平均固定成本30

average product 平均产量30

average productivity 平均生产率30

average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向30

average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向30

average rate of tax 平均税率30

average expected income 平均预期30

average fixed costs 平均固定成本30

average product 平均产量30

average productivity 平均生产率30

average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向30

average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向30

average revenue 平均收益31

average revenue product 平均收益产品31

average total cost 平均总成本31

average revenue product 平均收益产品31

average total cost 平均总成本31

average variable costs 平均可变成本31

Averch-Johnson Effect 艾弗奇-约翰逊效应31

axiom of completeness 完备性公理31

axiom of continuity 连续性公理31

axiom of convexity 凸性公理31

axiom of dominance 优势公理31

average variable costs 平均可变成本31

Averch-Johnson Effect 艾弗奇-约翰逊效应31

axiom of completeness 完备性公理31

axiom of prcference 偏好公理31

axiom of continuity 连续性公理31

axiom of convexity 凸性公理31

axiom of dominance 优势公理31

axiom of prcference 偏好公理31

average revenue 平均收益31

axiom of selection 择取公理32

axiom of selection 择取公理32


backdoor finacing后门筹资33

back--haul rates 回程运费33

of labour 后向弯曲的劳动供给曲线33

backwash effects 倒流效应33

backward integration 后向联合33

backward linkage 后向连锁33


backwash effects倒流效应33

backdoor finacing 后门筹资33

back--haul rates 回程运费33

of labour 后向弯曲的劳动供给曲线33

backward integration 后向联合33

backward linkage 后向连锁33

balance of payments 国际收支34

bad 劣品34

'bad money drives out good' “劣币驱逐良币”34

Bagehot, Walter 巴奇霍特,沃尔特34

Balanced budget 平衡预算34

balanced-budget muItiplier 平衡预算乘数34

balanced economic deve1opment平衡的经济发展34

balanced growth 平衡增长34

balance of payments 国际收支34

bad 劣品34

'bad money drives out good' “劣币驱逐良币”34

Bagehot, Walter 巴奇霍特,沃尔特34

Balanced budget 平衡预算34

balanced-budget muItiplier 平衡预算乘数34

balanced economic deve1opment平衡的经济发展34

balanced growth 平衡增长34

balance of trade 贸易差额36

balance of trade 贸易差额36

Balance Principle, the 平衡原则36

Balance Principle, the 平衡原则36

balance sheet 资产负债表36

balance sheet 资产负债表36

bancor 班柯37

bank 银行37

bandwagon effect 赶潮效应37

bank 银行37

bancor 班柯37

bandwagon effect 赶潮效应37

bank edvance 银行预付38

bank bill 银行票据38

bank edvance 银行预付38

bank bill 银行票据38

Bank Charter Act 《银行特许法》39

bank credit 银行信贷39

bank deposits 银行存款39

Bank Charter Act 《银行特许法》39

bank credit 银行信贷39

bank deposits 银行存款39

Bank for International Settlements国际清算银行40

banking panic 银行恐慌40

Banking School 银行学派40

Bank for International Settlements国际清算银行40

banking panic 银行恐慌40

Banking School 银行学派40

Banknote 钞票41

Bank of England 英格兰银行41

bank loan 银行贷款41

Banknote 钞票41

Bank of England 英格兰银行41

bank loan 银行贷款41

Bank Of the United States 美国银行42

Bank Of the United States 美国银行42

Bank Rate (英格兰)银行贴现率43

bankruptcy 破产43

Baran,Paul 巴兰,保罗43

Baran,Paul 巴兰,保罗43

Bank Rate (英格兰)银行贴现率43

bankruptcy 破产43

bargaining tariff 协议关税44

bargaining theory of wages 工资谈判理论44

bargaining tariff 协议关税44

bargaining theory of wages 工资谈判理论44

bargaining unit 谈判单位45

Barlow Report 巴洛报告45

bargaining unit 谈判单位45

Barlow Report 巴洛报告45

barometric price leadership 晴雨表式价格领先46

barriers to entry 进入(行业的)壁垒46

barter 物物交换46

barometric price leadership 晴雨表式价格领先46

barriers to entry 进入(行业的)壁垒46

barter 物物交换46

barter agreements 易货协定46

barter agreements 易货协定46

barter economy 物物交换经济46

base period 基期46

barter economy 物物交换经济46

base period 基期46

base rate 基础利率46

basic activities 基本活动46

basic exports 基本出口品46

base rate 基础利率46

basic activities 基本活动46

basic exports 基本出口品46

basic needs philosophy 基本需要哲学47

basic wage rates 基本工资率47

basing-point system 基点制47

Bayesian techniques 贝叶斯方法47

basing-point system 基点制47

Bayesian techniques 贝叶斯方法47

basic idustries 基础工业47

basic needs philosophy 基本需要哲学47

basic wage rates 基本工资率47

basic idustries 基础工业47

bearer bonds 不记名债券48

bears 空头48

beggar-my-neighbour policies 以邻为壑政策48

behavioural equation 行为方程48

behavioural expectations 行为预期48

behavioural theories of the firm 企业(厂商)的行为理论48

bearer bonds 不记名债券48

bears 空头48

beggar-my-neighbour policies 以邻为壑政策48

behavioural equation 行为方程48

behavioural expectations 行为预期48

behavioural theories of the firm 企业(厂商)的行为理论48

below the line 线下预算49

benefit-cost analysis 收益-成本分析49

below the line 线下预算49

benefit-cost ratio 收益-成本比率49

benefit principle 受益原则49

benefit-cost analysis 收益-成本分析49

Benelux Economic Union 比荷卢经济联盟49

benefit-cost ratio 收益-成本比率49

benefit principle 受益原则49

Benelux Economic Union 比荷卢经济联盟49

Bergsonian Social Welfare Function 柏格森的社会福利函数50

Bernoulli Hypothesis 伯努利假设50

Bentham,Jeremy 边沁,杰里米50

Bentham,Jeremy 边沁,杰里米50

Bergsonian Social Welfare Function 柏格森的社会福利函数50

Bernoulli Hypothesis 伯努利假设50

Bertrand's duopoly model 伯特兰德双头垄断模型51

Best Linear Unbiased Estimator(BLUE)最佳线性无偏估计式51

betting and gaming duties 打赌和赌博税51

Beveridge Report 贝弗里奇报告51

Bertrand's duopoly model 伯特兰德双头垄断模型51

Best Linear Unbiased Estimator(BLUE)最佳线性无偏估计式51

betting and gaming duties 打赌和赌博税51

Beveridge Report 贝弗里奇报告51

‘Bis Bang’“大冲击”52

‘Bis Bang’“大冲击”52

bias 偏倚52

bid 出价52

bid-rent function 地租出价函数52

bifurcation hypothesis 分叉假说52

bias 偏倚52

bid 出价52

bid-rent function 地租出价函数52

bifurcation hypothesis 分叉假说52

‘Big Push’“大推动”53

bilateral assistance 双边援助53

‘Big Push’“大推动”53

bilateral assistance 双边援助53

bilateral monopoly 双边垄断53

bilateral trade 双边贸易53

bill 票据53

bilateral monopoly 双边垄断53

bilateral trade 双边贸易53

bill 票据53

bill broker 票据经纪人54

bill of exchange 汇票54

bills only 仅限于票据54

binary variable 双值变量54

biological interest rate 生物利息率54

bill broker 票据经纪人54

bill of exchange 汇票54

bills only 仅限于票据54

binary variable 双值变量54

biological interest rate 生物利息率54

blue chip 热门股票55

birth rate 出生率55

BIS 国际清算银行55

bivariate analysis 二元分析55

blue-collar workers 蓝领工人55

black market 黑市55

bliss point 满足点55

block grant 一揽子拨款55

blue book 蓝皮书55

blue chip 热门股票55

blue-collar workers 蓝领工人55

birth rate 出生率55

BIS 国际清算银行55

bivariate analysis 二元分析55

black market 黑市55

bliss point 满足点55

block grant 一揽子拨款55

blue book 蓝皮书55

Bohm-Bawerk.Eugen Von 庞巴维克,欧根·冯56

Bohm-Bawerk.Eugen Von 庞巴维克,欧根·冯56

bond 债券56

bond 债券56

bond market 债券市场57

bonus issue 红利股57

bond market 债券市场57

book value 帐面价值57

bonus issue 红利股57

boom 繁荣57

Borda Count 博尔达计数57

book value 帐面价值57

boom 繁荣57

Borda Count 博尔达计数57

bounded rationality 有限理性58

bourgeoisie 资产阶段58

Box-Jenkins 博克斯-詹金斯方法58

brain drain 人才外流58

branh banking 银行的分支行制度58

Boulwarism 博尔韦尔主义58

bounded rationality 有限理性58

bourgeoisie 资产阶段58

Box-Jenkins 博克斯-詹金斯方法58

brain drain 人才外流58

branh banking 银行的分支行制度58

Boulwarism 博尔韦尔主义58

Bretton Woods 布雷顿森林59

Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系59

Bretton Woods 布雷顿森林59

Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系59

Wager's law 瓦格纳定律59

brand loyalty 商标迷信59

break even analysis 收支相抵分析59

‘break-even’ level of income “收支相抵”收入水平59

brand loyalty 商标迷信59

break even analysis 收支相抵分析59

‘break-even’ level of income “收支相抵”收入水平59

British Technology Group 英国技术集团60

broker 经纪人60

Brussels Tariff Nomenclature 布鲁塞尔关税分类60

brokerage 经纪人佣金60

British Technology Group 英国技术集团60

broker 经纪人60

brokerage 经纪人佣金60

Brookings model 布罗金斯模型60

Brussels Treaty of 布鲁塞尔条约60

Brussels Conference 布鲁塞尔会议60

Brookings model 布罗金斯模型60

Brussels Treaty of 布鲁塞尔条约60

Brussels Conference 布鲁塞尔会议60

Brussels Tariff Nomenclature 布鲁塞尔关税分类60

budget 预算61

budget deficit 预算赤字61

budget line 预算线61

budget 预算61

budget deficit 预算赤字61

budget line 预算线61

budget surplus 预算盈余62

budgtary control 预算控制62

buffer stocks 缓冲存货62

building society 房屋互助协会62

bulls 多头62

budget surplus 预算盈余62

budgtary control 预算控制62

buffer stocks 缓冲存货62

building society 房屋互助协会62

bulls 多头62

built-in stabilizers 内在稳定器63

bullion 金银块63

bureaucracy,economic theory of 官僚经济理论63

built-in stabilizers 内在稳定器63

bullion 金银块63

bureaucracy,economic theory of 官僚经济理论63

bureaux 官僚机构64

business performance 经营实绩64

business risk 经营风险64

buyer concentration 买方集中64

buyers market 买方市场64

business cycle 商业周期64

business performance 经营实绩64

business risk 经营风险64

buyer concentration 买方集中64

buyers market 买方市场64

bureaux 官僚机构64

business cycle 商业周期64

cambridge equation 剑桥方程65

call money 活期借款(拆款)65

call option 购买期权65



Cambridge K 剑桥K65

Cambridge School of Economics 剑桥学派经济学65

call money 活期借款(拆款)65

cambridge equation 剑桥方程65

Cambridge K 剑桥K65

Cambridge School of Economics 剑桥学派经济学65

call option 购买期权65



capital account 资本项目66

capital accumulation 资本积累66

capital allowances 资本折让66

capital aset 资本资产66

Cambridge Theory of Money 剑桥货币理论66

CAP 共同农业政策66

capacity model 生产能力模型66

capacity utilization 能力利用度66

capital 资本66

capital account 资本项目66

capital accumulation 资本积累66

Cambridge Theory of Money 剑桥货币理论66

CAP 共同农业政策66

capital allowances 资本折让66

capital aset 资本资产66

capacity model 生产能力模型66

capacity utilization 能力利用度66

capital 资本66

capital asset pricing model 资本资产定价模型67

capital budgeting 资本预算67

capital charges 资本开支(费用)67

capital asset pricing model 资本资产定价模型67

capital budgeting 资本预算67

capital charges 资本开支(费用)67

capital consumption allowance 资本消耗折让68

capital coefficients 资本系数68

capital consumption allowance 资本消耗折让68

capital controversy 资本论战68

capital deepening 资本深化68

capital controversy 资本论战68

capital deepening 资本深化68

capital equipment 资本设备68

capital expenditure 资本支出68

capital equipment 资本设备68

capital expenditure 资本支出68

capital formation 资本形成68

capital coefficients 资本系数68

capital gain 资本收益(增值)68

capital formation 资本形成68

capital gain 资本收益(增值)68

capital gearing 资本搭配69

capital intensity 资本密集(集约)度69

capital goods 资本货物69

capital intensity 资本密集(集约)度69

capital gains tax 资本收益(增值)税69

capital gearing 资本搭配69

capital gains tax 资本收益(增值)税69

capital goods 资本货物69

capitalization issue 资本化发行70

capitalization rates 资本化率70

capital intensive 资本密集(集约)70

capital-intensive economy 资本密集型经济70

capital-intensive sector 资本密集型部门70

capital-intensive techniques 资本密集型技术70

capital, marginal efficiency 资本边际效率70

capital intensive 资本密集(集约)70

capital-intensive economy 资本密集型经济70

capital-intensive sector 资本密集型部门70

capital-intensive techniques 资本密集型技术70

capital, marginal efficiency 资本边际效率70

capitalism 资本主义70

capitalism 资本主义70

capitalization 资本化资本总额70

capitalization 资本化资本总额70

capitalization issue 资本化发行70

capitalization rates 资本化率70

capital market 资本市场71

capital movements 资本运动71

capital-output ratio 资本-产出比率71

capital rationing 资本限额配给71

capitalized value 资本化价值71

capital-labour ratio 资本-劳动比率71

capital-labour substitution 资本-劳动替代71

capital loss 资本亏损71

capital market 资本市场71

capital movements 资本运动71

capital-output ratio 资本-产出比率71

capital rationing 资本限额配给71

capitalized value 资本化价值71

capital-labour ratio 资本-劳动比率71

capital-labour substitution 资本-劳动替代71

capital loss 资本亏损71

capital requirements 必备资本72

capital-reversing 资本回转72

capital services 资本服务72

capital stock 资本存量72

capital stock adjustmdnt principle 资本存量调整原理72

capital structure 资本结构72

capital requirements 必备资本72

capital-reversing 资本回转72

capital services 资本服务72

capital stock 资本存量72

capital stock adjustmdnt principle 资本存量调整原理72

capital structure 资本结构72

capital tax 资本税73

capital theory 资本理论73

capital transfer tax 资本转移税73

capital turnover criterion 资金周转准则73

capital tax 资本税73

capital theory 资本理论73

capital transfer tax 资本转移税73

capital turnover criterion 资金周转准则73

capital widening 资本广化74

capital widening 资本广化74

capitation tax 人头税74

capture theory 挟制理论74

cardinalism 基数主义74

cardinal utility 基数效用74

capitation tax 人头税74

capture theory 挟制理论74

cardinalism 基数主义74

cardinal utility 基数效用74

cartel sanctions 卡特尔制裁75

cash 现金75

cash balance approach 现金余额分析法75

cash crops 现金作物(经济作物)75

cash flow 现金流量75

cartel sanctions 卡特尔制裁75

Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比发展银行75

cash 现金75

cash balance approach 现金余额分析法75

cash crops 现金作物(经济作物)75

cash flow 现金流量75

cash limit 现金限额75

cash limit 现金限额75

Caribbean Community and Common Market 加勒比共同体和共同市场75

cartel 卡特尔75

Caribbean Community and Common Market 加勒比共同体和共同市场75

Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比发展银行75

cartel 卡特尔75

cash ratio 现金比率76

casual employment 临时就业76

cash ratio 现金比率76

casual employment 临时就业76

categorical grant 分类拨款76

CBI 英国工业联合会76

categorical grant 分类拨款76

CBI 英国工业联合会76

ceiling 最高限额76

Celler-Kefauver Act 《塞勒-凯弗维尔法》76

ceiling 最高限额76

Celler-Kefauver Act 《塞勒-凯弗维尔法》76

central bank 中央银行77

central bank 中央银行77

Central American Bank for Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化银行77

Central American Bank for Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化银行77

Central American Common Market 中美洲共同市场77

Central American Common Market 中美洲共同市场77

Central Bank of Central Banks 中央银行的中央银行78

Central Bans Of West African States 西非国家中央银行78

central business district 中心商业区78

Central Bank of Central Banks 中央银行的中央银行78

centralization of reserves 储备集中化78

Central Limit Theorem 中心极限定理78

Central Bans Of West African States 西非国家中央银行78

central business district 中心商业区78

Central Place Theory 中心位置理论78

Central Planning 集中性计划78

Central Policy Review Staff 中央政策评论参谋部78

centralization of reserves 储备集中化78

Central Limit Theorem 中心极限定理78

Central Place Theory 中心位置理论78

Central Planning 集中性计划78

Central Policy Review Staff 中央政策评论参谋部78

chain rule 链式法则79

Chamberlin,Edward 张伯伦,爱德华79

Central Statistical Office 中央统计局79

Central Statistical Office 中央统计局79

certainty equivalence 确定性等价79

certainty equivalence 确定性等价79

certificate of deposit 存单79

CES production function CES生产函数79

ceteris paribus 假定其他情况不变79

chain rule 链式法则79

Chamberlin,Edward 张伯伦,爱德华79

certificate of deposit 存单79

CES production function CES生产函数79

ceteris paribus 假定其他情况不变79

characteristics theory 特色理论80

characteristics theory 特色理论80

charge account 赊购帐(零售)80

charged in full 全部费用80

charge account 赊购帐(零售)80

charged in full 全部费用80

cheap money 廉价货币(低息贷款)80

check-off 预扣80

cheque 支票80

cheap money 廉价货币(低息贷款)80

check-off 预扣80

cheque 支票80

cheque card 支票卡81

Chicago school 芝加哥学派81

child allowance 儿童折让81

chi-square distribution 卡埃方分布81

CIF 到岸价格81

CIO 产业工会联合会(产联)81

cheque card 支票卡81

Chicago school 芝加哥学派81

circular flow of income 收入循环流量81

child allowance 儿童折让81

chi-square distribution 卡埃方分布81

choice of technology 技术的选择81

choice variable 选择变量81

CIF 到岸价格81

CIO 产业工会联合会(产联)81

circular flow of income 收入循环流量81

choice of technology 技术的选择81

choice variable 选择变量81

classical economics 古典经济学82

Clark,John Bates 克拉克,约翰·贝茨82

classical dichotomy 古典的二分法82

classical economics 古典经济学82

circulating capital 周转(流动)资本82

circulating capital 周转(流动)资本82

Clark,John Bates 克拉克,约翰·贝茨82

classical dichotomy 古典的二分法82

classical school 古典学派83

‘classical’of company taxation“古典”公司税体系83

classical techniques 古典方法83

clay-clay 陶土-陶土83

clayton Act 克莱顿法83

clay-clay 陶土-陶土83

clayton Act 克莱顿法83

classical school 古典学派83

‘classical’of company taxation“古典”公司税体系83

classical techniques 古典方法83

clean float 完全浮动84

clean float 完全浮动84

clearing banks 清算银行(交换银行)84

clearing banks 清算银行(交换银行)84

clearing house 票据交换所84

clearing house 票据交换所84

closed economy 封闭经济85

closed shop 排外性雇佣制企业85

cliometrie 历史计量学85

closed economy 封闭经济85

closed shop 排外性雇佣制企业85

cliometrie 历史计量学85

closing-pries 收盘价格85

closing-pries 收盘价格85

Cobb-Douglas production function 科布-道格拉斯生产函数86

Club goods 俱乐部货物86

clubs,theory of 俱乐部理论86

Club goods 俱乐部货物86

coase■s theorem 科斯定理86

clubs,theory of 俱乐部理论86

Cobb-Douglas production function 科布-道格拉斯生产函数86

coase■s theorem 科斯定理86

Cochrane-Orcutt 柯克兰-奥克特法87

coefficiet of determination 可决系数87

Cobweb Theorem 蛛网定理87

Cobweb Theorem 蛛网定理87

Cochrane-Orcutt 柯克兰-奥克特法87

coefficiet of determination 可决系数87

coinage debasement 铸币减(低成)色88

coincident indicator 重合指标88

cofactor 余子式88

coinage 铸币88

coinage debasement 铸币减(低成)色88

coefficiet of variation 变差系数88

coincident indicator 重合指标88

coerelve comparisons 强行比较88

cofactor 余子式88

coinage 铸币88

coefficiet of variation 变差系数88

coerelve comparisons 强行比较88

collusion 共谋89

collective bargaining 集体谈判89

collusive oligopoly 共谋性寡头89

collective choice 集体选择89

collusive price leadership 共谋式价格领先89

collective bargaining 集体谈判89

collective choice 集体选择89

collusion 共谋89

collusive oligopoly 共谋性寡头89

Columbo Plan for Co-operative Eec-nomic Development in South and South-East asia 南亚和东南亚经济合作发展科伦坡计划89

collusive price leadership 共谋式价格领先89

collective goods 集体货物89

collinearity 共线性89

COLA 生活费用调整89

collateral security 附属担保品89

collective goods 集体货物89

Columbo Plan for Co-operative Eec-nomic Development in South and South-East asia 南亚和东南亚经济合作发展科伦坡计划89

collinearity 共线性89

COLA 生活费用调整89

collateral security 附属担保品89

commercial banks 商业银行90

commercial bill 商业汇票90

commercial paper 商业票据90

Comecon 经互会90

commercial policy 商业政策90

command economy 命令经济(中央控制经济)90

commercial banks 商业银行90

commodities 商品90

commercial bill 商业汇票90

commercial paper 商业票据90

commodity credit corporation 商品信贷公司90

commercial policy 商业政策90

Comecon 经互会90

commodities 商品90

commodity credit corporation 商品信贷公司90

command economy 命令经济(中央控制经济)90

Commodity money 商品货币91

commodity space 商品空间91

commodity terms of trade 商品贸易条件91

Common Agricultural Policy 共同农业政策91

Common Customs Tariff 共同关税税则91

Commodity money 商品货币91

commodity space 商品空间91

commodity terms of trade 商品贸易条件91

Common Agricultural Policy 共同农业政策91

Common Customs Tariff 共同关税税则91

common stock 普通股92

common facility co-operative 共同设备合作社92

Commonwealth Development Cor-poration 英联邦开发公司92

common market 共同市场92

common stock 普通股92

Commonwealth Development Cor-poration 英联邦开发公司92

Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation 英联邦技术合作基金92

Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation 英联邦技术合作基金92

Common External Tariff 共同对外关税92

common facility co-operative 共同设备合作社92

common market 共同市场92

Common External Tariff 共同对外关税92

community indifference curves 社会无差异曲线93

company 公司93

communism 共产主义93

community indifference curves 社会无差异曲线93

company 公司93

communism 共产主义93

company bargaining 公司谈判94

Company director 公司董事94

company savings 公司储蓄94

company savings 公司储蓄94

comparability argument 相互比较论94

comparative advantage 比较优势94

comparability 互(可)比性94

comparability argument 相互比较论94

comparative advantage 比较优势94

comparability 互(可)比性94

company bargaining 公司谈判94

Company director 公司董事94

comparative statics 比较静态学95

compensated demand curves 补偿性需求曲线95

compensating variation 补偿变动95

comparative costs 比较成本95

comparative dynamics 比较动态学95

comparative statics 比较静态学95

compensated demand curves 补偿性需求曲线95

compensating variation 补偿变动95

compensating principle 补偿原则95

compensation tests 补偿检验95

Competition Act 1980 《竞争法,1980年》95

comparative costs 比较成本95

comparative dynamics 比较动态学95

compensating principle 补偿原则95

compensation tests 补偿检验95

Competition Act 1980 《竞争法,1980年》95

Competition and Credit Control 《竞争与信贷控制》96

competitive markets 竞争市场96

complements 互补物品96

Competition and Credit Control 《竞争与信贷控制》96

competitive markets 竞争市场96

complements 互补物品96

complex number 复数97

composite commodity theorem 复合商品定理97

compound interest 复利97

concave function(concavity) 凹函数(凹性)97

concentration 集中97

concentration,coefficient of 集中系数97

complex number 复数97

composite commodity theorem 复合商品定理97

compound interest 复利97

concave function(concavity) 凹函数(凹性)97

concentration 集中97

concentration,coefficient of 集中系数97

concerted action 一致行动98

concertina method of tariff reduc-tion 关税协调削减法98

conciliation 调解98

Condorcet Criterion 孔多塞准则98

concerted action 一致行动98

concertina method of tariff reduc-tion 关税协调削减法98

concentration ratio 集中比率98

conciliation 调解98

Condorcet Criterion 孔多塞准则98

concentration ratio 集中比率98

confidence problem 信任问题99

Confederation of British industry(CBI) 英国工业联合会99

confidence interval 置信区间99

confidence problem 信任问题99

Confederation of British industry(CBI) 英国工业联合会99

confidence interval 置信区间99

conglomerates 联合大企业100

congestion costs 拥挤成本100

conglomerates 联合大企业100

conjectural behaviour 推测行为100

conjectural behaviour 推测行为100

conjectural variation 推测变动100

congestion costs 拥挤成本100

consistency 一致性100

consolidated fund 统一基金100

conjectural variation 推测变动100

consols 统一公债100

consistency 一致性100

consolidated fund 统一基金100

consols 统一公债100

consortium bank 联合银行101

conspicuous consumption 炫耀性消费101

constant amplitude 不变振幅101

constant capital 不变资本101

Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Function 不变替代弹性生产函数101

Constant market share demand curve 不变市场份额需求曲线101

consortium bank 联合银行101

conspicuous consumption 炫耀性消费101

constant amplitude 不变振幅101

constant capital 不变资本101

Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Function 不变替代弹性生产函数101

Constant market share demand curve 不变市场份额需求曲线101

constraint 约束102

consumer 消费者102

consumer credit 消费信贷102

consumer credit 消费信贷102

consumer demand theory 消费者需求理论102

consumer durable 耐用消费品102

consumer demand theory 消费者需求理论102

consumer durable 耐用消费品102

consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡102

consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡102

constant returns to scale 规模收益不变102

constrained optimization 约束最优化102

constraint 约束102

consumer 消费者102

constant returns to scale 规模收益不变102

constrained optimization 约束最优化102

consumer expenditure 消费者支出103

consumer goods and services 消费品和服务103

consumer price index 消费者价格指数103

consumer sovereignty 消费者主权103

consumer’s surplus 消费者剩余103

consumption 消费103

consumer expenditure 消费者支出103

consumer goods and services 消费品和服务103

consumer price index 消费者价格指数103

consumer sovereignty 消费者主权103

consumer’s surplus 消费者剩余103

consumption 消费103

consumption expenditure 消费支出104

consumption function 消费函数104

consumption tax 消费税104

contestable market 可竞争的市场104

contingency reserve 应急储备金104

consumption expenditure 消费支出104

consumption function 消费函数104

consumption tax 消费税104

contestable market 可竞争的市场104

contingency reserve 应急储备金104

convergent cycle 收敛周期105

convergent cycle 收敛周期105

conversion 转换105

convertibility 可兑换性105

convertible bond 可兑换债券105

convertible loan stock 可兑换贷款债券105

contingency table 列联表105

conversion 转换105

continuous variable 连续变量105

convertibility 可兑换性105

convertible security 可兑换证券105

convertible bond 可兑换债券105

contract curve 契约曲线105

contractionary phase 收缩阶段105

contingency table 列联表105

continuous variable 连续变量105

contract curve 契约曲线105

contractionary phase 收缩阶段105

convergence thesis 趋同论105

convergence thesis 趋同论105

convertible loan stock 可兑换贷款债券105

convertible security 可兑换证券105

convex functions(convexity) 凸函数(凸性)106

corporate state 公司国106

cooling off period 冷却时期106

core,the 核106

corner solution 隅解106

convex functions(convexity) 凸函数(凸性)106

cooling off period 冷却时期106

core,the 核106

corner solution 隅解106

corn laws 《谷物法》106

corporate capitalism 公司资本主义106

corporate conscience 公司意识106

corporate risk 公司风险106

corporate state 公司国106

corn laws 《谷物法》106

corporate capitalism 公司资本主义106

corporate conscience 公司意识106

corporate risk 公司风险106

corporation 公司107

corporation tax 公司税107

corporation 公司107

corporation tax 公司税107

correlation 相关108

correlogram 相关图108

correspocdent banks 代理银行108

correlogram 相关图108

correspocdent banks 代理银行108

correlation 相关108

‘cocrest’ “紧身衣”109

Cost 成本109

cost-benefit analysis 成本-收益分析109

‘cocrest’ “紧身衣”109

Cost 成本109

cost-benefit analysis 成本-收益分析109

cost-effectiveness analysis 成本-效果分析110

cost-inflation 成本-通货膨胀110

cost insurance freight 成本保险运费110

cost-effectiveness analysis 成本-效果分析110

cost-inflation 成本-通货膨胀110

cost insurance freight 成本保险运费110

cost of capital 资本成本111

cost of capital 资本成本111

Council of Economic Advisers(CEA) 经济顾问委员会112

Council for Mutual Economic Assis-tance(Comecon) 经济互助委员会(经互会)112

cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价112

cost-plus inflation 成本推动的通货膨胀112

Council of Economic Advisers(CEA) 经济顾问委员会112

Council for Mutual Economic Assis-tance(Comecon) 经济互助委员会(经互会)112

cost of living 生活费用112

cost of living 生活费用112

costs to protection 保护成本112

costs to protection 保护成本112

cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价112

cost-plus inflation 成本推动的通货膨胀112


countercyclical 反周期性113


countercyclical 反周期性113

countervailing power 抗衡力量113

coupon 息票113

countervailing power 抗衡力量113

coupon 息票113

coupon Payments 息票支付114

Cournot,Antoine A· 古诺,安托尼·A114

Cournot’s Duopoly Model 古诺双头垄断模型114

coupon Payments 息票支付114

Cournot,Antoine A· 古诺,安托尼·A114

Cournot’s Duopoly Model 古诺双头垄断模型114

craft unions 同业工会115

cramer’s rule 克莱姆法则115

coveriance 协方差115

convered interest parity 补偿利息平价115

CPRS 中央政策评论参谋部115

craft unions 同业工会115

cramer’s rule 克莱姆法则115

coveriance 协方差115

convered interest parity 补偿利息平价115

CPRS 中央政策评论参谋部115

crawling peg 蠕动钉住116

credentialism 文凭主义116

credit 信贷116

crawling peg 蠕动钉住116

ctedit account 信贷帐116

credit card 信用卡116

credentialism 文凭主义116

credit 信贷116

ctedit account 信贷帐116

credit card 信用卡116

credit guarantee 信贷担保117

credit multiplier 信用乘数117

credit multiplier 信用乘数117

credit ceiling 信贷上限117

credit ceiling 信贷上限117

credit control 信贷控制117

credit creation 信用创造117

credit guarantee 信贷担保117

credit control 信贷控制117

credit creation 信用创造117

creditor nation 债权国118

credit rationing 信贷配额118

credit restrictions 信贷限制118

creditor nation 债权国118

credit rationing 信贷配额118

credit restrictions 信贷限制118

creditors 债权人118

creditors 债权人118

credit squeeze 信贷冻结118

credit transfer 信贷转移118

credit squeeze 信贷冻结118

credit transfer 信贷转移118

creeping inflation 爬行的通货膨胀119

critical value 临界值119

cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性119

cross-entry 交叉进入119

cross partial derivative 交叉偏导数119

cross-section analysis 横断面分析119

creeping inflation 爬行的通货膨胀119

critical value 临界值119

cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性119

cross-entry 交叉进入119

cross partial derivative 交叉偏导数119

cross-section analysis 横断面分析119

cross-subsidization 交叉补贴120

crowding hypothesis 排挤假说120

cross-section consumption function 横断面消费函数120

cross-subsidization 交叉补贴120

crowding hypothesis 排挤假说120

crowding out 挤出120

CSO 中央统计局120

cubic 三次方程120

cultural change 文化更变120

crowding out 挤出120

cross-section consumption function 横断面消费函数120

CSO 中央统计局120

cubic 三次方程120

cultural change 文化更变120

currency appreciation 通货增值121

currency control 通货控制121

culture of poverty hypothesis 贫困文化假说121

cumulative causation model 累积因果模型121

cumuiatlve preference shares 累积优先股121

cumulative shares 累积股121

currency 通货121

currency appreciation 通货增值121

currency control 通货控制121

culture of poverty hypothesis 贫困文化假说121

cumulative causation model 累积因果模型121

cumuiatlve preference shares 累积优先股121

cumulative shares 累积股121

currency 通货121

currency school 通货学派122

currency substitution 通货替代122

currency depreciation 通货减值122

currency notes 流通券122

currency depreciation 通货减值122

currency notes 流通券122

currency principle 通货原则122

currency school 通货学派122

currency substitution 通货替代122

currency principle 通货原则122

current account 往来帐户123

current liabilities 流动负债123

customer markets 买主市场123

current profits 现期利润123

custom and practice 习俗与惯例123

customer markets 买主市场123

current account 往来帐户123

current assets 流动资产123

current assets 流动资产123

current cost accounting 现期成本会计123

current income 现期收入123

current cost accounting 现期成本会计123

current liabilities 流动负债123

current income 现期收入123

current profits 现期利润123

custom and practice 习俗与惯例123

Customs Co-operative Council 海关合作理事会124

Customs Co-operative Council 海关合作理事会124

customs,excise and protective duties 关税、消费税及保护关税124

customs,excise and protective duties 关税、消费税及保护关税124

customs union 关税同盟125

cyclical unemployment 周期性失业125

customs union 关税同盟125

cyclical unemployment 周期性失业125

cycling 循环125

cycling 循环125

data 数据126

dated securities 定期证券126

DCF 现金流量贴现126

deadweight debt 实在债务126

deadweight-loss 无谓损失126

dear money 高息资金126

debased coinge 减色(贬值)铸币126

debentures 公司债券126


dear money高息资金126

damage cost 损害成本126

damped cycle 减幅周期126

data 数据126

dated securities 定期证券126

DCF 现金流量贴现126

deadweight debt 实在债务126

deadweight-loss 无谓损失126

debased coinge 减色(贬值)铸币126

debentures 公司债券126


damage cost损害成本126

damped cycle 减幅周期126

Debreu,Gerard 迪布鲁,杰拉德127

debt 债务127

debt conversion 债务转换127

debt 债务127

debt finance 举债筹资127

Debreu,Gerard 迪布鲁,杰拉德127

debt conversion 债务转换127

debt management 债务管理127

debt finance 举债筹资127

debt management 债务管理127

debt ratio 债务比率128

deeile 十分位数128

decimal coinage 十进币制128

decision function 决策函数128

deeile 十分位数128

decimal coinage 十进币制128

decision lag 决策时延128

decision function 决策函数128

decision lag 决策时延128

debtor nation 债务国128

debtor nation 债务国128

debt ratio 债务比率128

decision rule 决策规则129

decision theory 决策理论129

decreasing cost industry 成本理减行业129

decreasing returns 收益递减129

decision rule 决策规则129

decision theory 决策理论129

decreasing cost industry 成本理减行业129

decreasing returns 收益递减129

decreasing returns to scale 规模收益递减129

decreasing returns to scale 规模收益递减129

deferred ordinary shares 延期付息普通股129

deficit 赤字129

deficit financing 赤字筹资129

defieit units 亏损单位129

deflation 通货紧缩129

deferred ordinary shares 延期付息普通股129

defieit units 亏损单位129

deflation 通货紧缩129

deflationary gap 通货紧缩缺口129

deflationary gap 通货紧缩缺口129

deficit 赤字129

deficit financing 赤字筹资129

demand curve 需求曲线130

degrees of freedom 自由度130

deindustrialization 非工业化130

demand 需求130

demand curve 需求曲线130

deflator 折算数130

deflator 折算数130

degree of homogneity 齐次性的阶数130

degree of homogneity 齐次性的阶数130

degrees of freedom 自由度130

deindustrialization 非工业化130

demand 需求130

demand-deficient unemployment 需求不足型失业131

demand deponlt 活期存款131

demand for inflation 通货膨胀需求131

demand for money 货币需求131

demand for inflation 通货膨胀需求131

demand function 需求函数131

demand for money 货币需求131

demand function 需求函数131

demand-deficient unemployment 需求不足型失业131

demand deponlt 活期存款131

demand-pull inflation 需求拉上的通货膨胀132

demand schedule 需求表132

demand-shift inflation 需求变动引起的通货膨胀132

demand increase 需求增加132

demand increase 需求增加132

demand management 需求管理132

demand-pull inflation 需求拉上的通货膨胀132

demand schedule 需求表132

demand-shift inflation 需求变动引起的通货膨胀132

demand management 需求管理132

demography 人口统计学133

density Gradient 密度变化率133

dependence structure 依附结构133

dependency burden 抚养负担133

dependent variable 因变量133

depletion allowance (资源)耗竭折让133

deposit 存款133

demography 人口统计学133

density Gradient 密度变化率133

dependence structure 依附结构133

dependency burden 抚养负担133

dependent variable 因变量133

depletion allowance (资源)耗竭折让133

deposit 存款133

deposit money 存款货币134

Depository Instition Deregulation and Monetary Control Act 1980(DIDMCA) 《取消对吸收存款机构的限制与货币控制法,1980》134

deposit account 存款帐户134

deposit money 存款货币134

Depository Instition Deregulation and Monetary Control Act 1980(DIDMCA) 《取消对吸收存款机构的限制与货币控制法,1980》134

deposit account 存款帐户134

derivative 导数135

depreciation 折旧,贬值135

depreciation 折旧,贬值135

depressed area 萧条地区135

depression 萧条135

derivative 导数135

depressed area 萧条地区135

depression 萧条135

desired capital stock 合意资本存量136

determinant 行列式136

detrending 消除时间趋势影响136

devaluaton 贬值136

developing countries 发展中国家136

deseasonalization 消除季节变动影响136

desired capital stock 合意资本存量136

determinant 行列式136

detrending 消除时间趋势影响136

devaluaton 贬值136

developing countries 发展中国家136

derived demand 派生需求136

deseasonalization 消除季节变动影响136

derived demand 派生需求136

development area 开发区137

development area 开发区137

development planning 发展规划137

development strategy 发展战略137

deviation 离差137

difference equation 差分方程137

difference principle 差异原则137

differentials 差别137

differentiated growth 差别增长137

differentiation (1)差别,(2)微分137

development planning 发展规划137

development strategy 发展战略137

deviation 离差137

diffusion 扩散137

difference equation 差分方程137

difference principle 差异原则137

differentials 差别137

differentiated growth 差别增长137

differentiation (1)差别,(2)微分137

diffusion 扩散137

directors 董事138

direct costs 直接成本138

direct debit 直接借入138

direct taxes 直接税138

directors 董事138

Director’s Law 迪拉克特定律138

Director’s Law 迪拉克特定律138

dirty float 不完全浮动138

dirty float 不完全浮动138

Dillon Round 狄龙回合138

diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减138

diminishing returns 报酬(收益)递减138

Dillon Round 狄龙回合138

direct costs 直接成本138

diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减138

direct debit 直接借入138

diminishing returns 报酬(收益)递减138

direct taxes 直接税138

disadvantaged workers 劣势工人139

disadvantaged workers 劣势工人139

discharges 解雇139

discharges 解雇139

discounted cash flow(DCF) 现金流量贴现139

discounted cash flow(DCF) 现金流量贴现139

discounted cash flow yield 现金流量贴现收益139

discount house 贴现行139

discounted cash flow yield 现金流量贴现收益139

discount house 贴现行139

discounting 贴现140

discounting 贴现140

discount market 贴现市场140

discount rate 贴现率140

discouraged worker hypothesis 失望工人假说140

discount market 贴现市场140

discount rate 贴现率140

discouraged worker hypothesis 失望工人假说140

discrete variable 离散变量141

discretionary profits 权变利润141

discretionary stabilization 相机稳定141

discretionary profits 权变利润141

discretionary stabilization 相机稳定141

discriminating monopoly 歧视性垄断141

discrimination 歧视141

discriminating monopoly 歧视性垄断141

discrimination 歧视141

discrete variable 离散变量141

discriminatory pricing 歧视性定价142

diseconomies of growth 增长不经济142

disintermediation 非中介化142

disguised unemployment 伪装性失业142

disincentive 抑阻142

disinflation 抑制通货膨胀142

discriminatory pricing 歧视性定价142

disintermediation 非中介化142

diseconomies of growth 增长不经济142

diseconomies of scale 规模不经济142

disembodied technical progress 非物化的技术进步142

disequilibrium 非均衡142

diseconomies of scale 规模不经济142

disembodied technical progress 非物化的技术进步142

disequilibrium 非均衡142

disguised unemployment 伪装性失业142

disincentive 抑阻142

disinflation 抑制通货膨胀142

disinvestment 负投资143

displacement effect 置换效应143

disposable income 可支配收入143

distribution,theories of 分配理论143

dissaving 负储蓄143

distance costs 距离成本143

distributed profits 已分配利润143

distribution,theories of 分配理论143

disinvestment 负投资143

displacement effect 置换效应143

distributed lags 分布滞后143

distributed profits 已分配利润143

disposable income 可支配收入143

dissaving 负储蓄143

distance costs 距离成本143

distributed lags 分布滞后143

distributional equity 公平分配144

distributional weight 分配权数144

distribution function 分配功能144

distributive judgment 分配判断144

distributional equity 公平分配144

distributional weight 分配权数144

distribution function 分配功能144

distributive judgment 分配判断144

diversifier 风险分散者145

dividend 股息145

distributive justice 分配公正原则145

distributive justice 分配公正原则145

disturbance term 扰动项145

disutility 负效用145

divergent cycle 发散周期145

diversification 多样化145

disturbance term 扰动项145

disutility 负效用145

divergent cycle 发散周期145

diversification 多样化145

diversifier 风险分散者145

dividend 股息145

dividend cover 盈利—股息比率146

dividend payout ratio 股息支付率146

dividend payout ratio 股息支付率146

dividend yield 股息收益率146

dividend yield 股息收益率146

division Of labour 劳动分工146

Dobb,Maurice 多布,莫里斯146

dollar certificate of deposit 美元存单146

division Of labour 劳动分工146

Dobb,Maurice 多布,莫里斯146

dollar certificate of deposit 美元存单146

dividend cover 盈利—股息比率146

Domar,Evsey D. 多马,伊夫赛·D.147

domestic credit expansion DCE 国内信用扩张147

dominant firm price leadership 支配性厂商价格领先147

Poolittle Method 杜利特尔方法147

double-coincidence of wants 欲望的双向吻合147

domestic credit expansion DCE 国内信用扩张147

dominant firm price leadership 支配性厂商价格领先147

Poolittle Method 杜利特尔方法147

double-coincidence of wants 欲望的双向吻合147

Domar,Evsey D. 多马,伊夫赛·D.147

Dow Jones Index 道-琼斯指数148

Dual Decision Hypothesis 双重决策假说148

Dualism,Theory of 二元主义理论148

Dual Decision Hypothesis 双重决策假说148

Dualism,Theory of 二元主义理论148

double counting 双重计算148

double factoral terms of trade 双因素贸易条件148

double counting 双重计算148

double factoral terms of trade 双因素贸易条件148

double switching 双重转辙148

double switching 双重转辙148

double taxation and double taxation relief 双重课税及双重课税豁免148

double taxation and double taxation relief 双重课税及双重课税豁免148

Dow Jones Index 道-琼斯指数148

Dual Labour Market Hypothesis 二元劳动市场假说149

duality 对偶性149

Dual Labour Market Hypothesis 二元劳动市场假说149

duality 对偶性149

dummy variable 虚拟变量150

dumping 倾销150

duopoly 双头垄断150

dummy variable 虚拟变量150

duopsony 双头买主垄断150

duration of unemployment 失业期150

Durbin h-statistic 德宾h-统计量150

dumping 倾销150

duopoly 双头垄断150

duopsony 双头买主垄断150

duration of unemployment 失业期150

Durbin h-statistic 德宾h-统计量150

dynamic model 动态模型151

dynamic peg 动态钉住151

dynamic peg 动态钉住151

dynamic programming 动态规划151

dynamic theories of comparative advantage 动态比较优势理论151

dynamic programming 动态规划151

Durbin-Watson statistic 德宾-沃森统计量151

dynamic economics 动态经济学151

dynamic model 动态模型151

Durbin-Watson statistic 德宾-沃森统计量151

dynamic economics 动态经济学151

dynamic theories of comparative advantage 动态比较优势理论151

earned income 劳动收入153

earnings 收益153

earnings drift 收益漂移(浮动)153

earnings function 收益函数153



earned income 劳动收入153

earnings 收益153

earnings drift 收益漂移(浮动)153

earnings function 收益函数153



easy money 放松银根154

ECE 欧洲经济委员会154

ECGD 出口信贷保证部154

econometric model 经济计量模型154

econometrics 经济计量学154

economic base 经济基础154

economic base multiplier 经济基础乘数154

economic community 经济共同体154

easy money 放松银根154

ECE 欧洲经济委员会154

ECGD 出口信贷保证部154

econometric model 经济计量模型154

econometrics 经济计量学154

economic base 经济基础154

economic base multiplier 经济基础乘数154

economic community 经济共同体154

economic development committee 经济发展委员会155

economic development institute 经济发展学院155

economic dynamics 经济动态学155

economic efficiency 经济效率155

economic good 经济货物155

economic development institute 经济发展学院155

economic growth 经济增长155

economic dynamics 经济动态学155

economic imperiaism 经济帝国主义155

economic liberalism 经济自由主义155

economic efficiency 经济效率155

Economic Community of West African States 西非国家经济共同体155

Economic Co-operation Adminis-tration 经济合作总署155

Economic Development 经济发展155

economic development committee 经济发展委员会155

Economic Community of West African States 西非国家经济共同体155

Economic Co-operation Adminis-tration 经济合作总署155

Economic Development 经济发展155

economic good 经济货物155

economic growth 经济增长155

economic imperiaism 经济帝国主义155

economic liberalism 经济自由主义155

economic man 经济人156

economic planning 经济计划156

economic rent 经济租金156

economic man 经济人156

economic planning 经济计划156

economic rent 经济租金156

economies of growth 增长经济157

economic surplus 经济剩余157

economic theory of politics 政治的经济理论157

economic union 经济联盟157

economic surplus 经济剩余157

conomic welfare 经济福利157

economies of growth 增长经济157

economic theory of politics 政治的经济理论157

economic union 经济联盟157

conomic welfare 经济福利157

economy of high wages 高工资经济158

ECSC 欧洲煤钢联营158

ECU 欧洲货币单位158

economies of learning 学习的经济效果158

Edgeworth,Francis Ysidro 埃奇沃思,弗朗西斯·伊西德罗158

economies of scale 规模经济158

economy of high wages 高工资经济158

ECSC 欧洲煤钢联营158

ECU 欧洲货币单位158

Edgeworth,Francis Ysidro 埃奇沃思,弗朗西斯·伊西德罗158

Edgeworth box 埃奇沃思方框158

Edgeworth box 埃奇沃思方框158

economies of learning 学习的经济效果158

economies of scale 规模经济158

EEC 欧洲经济共同体159

EEC 欧洲经济共同体159

EEC agricujtural levies 欧洲经济共同体农业税159

EEC agricujtural levies 欧洲经济共同体农业税159

effective demand 有效需求159

effective demand 有效需求159

effective rate of protection 实际保护率159

effective rate of protection 实际保护率159

effective rate of tax 实际税率160

efficiency earnings 效率收益160

efficiency units 效率单位160

efficient market hypothesis 有效市场假说160

effort aversion 厌恶(努力)工作160

EFTA 欧洲自由贸易协会160

EIB 欧洲投资银行160

elasticity 弹性160

efficiency earnings 效率收益160

effective rate of tax 实际税率160

efficiency units 效率单位160

efficient market hypothesis 有效市场假说160

effort aversion 厌恶(努力)工作160

EFTA 欧洲自由贸易协会160

EIB 欧洲投资银行160

elasticity 弹性160

elasticity of input substitution 投入替代弹性161

eligible assets ratio 合格资产比率161

eligible paper 合格票据161

elitist goods 高档货物161

EMA 欧洲货币协定161

embodied technical progress 物化的技术进步161

elasticity of demand 需求弹性161

elasticity of input substitution 投入替代弹性161

eligible assets ratio 合格资产比率161

eligible paper 合格票据161

elitist goods 高档货物161

EMA 欧洲货币协定161

embodied technical progress 物化的技术进步161

elasticity of demand 需求弹性161

employment service 就业服务所162

emoluments 酬金162

employment subsides 就业补助162

EMS 欧洲货币体系162

employment subsides 就业补助162

EMS 欧洲货币体系162

Endogenous Income Hypothesis 内生收入假说162

Endogenous Income Hypothesis 内生收入假说162

Employee Stoock Ownership Pian(ESOP) 雇员股份所有权计划162

Employment Act of 1946 《1946年的就业法》162

emoluments 酬金162

Employee Stoock Ownership Pian(ESOP) 雇员股份所有权计划162

Employment Act of 1946 《1946年的就业法》162

employment service 就业服务所162

engineering method 工程法163

endogenous money supply 内生货币供给163

endogenous variable 内生变量163

engagements 新增雇员163

Engel curve 恩格尔曲线163

engineering method 工程法163

endogenous money supply 内生货币供给163

endogenous variable 内生变量163

engagements 新增雇员163

Engel curve 恩格尔曲线163

entitlement principle 赋权原则164

entrepreneur 企业家164

entrepreneurial supply price 企业家供给价格164

entrepreneurship 企业家精神164

entry barriers 进入壁垒164

entry forestalling price 进入阻碍价格164

entitlement principle 赋权原则164

entrepreneur 企业家164

entry preventing price 进入阻止价格164

environmental conditions 环境状况164

entrepreneurial supply price 企业家供给价格164

entrepreneurship 企业家精神164

entry barriers 进入壁垒164

entry forestalling price 进入阻碍价格164

entry preventing price 进入阻止价格164

environmental conditions 环境状况164

equalizing occupational differtials 等化职业差别165

epu 欧洲支付同盟165

equal advantage 同等优势165

Equal Employment opportunity Act of 1972 《1972年的平等就业机会法》165

Equal Employment Opportunity Com-mission(EEOC) 平等就业机会委员会165

equalization grants 平衡补助金165

equalizing occupational differtials 等化职业差别165

environmental impact analysis 环境影响分析165

epu 欧洲支付同盟165

equal advantage 同等优势165

environmental determinism 环境决定论165

Equal Employment opportunity Act of 1972 《1972年的平等就业机会法》165

Equal Employment Opportunity Com-mission(EEOC) 平等就业机会委员会165

equalization grants 平衡补助金165

environmental determinism 环境决定论165

environmental impact analysis 环境影响分析165

equal pay 同酬166

equal pay 同酬166

equal sacrifice theories 同等牺牲理论166

equation of exchange 交易方程166

equilibrium 均衡166

equal sacrifice theories 同等牺牲理论166

equation of exchange 交易方程166

equilibrium 均衡166

equities 股权167

equilibrium level of national income 均衡的国民收入水平167

equilibrium price 均衡价格167

equilibrium rate of inflation 均衡的通货膨胀率167

equities 股权167

equilibrium level of national income 均衡的国民收入水平167

equilibrium price 均衡价格167

equilibrium rate of inflation 均衡的通货膨胀率167

equivalence scale 等价比例(尺度)168

equivalent commodity scale 等价商品比例(尺度)168

equivalent incom scale 等价收入比例(尺度)168

equity 公平168

equity 公平168

equity capital 股权资本168

equity capital 股权资本168

equivalence scale 等价比例(尺度)168

equivalent commodity scale 等价商品比例(尺度)168

equivalent incom scale 等价收入比例(尺度)168

escalators 工资自动伸缩169

Estate Duties Investment Trust 遗产税投资信托公司169

eequivalent variation 等价变差169

errors in variable 变量误差169

escalators 工资自动伸缩169

Estate Duties Investment Trust 遗产税投资信托公司169

estate duty 遗产税169

eequivalent variation 等价变差169

errors in variable 变量误差169

estate duty 遗产税169

EUA 欧洲记帐单位170

estate economy 种植园经济170

estimation 估计170

Euler’s Theorem 欧拉定理170

Eurocurrency market 欧洲货币市场170

estimator 估计式170

EUA 欧洲记帐单位170

Euler’s Theorem 欧拉定理170

Eurocurrency market 欧洲货币市场170

estate economy 种植园经济170

estimation 估计170

estimator 估计式170

Eurodollars 欧洲美元171

European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund(EAGGF) 欧洲农业指导与保证基金会171

European Coal and Steel Com munity(ECSC) 欧洲煤钢联营171

Eurodollars 欧洲美元171

European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund(EAGGF) 欧洲农业指导与保证基金会171

European Coal and Steel Com munity(ECSC) 欧洲煤钢联营171

European Common market 欧洲共同市场172

European Community 欧洲共同体172

European Currency Unit(ECU) 欧洲货币单位172

European Development Fund 欧洲发展基金172

European Economic Community(EEC) 欧洲经济共同体172

European Common market 欧洲共同市场172

European Community 欧洲共同体172

European Currency Unit(ECU) 欧洲货币单位172

European Development Fund 欧洲发展基金172

European Economic Community(EEC) 欧洲经济共同体172

European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体预算173

European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体预算173

European Free Trade Association(EFTA) 欧洲自由贸易联盟174

European Free Trade Association(EFTA) 欧洲自由贸易联盟174

European Fund 欧洲基金174

European Fund 欧洲基金174

European Investment Bank(EIB) 欧洲投资银行174

European Investment Bank(EIB) 欧洲投资银行174

European Monetary Agreement(EMA) 《欧洲货币协定》175

European Monetary co-operation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金175

European Monetary Fund 欧洲货币基金175

European Monetary Unit of Acco-unt 欧洲货币记帐单位175

European Monetary System(EMS) 欧洲货币体系175

European Monetary Agreement(EMA) 《欧洲货币协定》175

European Monetary co-operation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金175

European Monetary Fund 欧洲货币基金175

European Monetary Unit of Acco-unt 欧洲货币记帐单位175

European Monetary System(EMS) 欧洲货币体系175

European Payments Union(EPU) 欧洲支付同盟176

European Recovery Programme 欧洲复兴计划176

European Regional Development Fund 欧洲地区发展基金176

European Payments Union(EPU) 欧洲支付同盟176

European Recovery Programme 欧洲复兴计划176

European Regional Development Fund 欧洲地区发展基金176

European Social Fund 欧洲社会基金177

European Unit of Account(EUA) 欧洲记帐单位177

Eurostat 欧洲统计局177

exact test 精确检验177

ex ante 事前177

excess capacity 过剩生产能力177

excess capacity theory 过剩生产能力理论177

European Social Fund 欧洲社会基金177

European Unit of Account(EUA) 欧洲记帐单位177

Eurostat 欧洲统计局177

exact test 精确检验177

ex ante 事前177

excess capacity 过剩生产能力177

excess capacity theory 过剩生产能力理论177

excess supply 超额供给178

exchange 交换178

exchange control 外汇管制178

exchange 交换178

exchange control 外汇管制178

excess demand 超额需求178

excess reserves 超额储备金178

excess supply 超额供给178

excess demand 超额需求178

excess reserves 超额储备金178

exchange equalization account 外汇平准帐户179

exchange rate 汇率179

exchange equalization account 外汇平准帐户179

exchange rate 汇率179

exchange reserves 外汇储备180

exchequer 国库180

excise duty 国内消费税180

excludable 可排他性180

exclusion 排他性180

exclusion Principle 排他性原则180

exclusive bargaining rights 独家谈判权180

executives 主管人员180

exchange reserves 外汇储备180

exchequer 国库180

excise duty 国内消费税180

excludable 可排他性180

exclusion 排他性180

exclusion Principle 排他性原则180

exclusive bargaining rights 独家谈判权180

executives 主管人员180

existence,theorem of 存在性定理181

exit-voice model 退出-发言模型181

exempt goods 免税货物181

exhaustive voting 逐个淘汰制投票181

exit-voice model 退出-发言模型181

exogenous Variable 外生变量181

exogeneity of money supply 货币供给的外生性181

expansionary phase 扩张阶段181

expansion path 扩展路径181

exogeneity of money supply 货币供给的外生性181

exogenous 外生因素181

existence,theorem of 存在性定理181

exogenous 外生因素181

exogenous Variable 外生变量181

expansionary phase 扩张阶段181

expansion path 扩展路径181

exempt goods 免税货物181

exhaustive voting 逐个淘汰制投票181

expected inflation 预期的通货膨胀182

expatriates 离国服务者182

expectations 预期182

expatriates 离国服务者182

expectations 预期182

expectations,augmented 增广的预期182

expectations lag 预期时延182

expected inflation 预期的通货膨胀182

expectations,augmented 增广的预期182

expectations lag 预期时延182

expected net returns 预期净收益183

expected value 期望值183

expenditure-switching policies 支出转移政策183

expenditure tax 支出税183

expected net returns 预期净收益183

expected value 期望值183

expenditure-switching policies 支出转移政策183

expenditure tax 支出税183

expenditure-variation controls 支出变动控制184

expense preference 费用偏好184

expenditure-variation controls 支出变动控制184

explanatory variable 解释变量184

expense preference 费用偏好184

explanatory variable 解释变量184

explicit function 显函数184

exploitation (1)开发,(2)剥削184

explicit function 显函数184

exploitation (1)开发,(2)剥削184

explosive cycle 爆发性周期184

explosive cycle 爆发性周期184

exponential 指数184

exponential 指数184

export 出口185

Export-import Bank 进出口银行185

export-led growth 出口带动的增长185

export promotion 出口推动185

exports credits guarantee department 出口信贷保证部185

export 出口185

Export-import Bank 进出口银行185

export-led growth 出口带动的增长185

export promotion 出口推动185

exports credits guarantee department 出口信贷保证部185

ex post 事后186

extensive margin 粗放边际186

extensive margin 粗放边际186

external balance 外部平衡186

external deficit 外部赤字186

external diseconomy 外部不经济186

external economies and diseconom-ies of scale 外部规模经济和不经济186

external economy 外部经济186

external finance 外部筹资186

external finance limits 外部筹资限额186

external growth 外部增长186

external balance 外部平衡186

externalities 外部性186

external deficit 外部赤字186

external diseconomy 外部不经济186

external economies and diseconom-ies of scale 外部规模经济和不经济186

external economy 外部经济186

external finance 外部筹资186

external finance limits 外部筹资限额186

external growth 外部增长186

ex post 事后186

externalities 外部性186

external reserves 对外储备187

external labour market 外部劳动市场187

external reserves 对外储备187

external labour market 外部劳动市场187

extraneous information 额外信息188

extrema 极值188

extraneous information 额外信息188

extrema 极值188


factor augmenting technical progress要素增广的技术进步189

factor endowment 要素禀赋189

factor incomes 要素收入189

factoring 代理经营189


factor augmenting technical progress要素增广的技术进步189

factor endowment 要素禀赋189

factor-price differentials 要素价格差别189

factor incomes 要素收入189

factor-price frontier 要素价格边界189

factor proportions 要素比例189

factor reversals 要素逆转189

factoring 代理经营189

factor-price differentials 要素价格差别189

factor-price frontier 要素价格边界189

factor proportions 要素比例189

factor reversals 要素逆转189

fair trade law 公平贸易法190

Fair Trading,Office of 公平贸易局190

Fair Trading Act 1973 《公平贸易法,1973年》190

Fair Trading,Office of 公平贸易局190

Fair Trading Act 1973 《公平贸易法,1973年》190

factors of production 生产要素190

factor utilization 要素利用190

fair comparisons 公平比较190

fair rate of return 公平收益率190

fair trade law 公平贸易法190

factors of production 生产要素190

factor utilization 要素利用190

fair comparisons 公平比较190

fair rate of return 公平收益率190

fair wages 公平工资191

false trading 错误贸易191

family expenditure survey 家庭支出调查191

family income supplement 家庭收入补贴191

family-unit agriculture 家庭农业191

FAO 粮食及农业组织191

fair wages 公平工资191

family-unit agriculture 家庭农业191

false trading 错误贸易191

family expenditure survey 家庭支出调查191

FAO 粮食及农业组织191

family income supplement 家庭收入补贴191

FASB 财务会计标准审议会192

FASB 财务会计标准审议会192

FCI 工业财务公司192

featherbedding 额外雇工192

Fed,the 联邦储备系统192

FCI 工业财务公司192

Federal Deposit Insurance Corpor-ation(FDIC) 联邦存款保险公司192

Federal Funds Market 联邦资金市场192

Federal Home Loan Bank System(FHLBS) 联邦住宅贷款银行体系192

featherbedding 额外雇工192

Fed,the 联邦储备系统192

Federal Deposit Insurance Corpor-ation(FDIC) 联邦存款保险公司192

Federal Funds Market 联邦资金市场192

Federal Home Loan Bank System(FHLBS) 联邦住宅贷款银行体系192

Federal Reserves System 联邦储备系统193

Federal Trade Commission Act 《联邦贸易委员会法》193

Federal National Mortgage-Associ-ation(FNMA) 联邦全国抵押协会193

Federal Open Market Committee 联邦公开市场委员会193

Federal Reserve Note 联邦储备券193

Federal National Mortgage-Associ-ation(FNMA) 联邦全国抵押协会193

Federal Open Market Committee 联邦公开市场委员会193

Federal Reserve Note 联邦储备券193

Federal Reserves System 联邦储备系统193

Federal Trade Commission Act 《联邦贸易委员会法》193

feedback/entrapment effects 反馈/陷阱效应194

feudalism 封建主义194

feudalism 封建主义194

fiat money 不兑换纸币194

fiduciary issue 信用发行194

fiat money 不兑换纸币194

fiduciary issue 信用发行194

feedback/entrapment effects 反馈/陷阱效应194

final offer arbitration 最后报价仲裁195

final goods 最终货物195

final product 最终产品195

finance 资财195

Finance corporation for Industry 工业金融公司195

filter 滤波器195

filtering 过滤195

FIML 完全信息极大似然法195

final offer arbitration 最后报价仲裁195

final goods 最终货物195

final product 最终产品195

finance 资财195

filter 滤波器195

filtering 过滤195

FIML 完全信息极大似然法195

Finance corporation for Industry 工业金融公司195

finance houses market 金融公司市场196

Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB) 财务会计标准审议会196

financial capital 金融资本196

finance house 金融公司196

Finance Houses Association 金融公司联合会196

finance house 金融公司196

Finance Houses Association 金融公司联合会196

finance houses market 金融公司市场196

Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB) 财务会计标准审议会196

financial capital 金融资本196

financial instrument 金融工具197

financial intermdiary 金融中介197

financial ratios 财务比率197

financial instrument 金融工具197

financial intermdiary 金融中介197

financial ratios 财务比率197

financial risk 金融风险197

financial risk 金融风险197

Financial Times Actuaries share In-dices 《金融时报》统计师股票指数197

Financial Times Actuaries share In-dices 《金融时报》统计师股票指数197

Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Index 《金融时报》工商业普通股票指数198

Financial Times Stock Indices 《金融时报》股票指数198

financial year 财务年度198

fine tuning 微调198

Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Index 《金融时报》工商业普通股票指数198

Financial Times Stock Indices 《金融时报》股票指数198

firm 厂商(企业)198

firm,theory of the 厂商理论198

financial year 财务年度198

fine tuning 微调198

firm 厂商(企业)198

firm,theory of the 厂商理论198

first difference 一阶差分199

first order conditions 一阶条件199

fiscal decentralization 财政分散化199

fiscal drag 财政拖累199

fiscal federalism 财政联邦主义199

fiscal illusion 财政幻觉199

first difference 一阶差分199

fiscal drag 财政拖累199

fiscal federalism 财政联邦主义199

fiscal illusion 财政幻觉199

first order conditions 一阶条件199

fiscal decentralization 财政分散化199

fiscal multiplier 财政乘数200

fiscal policy 财政政策200

fiscal multiplier 财政乘数200

fiscal policy 财政政策200

fiscal welfare benefits 财政福利利益200

fiscal welfare benefits 财政福利利益200

Fisher lrving 费雪,欧文200

Fisher lrving 费雪,欧文200

Fisher open 费雪式开放201

fixed asset 固定资产201

fixed asset 固定资产201

fixed coefficients production function 固定系数的生产函数201

fixed cost 固定成本201

fixed coefficients production function 固定系数的生产函数201

fixed cost 固定成本201

fixed exchange rate 固定汇率201

fixed factors 固定要素201

fixed exchange rate 固定汇率201

fixed factors 固定要素201

Fisher equation 费雪方程201

Fisher open 费雪式开放201

Fisher equation 费雪方程201

fixed investment 固定投资202

fixed investment 固定投资202

fixed labour costs 固定劳动成本202

fixed proportion in production 固定比例的生产202

fixed labour costs 固定劳动成本202

flat yield 平稳收益202

flexible exchange rate 弹性汇率202

flexitime 弹性工时制202

flight from cash 逃离现金202

flout 未达账202

fixed proportion in production 固定比例的生产202

flat yield 平稳收益202

flexible exchange rate 弹性汇率202

flexitime 弹性工时制202

flight from cash 逃离现金202

flout 未达账202

floating debt 流动债务203

floating exchange rate 浮动汇率203

floating pound 浮动英镑203

floating exchange rate 浮动汇率203

floor 最低限额(“地板”)203

flotation 创业筹资203

flow 流量203

floating pound 浮动英镑203

floor 最低限额(“地板”)203

flotation 创业筹资203

flow 流量203

Flow of Funds Analysis 资金流量分析203

Flow of Funds Analysis 资金流量分析203

floating capital 流动资本203

floating charge 流动帐目203

floating capital 流动资本203

floating charge 流动帐目203

floating debt 流动债务203

FOB 离岸价格204

FOB 离岸价格204

Food and Agricultural Organization 粮食及农业组织204

footloose industries 自由选址行业204

Food and Agricultural Organization 粮食及农业组织204

forced riders “被动搭车人”204

footloose industries 自由选址行业204

forced riders “被动搭车人”204

forced saving 强制储蓄204

foreign aid 外援204

forced saving 强制储蓄204

foreign aid 外援204

foreign exchange 外汇205

foreign exchange market 外汇市场205

foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备205

foreign balance 对外收支205

foreign exchange 外汇205

foreign investment 外国投资205

foreign payments 对外支付205

foreign exchange market 外汇市场205

foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备205

foreign investment 外国投资205

foreign payments 对外支付205

foreign balance 对外收支205

forward linkage 前向连锁206

foreign trade multiplier 外贸乘数206

forward contract 远期合同206

forward exchange market 远期外汇市场206

forward integration 前向联合206

forward linkage 前向连锁206

foreign trade multiplier 外贸乘数206

forward contract 远期合同206

forward exchange market 远期外汇市场206

forward integration 前向联合206

fractional reserve banking 部分储备银行制207

forward market 远期市场207

forward rate 远期汇率207

foundation grant 基金拨款207

Fourier analysis 博立叶分析207

fractional reserve banking 部分储备银行制207

forward market 远期市场207

forward rate 远期汇率207

foundation grant 基金拨款207

Fourier analysis 博立叶分析207

franked investment income 免税投资收入208

free exchange rates 自由汇率208

freedom of entry 进入自由208

free goods 自由取用财物208

free market 自由市场208

franked investment income 免税投资收入208

free exchange rates 自由汇率208

freedom of entry 进入自由208

free goods 自由取用财物208

free market economy 自由市场经济208

free market 自由市场208

free market economy 自由市场经济208

free on board 离岸价格208

free Reserves 自由储备金208

free rider “主动搭车人”(“赠车人”)208

free on board 离岸价格208

free Reserves 自由储备金208

free rider “主动搭车人”(“赠车人”)208

free trade 自由贸易209

free trade area 自由贸易区209

frequency distribution 频数分布209

frictional unemployment 磨擦性失业209

free trade 自由贸易209

free trade area 自由贸易区209

frequency distribution 频数分布209

frictional unemployment 磨擦性失业209

Friedman,Milton 弗里德曼,米尔顿210

fringe benefits 附加福利210

Frisch,Ragnar 弗里希,雷格纳210

Friedman,Milton 弗里德曼,米尔顿210

fringe benefits 附加福利210

Frisch,Ragnar 弗里希,雷格纳210

functional costing 功能成本法211

F-statistic F统计量211

full bodied money 足值货币211

function of a function rule 复合函数法211

full cost 完全成本211

full cost pricing 完全成本定价法211

F-statistic F统计量211

full-employament budget surplus 充分就业的预算盈余211

full bodied money 足值货币211

full cost 完全成本211

full-employment national income 充分就业的国民收入211

full-employment unemployment 充分就业的失业率211

full information maximum likeli-hood(FIML) 完全信息极大似然法211

function 函数211

functional costing 功能成本法211

function of a function rule 复合函数法211

full cost pricing 完全成本定价法211

full-employament budget surplus 充分就业的预算盈余211

full-employment national income 充分就业的国民收入211

full-employment unemployment 充分就业的失业率211

full information maximum likeli-hood(FIML) 完全信息极大似然法211

function 函数211

funded debt 长期债务212

funding 短期债务的长期化212

future 期货212

futures market 期货市场212

funded debt 长期债务212

funding 短期债务的长期化212

future 期货212

futures market 期货市场212

Galbraith,John Kenneth 加尔布雷思,约伯·肯尼思213



gains from trade 贸易得益213

Galbraith,John Kenneth 加尔布雷思,约伯·肯尼思213



gains from trade 贸易得益213

galloping inflation 飞奔性的通货膨胀214

galloping inflation 飞奔性的通货膨胀214

game theory 对策论214

game theory 对策论214

General Agreement on Tariffe and Trade(GATT) 关税及贸易总协定215

Gauss-Markov theorem 高斯-马尔可夫定理215

gearing “搭配”215

gearing ratio “搭配”比率215

General Agreement on Tariffe and Trade(GATT) 关税及贸易总协定215

GATT 关税及贸易总协定215

Gauss-Markov theorem 高斯-马尔可夫定理215

GATT 关税及贸易总协定215

gearing “搭配”215

gearing ratio “搭配”比率215

General Classifcation of Economic Activities in the European Commu-nities 欧洲共同体经济活动一般分类法216

general equilibrium 一般均衡216

general grant 一般性拨款216

generalized least squares(GLS) 广义最小平方法216

general grant 一般性拨款216

generalized least squares(GLS) 广义最小平方法216

General Classifcation of Economic Activities in the European Commu-nities 欧洲共同体经济活动一般分类法216

general equilibrium 一般均衡216

general training 一般培训217

general linear model(GLM) 一般线性模型217

general unions 总工会217

geneva conference 日内瓦会议217

geneva round 日内瓦回合217

general unions 总工会217

geneva conference 日内瓦会议217

general system of perferences(GSP) 普通特惠制217

general theory of employment,interest and money 《就业、利息与货币的一般理论》217

general training 一般培训217

geneva round 日内瓦回合217

general linear model(GLM) 一般线性模型217

genoa conference 热那亚会议217

genoa conference 热那亚会议217

general system of perferences(GSP) 普通特惠制217

general theory of employment,interest and money 《就业、利息与货币的一般理论》217

Giffen goods 吉芬货物218

Gibrat’s law of proportionate growth 吉布拉特比例增长法则218

Giffen goods 吉芬货物218

geographie frontier 地理边缘218

geometric lag 几何滞后218

geometric progression 几何级数218

Gibrat’s law of proportionate growth 吉布拉特比例增长法则218

geographie frontier 地理边缘218

geometric lag 几何滞后218

geometric progression 几何级数218

gifts tax 赠与税219

gilt-edged securities 金边证券219

Gini coefficient 吉尼系数219

giro system 汇划转帐制219

gifts tax 赠与税219

gilt-edged securities 金边证券219

Gini coefficient 吉尼系数219

giro system 汇划转帐制219

golden rule 金科玉律220

golden rule of accumulation 积累的金科玉律220

guidepost following behaviour “路标”追随行为(工资标准看齐行为)220

gold exchange standard 金汇兑本位220

guidepost following behaviour “路标”追随行为(工资标准看齐行为)220

Glejser test 格莱塞检验220

gold certificate 金券220

gold-bricking 限制出力220

Glejser test 格莱塞检验220

‘golden age’growth “黄金时代”增长220

gold certificate 金券220

golden rule 金科玉律220

golden rule of accumulation 积累的金科玉律220

gold exchange standard 金汇兑本位220

gold-bricking 限制出力220

‘golden age’growth “黄金时代”增长220

gold export point 黄金输出点221

Goldteld-Quandt test 戈尔费尔德-匡德检验221

gold import point 黄金输入点221

gold market 黄金市场221

gold points 黄金输送点221

gold export point 黄金输出点221

Goldteld-Quandt test 戈尔费尔德-匡德检验221

gold import point 黄金输入点221

gold market 黄金市场221

gold standard 金本位221

gold points 黄金输送点221

gold standard 金本位221

goodness of fit 拟合优度222

goods 货物222

goodwill 商誉222

Gosplan 苏联国家计划委员会222

government deficit 政府赤字222

government expenditure 政府支出222

goods 货物222

goodwill 商誉222

Gosplan 苏联国家计划委员会222

Goodhart’s Law 古德哈特定律222

goodness of fit 拟合优度222

government deficit 政府赤字222

government expenditure 政府支出222

Goodhart’s Law 古德哈特定律222

government securities 政府证券223

gradualism 渐进主义223

grant 拨款223

govetnment National Mortgage Association(GNMA) 政府全国抵押协会223

graduate tax 毕业税223

grand factor price frontier 总要素价格边界223

grandfather clause 老祖父条款223

grant 拨款223

government securities 政府证券223

gradualism 渐进主义223

govetnment National Mortgage Association(GNMA) 政府全国抵押协会223

graduate tax 毕业税223

grand factor price frontier 总要素价格边界223

grandfather clause 老祖父条款223

grant-in-aid 补助金224

gravity model 重力模型224

grant-in-aid 补助金224

“ Great Leap Forward” “大跃进”224

green punnd 绿色英镑224

gravity model 重力模型224

“ Great Leap Forward” “大跃进”224

green punnd 绿色英镑224

green revolution 绿色革命225

Gresham’s law 格雷欣法则225

gross barter terms of trade 总易货贸易条件225

gross domestic fixed capital formation 国内固定资本形成总额225

gross domestic product 国内生产总值225

gross investment 总投资225

green revolution 绿色革命225

Gresham’s law 格雷欣法则225

gross barter terms of trade 总易货贸易条件225

gross domestic fixed capital formation 国内固定资本形成总额225

gross domestic product 国内生产总值225

gross investment 总投资225

gross trading profit 经营毛利226

group of 77七十七国集团226

growth-gap unemployment 增长不足型失业226

growth path 增长路径226

growth pole 增长极226

gross profit 总利润(毛利)226

gross trading profit 经营毛利226

group of ten 十国集团226

gross margin 毛利226

gross national income 国民总收入226

gross national product 国民生产总值226

group of 77七十七国集团226

gross national product deflator 国民生产总值折算数226

growth-gap unemployment 增长不足型失业226

growth path 增长路径226

growth pole 增长极226

gross margin 毛利226

gross national income 国民总收入226

gross national product 国民生产总值226

gross national product deflator 国民生产总值折算数226

group of ten 十国集团226

gross profit 总利润(毛利)226

growth-profitability function 增长-盈利函数227

growth-stock paradox 增长-股价悖论227

growth theories of the firm 企业(厂商)增长理论227

growth-profitability function 增长-盈利函数227

growth-stock paradox 增长-股价悖论227

growth theories of the firm 企业(厂商)增长理论227

growth theory 增长理论228

growth-valuation function 增长-估价函数228

growth theory 增长理论228

growth-valuation function 增长-估价函数228

guaranteed week 有保证的周薪229

guidelines 指导线(工资增长限制线)229

guideposts “路标”(工资增长指标)229

guaranteed week 有保证的周薪229

guidelines 指导线(工资增长限制线)229

guideposts “路标”(工资增长指标)229

hard currency 硬通货230

Halesbury Committee 哈勒斯伯里委员会230

hammered 锤击宣布无力偿债230

hard-core unemployed “硬核型”失业者230



habit-creation demand function 习惯-创造需求函数230

hard currency 硬通货230



habit-creation demand function 习惯-创造需求函数230

Halesbury Committee 哈勒斯伯里委员会230

hammered 锤击宣布无力偿债230

hard-core unemployed “硬核型”失业者230

Harrod,Sir Roy F· 哈罗德,罗伊·F爵士231

Harrod-Domar growth model 哈罗德-多马增长模型231

Harrod,Sir Roy F· 哈罗德,罗伊·F爵士231

Harrod-Domar growth model 哈罗德-多马增长模型231

Harrod Neutral Technical Progress 哈罗德中性技术进步232

Havana Charter 《哈瓦那宪章》232

Harrod Neutral Technical Progress 哈罗德中性技术进步232

Havana Charter 《哈瓦那宪章》232

Hayek,Frjdrich A.Von 哈耶克,弗里德里希·A·冯232

Hayek,Frjdrich A.Von 哈耶克,弗里德里希·A·冯232

Heckscher-Ohlin Aproach to Inter-national Trade 赫克歇尔-欧林国际贸易分析法233

hedging 套期保值233

Heckscher-Ohlin Aproach to Inter-national Trade 赫克歇尔-欧林国际贸易分析法233

hedging 套期保值233

hedonic price 享乐价格234

hedonism 享乐主义234

herfindahl index 赫尔芬达指数234

hedonic price 享乐价格234

hedonism 享乐主义234

herfindahl index 赫尔芬达指数234

beterogeneity 异质性235

heterogeneous capital 异质资本235

heterogeneous product 异质产品235

heteroscedasticity 异方差性235

heterogeneous capital 异质资本235

heterogeneous product 异质产品235

Hicks,Sir John R. 希克斯,约翰·R爵士235

heteroscedasticity 异方差性235

Hicks,Sir John R. 希克斯,约翰·R爵士235

beterogeneity 异质性235

Hicks Neutral Technical Progress 希克斯中性技术进步236

hidden unemployment 隐蔽性失业236

high powered money 强力货币236

Hicks-Hansen diagram 希克斯-汉森图236

Hicks Neutral Technical Progress 希克斯中性技术进步236

Hicks-Hansen diagram 希克斯-汉森图236

hidden unemployment 隐蔽性失业236

high powered money 强力货币236

historical school 历史学派237

hire purchase 租购(分期付款购货)237

hiring rate 雇用率237

hire purchase 租购(分期付款购货)237

hiring standards 雇用标准237

histogram 直方图237

hiring rate 雇用率237

historical costs 原始成本237

hiring standards 雇用标准237

histogram 直方图237

historical costs 原始成本237

historical models 历史模型237

historical models 历史模型237

historical school 历史学派237

historicism 历史主义238

hoarding 窖藏238

holding company 控股公司238

historicism 历史主义238

hoarding 窖藏238

holding company 控股公司238

homogeneity 齐质性239

homogeneous functions 齐次函数239

homogeneous product 齐质产品239

homogeneous production functions 齐次生产函数239

homogeneous functions 齐次函数239

homogeneous product 齐质产品239

homogeneous production functions 齐次生产函数239

homoscedasticity 同方差性239

homoscedasticity 同方差性239

horizontal equity 横向公平239

horizontal integration 横向联合239

hot money 游资239

homogeneity 齐质性239

horizontal equity 横向公平239

horizontal integration 横向联合239

hot money 游资239

Hunt Commission 亨特委员会240

human capital 人力资本240

Hume,David 休谟,大卫240

Hunt Commission 亨特委员会240

human capital 人力资本240

Hume,David 休谟,大卫240

Hunt Report 亨特报告241

hyperbola 双曲线241

hyper-inflation 恶性通货膨胀241

hypothesis teating 假设检验241

Hunt Report 亨特报告241

hyperbola 双曲线241

hyper-inflation 恶性通货膨胀241

hypothesis teating 假设检验241

identity 恒等式242

identity matrix 单位矩阵242

idiosyncratic exchange 特异交换242

ICFC 工商业金融公司242

IDA 国际开发协会242

identification problem 识别问题242



ICFC 工商业金融公司242

IDA 国际开发协会242

identity 恒等式242

identity matrix 单位矩阵242

idiosyncratic exchange 特异交换242

identification problem 识别问题242



idle balances 闲置余额243

illiquidity 无流动性243

ILO 国际劳工局243

imaginary number 虚数243

idle balances 闲置余额243

illiquidity 无流动性243

ILO 国际劳工局243

imaginary number 虚数243

IMF 国际货币基金组织244

imitative growth 模仿性增长244

IMF 国际货币基金组织244

imitative growth 模仿性增长244

immiserizing growth 贫困化的增长244

impact analysis 影响分析244

impact of taxation 税收的影响244

impact multiplier 影响乘数244

immiserizing growth 贫困化的增长244

impact analysis 影响分析244

impact of taxation 税收的影响244

impact multiplier 影响乘数244

imperfect competition 不完全竞争244

imperfect information 不完全信息244

imperfect competition 不完全竞争244

imperfect information 不完全信息244

imperfect markets 不完全市场245

imperialism 帝国主义245

implementation lag 执行时延245

implicit contracts 内隐契约245

imperialism 帝国主义245

implementation lag 执行时延245

implicit contracts 内隐契约245

imperfect markets 不完全市场245

import restrictions 进口限制246

import substitution 进口替代246

import quota 进口限额246

import restrictions 进口限制246

import substitution 进口替代246

implicit cost 内隐成本246

implicit function 隐函数246

implicit price deflator 隐含价格折算数246

implicit rental value 隐含租金246

import 进口246

import duty 进口税246

import quota 进口限额246

implicit cost 内隐成本246

implicit function 隐函数246

implicit price deflator 隐含价格折算数246

implicit rental value 隐含租金246

import 进口246

import duty 进口税246

incentive payment system 奖励工资制247

incidence of taxation 税收的归宿247

import tariff 进口税则247

import tariff 进口税则247

impossibility theorem 不可能性定理247

impure public goods 非纯粹公共货物247

imputed rent 估算租金247

inactive money 呆滞货币247

incentive payment system 奖励工资制247

incidence of taxation 税收的归宿247

impossibility theorem 不可能性定理247

impure public goods 非纯粹公共货物247

imputed rent 估算租金247

inactive money 呆滞货币247

income 收入248

income,circular flow or 收入循环流量248

income consumption curve 收入消费曲线248

income determination 收入决定248

income differentials 收入差别248

income effect 收入效应248

income elasticity of demand 需求的收入弹性248

income 收入248

income,circular flow or 收入循环流量248

income consumption curve 收入消费曲线248

income determination 收入决定248

income differentials 收入差别248

income effect 收入效应248

income elasticity of demand 需求的收入弹性248

income-expenditure model 收入-支出模型249

income-expenditure model 收入-支出模型249

income maintenance 收入保证政策249

income maintenance 收入保证政策249

income-sales ratio 收入-销售比率250

incomes policy 收入政策250

income-sales ratio 收入-销售比率250

incomes policy 收入政策250

income tax 所得税251

income tax 所得税251

income terms of trade 收入贸易条件252

income velocitr of circulation 收入流通速度252

increasing returns to scale 规模收益递增252

incremental capital-output ratlo(ICOR) 边际资本-产出率252

independent variable 自变量252

income velocitr of circulation 收入流通速度252

increasing returns to scale 规模收益递增252

incremental capital-output ratlo(ICOR) 边际资本-产出率252

independent variable 自变量252

indexation 指数化252

indexation 指数化252

income terms of trade 收入贸易条件252

indexation of tax allowances and taxation 税收折让及税收的指数化253

index number 指数253

index number problem 指数问题253

indicative planning 指导性计划253

indexation of tax allowances and taxation 税收折让及税收的指数化253

index number 指数253

index number problem 指数问题253

indicative planning 指导性计划253

indiffernce curve 无差异曲线254

indifference 无差异性254

indiffernce map 无差异图254

indirect least squares(ILS) 间接最小平方254

indiffernce curve 无差异曲线254

indiffernce map 无差异图254

indirect least squares(ILS) 间接最小平方254

indifference 无差异性254

indirect taxes 间接税255

indirect utility function 间接效用函数255

indivisibllities 不可分性255

indirect taxes 间接税255

indirect utility function 间接效用函数255

indivisibllities 不可分性255

industrial action 劳工(行业)行动255

industrial and commercial finance corporation 工业商业金融公司255

industrial bank 实业银行255

industrial action 劳工(行业)行动255

industrial bankers association 实业银行家协会255

industrial complex analysis 工业综合分析255

industrial and commercial finance corporation 工业商业金融公司255

industrial bank 实业银行255

industrial bankers association 实业银行家协会255

industrial complex analysis 工业综合分析255

industrial democracy 工业民主256

industrial democracy 工业民主256

industrial development certificate(IDC) 工业发展许可证256

industrial dispute 劳资纠纷256

industrial inertia 工业惯性256

industrial organization 产业组织256

industrial development certificate(IDC) 工业发展许可证256

industrial dispute 劳资纠纷256

industrial inertia 工业惯性256

industrial organization 产业组织256

industrialization 工业化257

industrial relations 劳资关系257

industrial reorganization corportion 工业重组公司257

industrialization 工业化257

industrial relations 劳资关系257

industrial reorganization corportion 工业重组公司257

industrial wage differentials 行业工资差别258

industrial unions 产业工会258

industrial wage differentials 行业工资差别258

industrial wage structure 行业工资结构258

industry 行业258

industrial wage structure 行业工资结构258

industry 行业258

industrial unions 产业工会258

infant industry argument for prote-ction 幼稚工业保护论259

inference 推断259

inferior goods 低档货物259

industry-wide bargaining 全行业谈判259

inelastic 无弹性259

inequality 不等式259

infant industry 幼稚工业259

infant industry argument for prote-ction 幼稚工业保护论259

inference 推断259

inferior goods 低档货物259

industry-wide bargaining 全行业谈判259

infant industry 幼稚工业259

inelastic 无弹性259

inequality 不等式259

inflation 通货膨胀260

inflation,suppressed 受抑制的通货膨胀260

inflation accounting 通货膨胀会计260

inflation 通货膨胀260

inflation,suppressed 受抑制的通货膨胀260

inflation accounting 通货膨胀会计260

inflation subsidy 通货膨胀补贴261

inflation tax 通货膨胀税收261

inflationary gap 通货膨胀缺口261

informal sector 非正式部门261

inflationary spiral 通货膨胀螺旋261

inflation subsidy 通货膨胀补贴261

inflation tax 通货膨胀税收261

informal sector 非正式部门261

inflationary gap 通货膨胀缺口261

inflationary spiral 通货膨胀螺旋261

input 投入262

information 信息262

information 信息262

infra-marginal externality 边际内的外部性262

infrastructure 基础设施262

infra-marginal externality 边际内的外部性262

infrastructure 基础设施262

inheritance tax 继承税262

initial claims series 初始权利序列262

injections 注入262

in-kind redistribution 实物再分配262

inheritance tax 继承税262

initial claims series 初始权利序列262

injections 注入262

in-kind redistribution 实物再分配262

inland bill 国内汇票262

innovation 创新262

inland bill 国内汇票262

innovation 创新262

input 投入262

input orientation 投入导向263

input-output (I-O)投入-产出263

inside lag 内在时延263

input-output (I-O)投入-产出263

inside lag 内在时延263

inside money 内在货币263

inside money 内在货币263

input orientation 投入导向263

institutional training 社会事业性培训264

instalment credit 分期付款信贷264

institutional economics 制度经济学264

institutional training 社会事业性培训264

insolvency 无力偿付264

insolvency 无力偿付264

instalment credit 分期付款信贷264

institutional economics 制度经济学264

instrumental variables (I.V.) 工具变量265

instruments 工具265

insurance 保险265

insurance premium 保险费265

intangible assets 无形资产265

integer 整数265

integrated economy 一体化经济265

instrumental variables (I.V.) 工具变量265

instruments 工具265

insurance 保险265

insurance premium 保险费265

intangible assets 无形资产265

integer 整数265

integrated economy 一体化经济265

integration 积分265

integration 积分265

intensive margin 集约边际266

intensive margin 集约边际266

inter-american development bank 泛美开发银行266

inter-bank market 银行同业拆放市场266

intercept 截距266

inter-american development bank 泛美开发银行266

inter-bank market 银行同业拆放市场266

intercept 截距266

interdependent utility 互倚性效用266

interdependent utility 互倚性效用266

interdistrict settlement account(or fund) 区际结算帐户(或资金)266

interdistrict settlement account(or fund) 区际结算帐户(或资金)266

intended inventory investment 意愿性存货投资266

intended inventory investment 意愿性存货投资266

intergovernmental grants 政府间拨款267

interlocking directorates 连锁董事会267

intermediate areas 中间地区267

intermediate goods 中间货物267

interest 利息267

imterest equalization tax 利息平准税267

intergovernmental grants 政府间拨款267

interlocking directorates 连锁董事会267

intermediate areas 中间地区267

intermediate goods 中间货物267

interest 利息267

imterest equalization tax 利息平准税267

intermediate lag 中间时延268

intermediate technology 中间技术268

Intermediate Technology Develop-ment Group 中间技术开发集团268

intermediate lag 中间时延268

intermediate variables 中间变量268

internal drain 内部流失268

intermediate technology 中间技术268

internal finance 内部筹资268

internal growth 内部增长268

Intermediate Technology Develop-ment Group 中间技术开发集团268

‘internal’labour market “内部”劳动市场268

intermediate variables 中间变量268

internal drain 内部流失268

internal finance 内部筹资268

internal growth 内部增长268

‘internal’labour market “内部”劳动市场268

internal rate of return 内部收益率269

internal wage differentials 内部工资差别269

International Bank for Reconstru-ction and Development 国际复兴开发银行269

internal rate of return 内部收益率269

internal wage differentials 内部工资差别269

International Bank for Reconstru-ction and Development 国际复兴开发银行269

international cartel 国际卡特尔269

international cartel 国际卡特尔269

International Development Co-oper-ation Agency(IDCA) 国际开发合作机构270

International Development Co-oper-ation Agency(IDCA) 国际开发合作机构270

international division of labour 国际劳动分工270

international division of labour 国际劳动分工270

International Clearing Union 国际清算同盟270

International Clearing Union 国际清算同盟270

International Commodity agreements 国际商品协定270

International Co-operation Adminis-tration 国际合作署270

International Commodity agreements 国际商品协定270

International Co-operation Adminis-tration 国际合作署270

International Development Association(IDA)国际开发协会270

International Development Association(IDA)国际开发协会270

international economics 国际经济学271

International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司271

International Investment Bank 国际投资银行271

international economics 国际经济学271

International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司271

International Labour Office 国际劳工局271

international liquldity 国际清偿能力271

International Investment Bank 国际投资银行271

International Labour Office 国际劳工局271

international liquldity 国际清偿能力271

international monetarism 国际货币主义272

international monetarism 国际货币主义272

International Monetary Fund(IMF) 国际货币基金组织273

International Monetary Fund(IMF) 国际货币基金组织273

International payments system 国际支付体系275

International Standard Industrial Classification(ISIC) 国际标准工业分类275

International Sugar Organization 国际食糖组织275

International Tin Council 国际锡理事会275

international trade 国际贸易275

International Standard Industrial Classification(ISIC) 国际标准工业分类275

International Sugar Organization 国际食糖组织275

International Tin Council 国际锡理事会275

international trade 国际贸易275

International payments system 国际支付体系275

International Trade Organization(ITO)国际贸易组织276

International Wheat Council 国际小麦理事会276

interpersonal comparisons of utility 人际效用比较276

interquartile range 四分位数间距276

interstate commerce act 《州际商业法》276

interstate commerce act 《州际商业法》276

International Trade Organization(ITO)国际贸易组织276

International Wheat Council 国际小麦理事会276

interpersonal comparisons of utility 人际效用比较276

interquartile range 四分位数间距276

inverse function rule 反函数规则277

inverse function rule 反函数规则277

investment 投资277

investment 投资277

interval estimate 区间估计277

“in the bank’ “求助于英格兰银行”277

interval estimate 区间估计277

“in the bank’ “求助于英格兰银行”277

inventories 存货277

inventory cycle 存货循环277

inventories 存货277

inventory cycle 存货循环277

inventory investment 存货投资277

inventory investment 存货投资277

investment criteria 投资准则278

investment criteria 投资准则278

investment grants 投资拨款278

investment income surcharge 投资收入附加税278

investment grants 投资拨款278

investment trust 投资信托公司278

investment income surcharge 投资收入附加税278

investment trust 投资信托公司278

iron law of wages 工资铁律279

investors in industry 工业投资公司279

invisible hand,the 无形的手279

invisibles 无形项目279

involuntary unemployment 非自愿失业279

iron law of wages 工资铁律279

investors in industry 工业投资公司279

invisible hand,the 无形的手279

invisibles 无形项目279

involuntary unemployment 非自愿失业279

ISIC 国际标准工业分类280

ISIC 国际标准工业分类280

Islamic Development Bank 伊斯兰开发银行280

IS-LM diagram IS-LM图280

irredeemable loan stock 不偿还的贷款债券280

Islamic Development Bank 伊斯兰开发银行280

IS-LM diagram IS-LM图280

irredeemable preference shares 不偿还的优先股280

Is curve IS曲线280

irredeemable loan stock 不偿还的贷款债券280

irredeemable preference shares 不偿还的优先股280

Is curve IS曲线280

iso-cost curve 等成本曲线281

iso-cost curve 等成本曲线281

iso-outlay line 等费用线281

iso-outlay line 等费用线281

iso-porduct curve 等产量曲线281

iso-profit curves 等利润曲线281

isoquant 等量曲线281

iso-revenue line(curve) 等收益线(曲线)281

iso-porduct curve 等产量曲线281

iso-profit curves 等利润曲线281

isoquant 等量曲线281

iso-revenue line(curve) 等收益线(曲线)281

issue department 发行部282

issuing house 发行(证券)公司282

issuing broker 发行经纪人282

issuing house 发行(证券)公司282

issued capital 已发股本282

issued capital 已发股本282

issue department 发行部282

issuing broker 发行经纪人282

Issuing Houses Association 发行(证券)公司协会283

ITO 国际贸易组织283

Issuing Houses Association 发行(证券)公司协会283

ITO 国际贸易组织283



j curveJ曲线284

‘jelly’capital “糊状”资本284

Jevons,W·Stanley 杰文斯,W·斯坦利284

jobber 证券交易商284

j curve J曲线284

‘jelly’capital “糊状”资本284

Jevons,W·Stanley 杰文斯,W·斯坦利284

jobber 证券交易商284

job cluster 职位群285

job competition theory 职位竞争理论285

job creation 职位创造285

job cluster 职位群285

job competition theory 职位竞争理论285

job creation 职位创造285

job duplication 兼职286

job evaluation 职位评估286

job duplication 兼职286

job evaluation 职位评估286

job search 寻职286

job search channels 寻职渠道286

job search 寻职286

job search channels 寻职渠道286

Johnson,Harry Gordon 约翰逊,哈里·戈登287

joint probability distributions 联合概率分布287

joint product 连带产品287

joint profit maximization 联合利润最大化287

Johnson,Harry Gordon 约翰逊,哈里·戈登287

joint probability distributions 联合概率分布287

joint product 连带产品287

joint profit maximization 联合利润最大化287

job Shopping 职位“购买”287

job Shopping 职位“购买”287

just price 公平价格288

joint stock company 股份公司288

joint ventures 合营288

joint stock company 股份公司288

joint ventures 合营288

Juglar cycle 朱格拉周期288

justice as fairness 公平即公正288

Juglar cycle 朱格拉周期288

justice as fairness 公平即公正288

just price 公平价格288


Kahn,Rlchard F·卡恩,理查包·F.289

Kaldor,Nicholas 卡尔多,尼古拉289

Kaldor-Hicks Test 卡尔多-希克斯检验289

Kaldor-Hicks Test 卡尔多-希克斯检验289


Kahn,Rlchard F·卡恩,理查包·F.289

Kaldor,Nicholas 卡尔多,尼古拉289

Kalecki,Michael 卡莱茨基,迈克尔290

Kalman filtering 卡尔曼滤波290

Kantorovich,Leonid 康托诺维奇,列昂尼德290

Kalecki,Michael 卡莱茨基,迈克尔290

Kalman filtering 卡尔曼滤波290

Kantorovich,Leonid 康托诺维奇,列昂尼德290

Kennedy round 肯尼迪回合291

key bargain 关键谈判291

Keynes,John Maynard 凯恩斯,约翰·梅纳德291

Kennedy round 肯尼迪回合291

key bargain 关键谈判291

Keynes,John Maynard 凯恩斯,约翰·梅纳德291

Keynesian cross 凯恩斯十字图294

Keynesian cross 凯恩斯十字图294

Keynesian economics 凯恩斯主义经济学294

Keynesian growth theory 凯恩斯主义增长理论294

Keynesian economics 凯恩斯主义经济学294

Keynes effect 凯恩斯效应294

Keynesian growth theory 凯恩斯主义增长理论294

Keynes effect 凯恩斯效应294

Keynes Plan,the 凯恩计划295

Keynes Plan,the 凯恩计划295

key rates 基准(关键)工资率295

kinked demand curve 扭折需求曲线295

key rates 基准(关键)工资率295

kinked demand curve 扭折需求曲线295

knife edge 刃锋296

Klein-Goldberger Model 克莱因·戈尔德伯格模型296

Klein-Goldberger Model 克莱因·戈尔德伯格模型296

Klein,Lawrence R. 克莱因,劳伦斯·R296

Klein,Lawrence R. 克莱因,劳伦斯·R296

knife edge 刃锋296

Kondratieff,Nikolai D· 康德拉季耶夫,尼古拉·D297

Kondratieff,Nikolai D· 康德拉季耶夫,尼古拉·D297

Knight,Frank 奈特,弗兰克297

Knight,Frank 奈特,弗兰克297

Koyck transformation 科伊克变换298

Koopmans,Tjalling 库普曼,加林298

Koyck transformation 科伊克变换298

Koopmans,Tjalling 库普曼,加林298

labour 劳动299

Iabour augmenting technical progress 劳动促进型技术进步299

labour economics 劳动经济学299

labour force 劳动力299

labour force participation rate 劳动力参与率299

labour hoarding 劳动力贮藏299



Iabour augmenting technical progress 劳动促进型技术进步299

labour economics 劳动经济学299

labour force 劳动力299

labour force participation rate 劳动力参与率299

labour hoarding 劳动力贮藏299


labour power劳动力300

labour-saving techniques 劳动节约型技术300

labour intensive 劳动密集300

labour intensive 劳动密集300

labour market 劳动市场300

labour power 劳动力300

labour market 劳动市场300

labour-saving techniques 劳动节约型技术300

labour’s share 劳动的份额301

labour’s share 劳动的份额301

labour standard 人工(工资)标准301

labour supply 劳动供给301

labour standard 人工(工资)标准301

labour-surplus economy 劳动过剩经济301

labour theory of value 劳动价值论301

labour supply 劳动供给301

labour-surplus economy 劳动过剩经济301

labour theory of value 劳动价值论301

Laffer curve 拉弗曲线302

lagged relationship 滞后关系302

Laffer curve 拉弗曲线302

lagged relationship 滞后关系302

Lagrangean technique 拉格朗日方法302

Lagrangean technique 拉格朗日方法302

land intensive 土地密集303

land reform and tenure 土地改革和所有权303

land intensive 土地密集303

land reform and tenure 土地改革和所有权303

laissez-faire 自由放任主义303

land 土地303

laissez-faire 自由放任主义303

land 土地303

land tax 土地税304

Lange, Oscar 兰格,奥斯卡304

land tax 土地税304

Lange, Oscar 兰格,奥斯卡304

Laspeyres price index 拉斯派雷思物价指数305

Latin American Ecanomic System 拉丁美洲经济体系305

Latin American Free Trade Associ-ation(LAFTA) 拉丁美洲自由贸易协会305

Lausanne School 洛桑学派305

Laspeyres price index 拉斯派雷思物价指数305

Latin American Ecanomic System 拉丁美洲经济体系305

Latin American Free Trade Associ-ation(LAFTA) 拉丁美洲自由贸易协会305

Lausanne School 洛桑学派305

leading sector 主导部门306

law of demand 需求定律306

law of diminishing returns 报酬递减规律306

law of variable proportions 可变比例规律306

Layfield report 莱费尔德的报告306

layoffs 暂时解雇306

leading links principle 主导环节原则306

leading sector 主导部门306

law of demand 需求定律306

law of diminishing returns 报酬递减规律306

law of variable proportions 可变比例规律306

Layfield report 莱费尔德的报告306

layoffs 暂时解雇306

leading links principle 主导环节原则306

leakages 漏出307

leap-frogging 交互上升307

learning (or learning by doing) 学习(或边干边学)307

learning curve 学习曲线307

lease 租赁307

learning curve 学习曲线307

lease 租赁307

leakages 漏出307

leap-frogging 交互上升307

learning (or learning by doing) 学习(或边干边学)307

Le Chatelier Principle 勤查特利尔原理308

Le Chatelier Principle 勤查特利尔原理308

lender of last resort 最后贷款人308

least cost method of production 最小成本生产方法308

least squares 最小平方法308

least cost method of production 最小成本生产方法308

lender of last resort 最后贷款人308

least squares 最小平方法308

Leontief paradox 列昂惕夫之谜309

Lerner,Abbap P.勒纳,阿巴·P.309

Leontief,Wassily 列昂惕夫,瓦西里·W·309

Leontief inverse 列昂惕夫逆矩阵309

Leontief paradox 列昂惕夫之谜309

Lerner,Abbap P.勒纳,阿巴·P.309

Lerner case 勒纳状况309

Lerner index 勒纳指数309

Leontief,Wassily 列昂惕夫,瓦西里·W·309

Lerner case 勒纳状况309

Lerner index 勒纳指数309

Leontief inverse 列昂惕夫逆矩阵309

less developed countries 欠发达国家310

level of significance 显著性水平310

leverage 杠杆率310

Lewis,Sir W.Arthur 刘易斯,W·亚瑟爵士310

letter of credit 信用证310

level of significance 显著性水平310

leverage 杠杆率310

Lewis,Sir W.Arthur 刘易斯,W·亚瑟爵士310

less developed countries 欠发达国家310

letter of credit 信用证310

LIBOR 伦敦银行同业拆放利率311

Lewis-Fei-Ranis model 刘易斯-费- 拉尼斯模型311

liabilities 负债311

liberalism 自由主义311

LIBOR 伦敦银行同业拆放利率311

liabilities 负债311

liberalism 自由主义311

Lewis-Fei-Ranis model 刘易斯-费- 拉尼斯模型311

licensed deposit takers 特许吸收存款机构312

licensed deposit takers 特许吸收存款机构312

“Lifeboat’ “救生艇”312

“Lifeboat’ “救生艇”312

Life-cycle Hypothesis 生命周期假说312

Life-cycle Hypothesis 生命周期假说312

limited company 有限公司313

likelihood function 似然函数313

likelihood ratio test (LR) 似然比检验313

limited company 有限公司313

likelihood function 似然函数313

likelihood ratio test (LR) 似然比检验313

limited dependent variables 有限因变量314

limited information(LI) 有限信息314

limited dependent variables 有限因变量314

limited information(LI) 有限信息314

limited liability 有限责任314

limit pricing 限额定价314

lindahl model 林达尔模型314

linder thesis 林德命题314

linear combination 线性组合314

limited liability 有限责任314

limit pricing 限额定价314

lindahl model 林达尔模型314

linder thesis 林德命题314

linear combination 线性组合314

linearly homogeneous 线性齐次315

linear probability model 线性概率模型315

linear programming 线性规划315

linear dependence 线性相关315

linear estimator 线性估计式315

linear dependence 线性相关315

linear estimator 线性估计式315

linear expenditures systems 线性支出系统315

linear expenditures systems 线性支出系统315

linear function 线性函数315

linear function 线性函数315

linearly homogeneous 线性齐次315

linear probability model 线性概率模型315

linear programming 线性规划315

liquidation 清理316

liquidity 流动性316

liquidity trap 流动性陷阱316

liquidity trap 流动性陷阱316

liquid asset 流动资产316

liquidation 清理316

liquidity preference 流动性偏好316

liquidity 流动性316

liquidity preference 流动性偏好316

liquid asset 流动资产316

liquidity ratio 流动比率316

liquidity ratio 流动比率316

listed securities 上市证券(挂牌证券)317

Little-Mirrleas method 利特尔-米和斯方法317

listed securities 上市证券(挂牌证券)317

Little-Mirrleas method 利特尔-米和斯方法317

loan 贷款318

LM curve LM曲线318

loanable funds 可贷资金318

LM curve LM曲线318

loan 贷款318

loanable funds 可贷资金318

loan capital 借贷资本319

loan stock 贷款债券319

loan capital 借贷资本319

loan stock 贷款债券319

local authorities market 地方机构借款市场319

local finance 地方财政319

local authorities market 地方机构借款市场319

local finance 地方财政319

local labour market 地方劳动市场320

local multiplier 地方乘数320

local public goods 地方公共货物320

locational integration 区域-体化320

local labour market 地方劳动市场320

local multiplier 地方乘数320

local public goods 地方公共货物320

locational integration 区域-体化320

locational interdependence 区域的相互依赖性321

location quotlent 区域商数321

location theory 区位理论321

locational interdependence 区域的相互依赖性321

location quotlent 区域商数321

location theory 区位理论321

locking-in effect 锁住效应323

lockout 关闭工厂323

locking-in effect 锁住效应323

lockout 关闭工厂323

logarithm 对数323

logarithm 对数323

logrolling 互投赞成票324

logistic function 生长函数324

logit analysis 对数成败比率分析324

log-linear 对数线性324

log-normal distribution 对数正态分布324

logrolling 互投赞成票324

logistic function 生长函数324

logit analysis 对数成败比率分析324

log-linear 对数线性324

log-normal distribution 对数正态分布324

Lombard street 伦巴底街325

Lome convention 洛美协定325

Lombard street 伦巴底街325

Lome convention 洛美协定325

long cycle theory 长周期理论326

long-dated securities 长期证券326

long-haul economies 长距离运输经济(性)326

long rate 长期利率326

long-run 长期326

long-run average cost 长期平均成本326

london money market 伦敦货币市场326

long cycle theory 长周期理论326

long-dated securities 长期证券326

long-haul economies 长距离运输经济(性)326

long rate 长期利率326

long-run 长期326

long-run average cost 长期平均成本326

london money market 伦敦货币市场326

long-run consumption function 长期消费函数327

long-run marginal cost 长期边际成本327

long-run consumption function 长期消费函数327

long-run marginal cost 长期边际成本327

long-tern capital 长期资本327

long-tern capital 长期资本327

Losch model 廖施模型328

loss function 损失函数328

loss leader pricing 亏本出售商品定价328

loss-offsetting provisions 亏损补偿措施328

loss leader pricing 亏本出售商品定价328

Lorenz curve 洛伦茨曲线328

loss-offsetting provisions 亏损补偿措施328

Losch model 廖施模型328

loss function 损失函数328

Lorenz curve 洛伦茨曲线328

low-level equilibrium trap 低水平均衡陷阱329

low wage trade 低工资贸易329

LUS 线性无偏而有“纯量协方差矩阵”329

luxury 奢侈品329

luxury taxes 奢侈品税329

low-level equilibrium trap 低水平均衡陷阱329

low wage trade 低工资贸易329

LUS 线性无偏而有“纯量协方差矩阵”329

luxury 奢侈品329

luxury taxes 奢侈品税329

Macmillan committee 麦克米伦委员会330

Macmillan Gap 麦克米伦缺口330

McGuire Act 《麦圭尔法》330

macroeconomics 宏观经济学330


Macmillan committee麦克米伦委员会330

Macmillan Gap 麦克米伦缺口330

McGuire Act 《麦圭尔法》330

macroeconomics 宏观经济学330


Malthus,Rev.Thomas Report马尔萨斯,托马斯·罗伯特牧师331

majority rule 多数裁定规则331

majority rule 多数裁定规则331

malleable capital 韧性资本331

malleable capital 韧性资本331

Malthus,Rev.Thomas Report 马尔萨斯,托马斯·罗伯特牧师331

management 管理人员332

management buyout 管理人员购置产权332

management science 管理科学332

managerial revolution 经理革命332

Malthus’law of population 马尔萨斯人口规律332

management 管理人员332

management buyout 管理人员购置产权332

management science 管理科学332

maager-controlled firm 经理控制的企业(或公司)332

maager-controlled firm 经理控制的企业(或公司)332

managerial capitalism 经理资本主义332

managerial discretion 经理决定权332

managerial capitalism 经理资本主义332

managerial revolution 经理革命332

managerial discretion 经理决定权332

Malthus’law of population 马尔萨斯人口规律332

manpower policy 人力政策333

manpower policy 人力政策333

managerial slack 管理松弛333

managertial theories of the firm 企业的管理理论333

managerial slack 管理松弛333

managertial theories of the firm 企业的管理理论333

managerial utility function 经理效用函数333

managerial utility function 经理效用函数333

managing director 常务董事333

managing director 常务董事333

Manoilescu argument 曼诺意列斯库论点333

Manoilescu argument 曼诺意列斯库论点333

manual workers 体力劳动者334

manual workers 体力劳动者334

margin 边际334

marginal 边际的334

marginal analysis 边际分析334

marginal cost 边际成本334

marginal cost of funds schedule 资金边际成本表列334

margin 边际334

marginal 边际的334

marginal analysis 边际分析334

marginal cost 边际成本334

marginal cost of funds schedule 资金边际成本表列334

marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价334

marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价334

marginal per capita reinvestment quotient criterion 边际人均再投资份额准则335

marginal damage cost 边际损害成本335

marginal disutility 边际负效用335

marginal effcieney of capital 资本边际效率335

marginal efficiency of capital sche-dule 资本边际效率表列335

marginal damage cost 边际损害成本335

marginal disutility 边际负效用335

marginal effcieney of capital 资本边际效率335

marginal efficiency of investment 投资的边际效率335

marginal efficiency of capital sche-dule 资本边际效率表列335

marginal efficiency of investment 投资的边际效率335

marginal efficiency of investment schedule 投资的边际效率表列335

marginal efficiency of investment schedule 投资的边际效率表列335

marginal per capita reinvestment quotient criterion 边际人均再投资份额准则335

marginal product 边际产品336

marginal productivity doctrine 边际生产力学说336

marginal physical product 边际物质产品336

marginal product 边际产品336

marginal physical product 边际物质产品336

marginal productivity doctrine 边际生产力学说336

marginal propensity to save 边际储蓄倾向337

marginal propensity consume 边际消费倾向337

marginal propensity to import 边际进口倾向337

marginal propensity to save 边际储蓄倾向337

marginal propensity to tax 边际税收倾向337

marginal propensity to tax 边际税收倾向337

marginal propensity to withdraw 边际漏出倾向337

marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率337

marginal propensity consume 边际消费倾向337

marginal propensity to withdraw 边际漏出倾向337

marginal propensity to import 边际进口倾向337

marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率337

marginal rate of transformation 边际转换车338

marginal reveunue 边际收益338

marginal rate of tax 边际税率338

marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率338

marginal rate of transformation 边际转换车338

marginal rate of tax 边际税率338

marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率338

marginal reveunue 边际收益338

marginal revenue product 边际收益产品339

marginal revenue product 边际收益产品339

marginal utility 边际效用339

marginal utility of income 收入的边际效用339

marginal utility of money 货币的边际效用339

margin requirement 保证金要求339

market 市场339

marginal utility 边际效用339

marginal utility of income 收入的边际效用339

marginal utility of money 货币的边际效用339

margin requirement 保证金要求339

market 市场339

market classification 市场分类340

market demand curve 市场需求曲线340

market demand curve for labour 劳动的市场需求曲线340

market economy 市场经济340

market classification 市场分类340

market demand curve 市场需求曲线340

market demand curve for labour 劳动的市场需求曲线340

market economy 市场经济340

market failure 市场失灵341

market forces 市场力量341

marketing boards 市场活动委员会341

market imperfection 市场不完全性341

marketing 市场活动341

market failure 市场失灵341

market forces 市场力量341

market imperfection 市场不完全性341

marketing boards 市场活动委员会341

marketing 市场活动341

market orientation 市场取向342

market power 市场支配力342

market share 市场份额342

market socialism 市场社会主义342

market orientation 市场取向342

market power 市场支配力342

market share 市场份额342

market socialism 市场社会主义342

Markov Process 马尔可夫过程343

mark-up 成本加成343

Marshall,Alfred 马歇尔,艾尔弗雷德343

Markov Process 马尔可夫过程343

mark-up 成本加成343

Marshall,Alfred 马歇尔,艾尔弗雷德343

Marsthall-Lerner condition 马歇尔-勒纳条件345

Marshall plan 马歇尔计划345

Marx,Karl 马克思,卡尔345

Marshall Aid 马歇尔援助345

Marshallian demand curve 马歇尔式需求曲线345

Marsthall-Lerner condition 马歇尔-勒纳条件345

Marshall plan 马歇尔计划345

Marx,Karl 马克思,卡尔345

Marshall Aid 马歇尔援助345

Marshallian demand curve 马歇尔式需求曲线345

material forces of production 物质生产力347

Marxist economics 马克思主义经济学347

Marxist economics 马克思主义经济学347

material forces of production 物质生产力347

materials balance principle 物质平衡原理348

matrix 矩阵348

maturity 到期日348

maximax 极大极大准则348

maximin 极大极小准则348

materials balance principle 物质平衡原理348

matrix 矩阵348

maturity 到期日348

maximax 极大极大准则348

maximin 极大极小准则348

means-tested benefits 家庭经济情况调查后发放的津贴349

maximum 极大值349

maximum likelihood 极大似然349

Meade,James Edward 米德,詹姆斯·爱德华349

mean 平均值349

means-tested benefits 家庭经济情况调查后发放的津贴349

maximum 极大值349

maximum likelihood 极大似然349

Meade,James Edward 米德,詹姆斯·爱德华349

mean 平均值349

measurcment error 测量误差350

median 中位数350

median location principle 中位数定位原理350

measurcment error 测量误差350

median 中位数350

median location principle 中位数定位原理350

median voter theorem 中位数投票者定理350

median voter theorem 中位数投票者定理350

Menger,Carl 门格尔,卡尔351

Menger,Carl 门格尔,卡尔351

mercantilism 重商主义351

mercantilism 重商主义351

merchant banks 商人银行351

merchant banks 商人银行351

mediation 调停351

mediation 调停351

medium of exchange 交换媒介351

medium term financial strategy(MTFS)中期金融策略351

medium of exchange 交换媒介351

medium term financial strategy(MTFS)中期金融策略351

merger 合并352

merit bad 有害品352

merit goods 有益品352

merger 合并352

methodology 方法论352

merit bad 有害品352

merit goods 有益品352

methodology 方法论352

microfoundations 微观基础353

Metzler case 梅茨乐状况353

Metzler case 梅茨乐状况353

M-form enterprise M型企业353

M-form enterprise M型企业353

microeconomics 微观经济学353

microeconomics 微观经济学353

microfoundations 微观基础353

Mill,John Stuart 穆勒,约翰·斯图亚特354

Mill,John Stuart 穆勒,约翰·斯图亚特354

Miller-Tydings Act of 1937 《1937年的米勒-泰丁斯法》355

Miller-Tydings Act of 1937 《1937年的米勒-泰丁斯法》355

minimax regret 极小最大遗憾值355

minimax regret 极小最大遗憾值355

minimum 极小值356

minimum 极小值356

minimum efficient scale 最小效率规模356

minimum employment target 最低就业目标356

minimum lending rate 最低贷款利率356

minimum efficient scale 最小效率规模356

minimum employment target 最低就业目标356

minimum lending rate 最低贷款利率356

mint 造币厂357

misspecification 错误的设定357

mixed estimation 混合估计357

mixed goods 混合货物357

minimum wage legislation 最低工资立法357

minority control 少数(股)控制357

minimum wage legislation 最低工资立法357

mint 造币厂357

misspecification 错误的设定357

mixed estimation 混合估计357

mixed goods 混合货物357

minority control 少数(股)控制357

mixed market economy 混合市场经济359

model 模型359

mode 众数359

modern quantity theory of money 现代货币数量论359

modern sectors 现代部门359

model 模型359

mode of production 生产方式359

Modigliani, Franco 莫迪格利安尼,弗兰科359

modern quantity theory of money 现代货币数量论359

modern sectors 现代部门359

mode of production 生产方式359

Modigliani, Franco 莫迪格利安尼,弗兰科359

Modiglian-Miller Theory of cost of capital 莫迪格利安尼-米勒资本成本理论359

modulus 模359

Modiglian-Miller Theory of cost of capital 莫迪格利安尼-米勒资本成本理论359

modulus 模359

mixed market economy 混合市场经济359

mode 众数359

moments 矩360

monetarism 货币主义360

moments 矩360

monetarism 货币主义360

monetary base 货币基础362

monetary authorities 货币当局362

monetary base 货币基础362

monetary authorities 货币当局362

monetary management 货币管理363

monetary policy 货币政策363

monetary management 货币管理363

monetary policy 货币政策363

monetization of debt 债务货币化364

money 货币364

monetary theory 货币理论364

monetization of debt 债务货币化364

money 货币364

monetary theory 货币理论364

money;the demand for 货币需求365

money;the demand for 货币需求365

money balances 货币余额366

money at call 通知收回(短期)放款366

money balances 货币余额366

money at call 通知收回(短期)放款366

money illusion 货币幻觉367

money market 货币市场367

money multiplier 货币乘数367

money price 货币价格367

money stock 货币存量367

money illusion 货币幻觉367

money market 货币市场367

money multiplier 货币乘数367

money price 货币价格367

money stock 货币存量367

money supply 货币供给368

money terms 货币单位368

monoculture 单一种植368

Monopolies and Mergers Act 《垄断与合并法,1965年》368

money supply 货币供给368

money terms 货币单位368

monoculture 单一种植368

Monopolies and Mergers Act 《垄断与合并法,1965年》368

Monopolies and Mergers Commission 垄断与合并委员会369

Monopolies and Restrictive Prac-tices(Inquiry and Control)Act 1948《垄断与限制性活动(调查和控制)法,1948年》369

Monopolies and Mergers Commission 垄断与合并委员会369

Monopolies and Restrictive Prac-tices(Inquiry and Control)Act 1948《垄断与限制性活动(调查和控制)法,1948年》369

monopolistic competition 垄断竞争370

monopolistic competition 垄断竞争370

monopoly 垄断370

monopoly 垄断370

monopoly power 垄断势力371

monopoly power 垄断势力371

monopoly profit 垄断利润371

monopsony 买方垄断371

monopoly profit 垄断利润371

monopsony 买方垄断371

moving average 移动平均数372

multicollinearity 多重共线性372

Monte Carlo methods 蒙特卡罗法372

moonlighting 同时兼两个职业372

moral hazard 道德公害372

Monte Carlo methods 蒙特卡罗法372

moonlighting 同时兼两个职业372

moral hazard 道德公害372

mortgage 抵押372

most favoured nation clause 最惠国条款372

moving average 移动平均数372

multicollinearity 多重共线性372

mortgage 抵押372

most favoured nation clause 最惠国条款372

multinational corporation 跨国公司373

multiplant econmies 多工厂经济373

multilateral aid 多边援助373

multilateral trade 多边贸易373

multinational corporation 跨国公司373

multiplant econmies 多工厂经济373

multiple regression 多重回归373

multiplier 乘数373

multiplant operations 多工厂经营373

multiplant operations 多工厂经营373

multiple correlation coefficient 多重相关系数373

multiple regression 多重回归373

multiple correlation coefficient 多重相关系数373

multiplier 乘数373

multilateral aid 多边援助373

multilateral trade 多边贸易373

multiplier-accelerator interaction 乘数-加速数的相互作用374

multiplier-accelerator interaction 乘数-加速数的相互作用374

multisector growth model 多部门增长模型375

multivariate analysis 多元(多变量分析)375

mutually exclusive projects 相互排斥的项目375


mutually exclusive projects 相互排斥的项目375


Myrdal,Gunnar K.缪尔达尔,冈纳·K375

Myrdal,Gunnar K.缪尔达尔,冈纳·K375

multiproduct firm 多种产品厂商375

multisector growth model 多部门增长模型375

multiproduct firm 多种产品厂商375

multivariate analysis 多元(多变量分析)375

national accounts 国民账户377

national bargaining 全国性谈判377


National Bureau for Economic Research全国经济研究局377

national detb 国债377


naive accelerator简单加速数377

Nash solution 纳什解377

national accounts 国民账户377

national bargaining 全国性谈判377

National Bureau for Economic Research 全国经济研究局377

national detb 国债377

naive accelerator 简单加速数377

Nash solution 纳什解377

National Girobank 国民汇划转账银行378

national income 国民收入378

National Economic Development Courcil(NEDC) 国民经济发展委员会378

National Enterprise Board(NEB) 国家企业局378

National Girobank 国民汇划转账银行378

national income 国民收入378

National Economic Development Courcil(NEDC) 国民经济发展委员会378

National Enterprise Board(NEB) 国家企业局378

National Institute for Economic and social Research 全国经济与社会研究所380

National Insurance Contributions 国民保险特别税380

National Insurance Fund 国民保险基金380

National Labor Relations Act 《国民劳动关系法》380

National Institute for Economic and social Research 全国经济与社会研究所380

National Insurance Contributions 国民保险特别税380

National Insurance Fund 国民保险基金380

National Labor Relations Act 《国民劳动关系法》380

National Research DeVelopment Corporation 国家研究开发公司381

National Savings Bank 国民储蓄银行381

natural law 自然法则381

nationalized industry 国有化工业381

national product 国民产值381

National Research DeVelopment Corporation 国家研究开发公司381

nationalized industry 国有化工业381

National Savings Bank 国民储蓄银行381

national product 国民产值381

natural law 自然法则381

natural rate of unemployment 自然失业率382

natural resources 自然资源382

natural selection hypotheais 自然选择假说382

natural logarithm 自然对数382

natural price 自然价格382

natural rate or growth 自然增长率382

natural rate of unemployment 自然失业率382

natural resources 自然资源382

natural selection hypotheais 自然选择假说382

natural logarithm 自然对数382

natural price 自然价格382

natural rate or growth 自然增长率382

negative income tax 负所得税383

neighbourhood effects 邻近效应383

near money 准货币383

necessity 必需品383

near money 准货币383

necessity 必需品383

NEDC 国民经济发展委员会383

‘neddy’ “驴”383

need 需要383

NEDC 国民经济发展委员会383

‘neddy’ “驴”383

need 需要383

negative income tax 负所得税383

neighbourhood effects 邻近效应383

neo-classical economics 新古典经济学384

neo-classical economics 新古典经济学384

neo-classical growth theory 新古典增长理论384

neo-classical growth theory 新古典增长理论384

net present value 净现值386

neo-classfcal synthesis 新古典综合386

neo-lmperperialism 新帝国主义386

neo-orthodoxy 新正统(最新正统)386

net barter terms of trade 纯易货贸易条件386

net book value 帐面净值386

net investment 净投资386

net national income 国民净收入386

neo-classfcal synthesis 新古典综合386

neo-lmperperialism 新帝国主义386

net national product 国民生产净值386

net present value 净现值386

neo-orthodoxy 新正统(最新正统)386

net barter terms of trade 纯易货贸易条件386

net book value 帐面净值386

net investment 净投资386

net national income 国民净收入386

net national product 国民生产净值386

net profits 净利润387

neutrallzing monetary flows 货币流量的中性化387

‘new classical macroeconomics’“新古典宏观经济学”387

net property income from abroad 国外财产净收入387

net property income from abroad 国外财产净收入387

neutrallty of money 货币中性387

neutrallzing monetary flows 货币流量的中性化387

‘new classical macroeconomics’“新古典宏观经济学”387

neutrallty of money 货币中性387

net profits 净利润387

‘new microeconomics’ “新微观经济学”388

new economic policy 新经济政策388

‘new microeconomics’ “新微观经济学”388

new economic policy 新经济政策388

new industrial state 新工业国388

new industrial state 新工业国388

new inflation 新型通货膨胀388

new issues market 新(证券)发行市场388

new inflation 新型通货膨胀388

new issues market 新(证券)发行市场388

‘new-new’microeconomics “新-新”微观经济学389

new-orthodoxy 新的正统389

‘new-new’microeconomics “新-新”微观经济学389

new-orthodoxy 新的正统389

nominal balances 名义余额390

on-the-job training 在职训练390

nominal value 名义价值(票面价值)390

new quantity theory of money 新货币数量论390

new view of investment 投资新观点390

new quantity theory of money 新货币数量论390

‘new view’on money supply 货币供给“新观点”390

Nw York Stoke Exchange 纽约证券交易所390

new view of investment 投资新观点390

‘new view’on money supply 货币供给“新观点”390

Nw York Stoke Exchange 纽约证券交易所390

nominal 名义的390

nominal 名义的390

on-the-job training 在职训练390

nominal balances 名义余额390

nominal value 名义价值(票面价值)390

non-labour income 非劳动收入391

non-bank financial intermediaries 非银行金融中介机构391

nominal yield 名义收益391

non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment(NAIRU) 失业的非加速通货膨胀率391

non-competing groups 非竞争集团391

non-cumulative preference shares 非累积优先股391

non-excludability 非排他性391

non-labour income 非劳动收入391

nominal yield 名义收益391

non-bank financial intermediaries 非银行金融中介机构391

non-competing groups 非竞争集团391

non-cumulative preference shares 非累积优先股391

non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment(NAIRU) 失业的非加速通货膨胀率391

non-excludability 非排他性391

non-profit institutions 非营利机构392

non-renewable resource 非再生资源392

non-rival consumption 非竞争性消费392

non-linear 非线性392

non-linear function 非线性函数392

non-profit institutions 非营利机构392

non-manual workers 非体力劳动者392

non-renewable resource 非再生资源392

non-pecuniary goals 非金钱目标392

non-price competition 非价格竞争392

non-rival consumption 非竞争性消费392

non-linear 非线性392

non-linear function 非线性函数392

non-manual workers 非体力劳动者392

non-pecuniary goals 非金钱目标392

non-price competition 非价格竞争392

non-tariff barriers 非关税障碍393

non-wage labour costs 非工资劳动成本393

non-tariff barriers 非关税障碍393

non-uniqueness 非唯一性393

non-uniqueness 非唯一性393

non-wage attributes 非工资属性393

non-wage attributes 非工资属性393

non-wage labour costs 非工资劳动成本393

normal equations 正规方程394

normal goods 正常货物394

normal profits 正常利润394

normal unemployment rate 正常失业率394

norm 标准394

normal cost pricing 正常成本定价394

normal distribution 正态分布394

normal equations 正规方程394

normal goods 正常货物394

normal profits 正常利润394

normal unemployment rate 正常失业率394

norm 标准394

normal cost pricing 正常成本定价394

normal distribution 正态分布394

numeraire 计价单位395

norm following behaviour 标准追随行为395

normal variable 正态变量395

normative economics 规范经济学395

norm following behaviour 标准追随行为395

notional demand 观念需求395

notional demand 观念需求395

null hypothesis 零假设395

numbers equivalent 数字等价指数395

numeraire 计价单位395

null hypothesis 零假设395

numbers equivalent 数字等价指数395

normal variable 正态变量395

normative economics 规范经济学395



objective function 目标函数396

occupational licensing 开业许可396

occupational wage differentials 职业工资差别396



objective function 目标函数396

occupational licensing 开业许可396

occupational wage differentials 职业工资差别396

occupational wage structure 职业工资结构397

OECD 经济合作与发展组织397

OEEC 欧洲经济合作组织397

offer curves 供应曲线397

occupational wage structure 职业工资结构397

OECD 经济合作与发展组织397

offer for sale 间接发行397

Office of Fair Trading 公平交易局397

OEEC 欧洲经济合作组织397

offer curves 供应曲线397

offer for sale 间接发行397

Office of Fair Trading 公平交易局397

Ohlin,Bertil 欧林,伯蒂尔398

Office of Management and Budget(OMB) 规划预算局398

offshore investment centres 海外投资中心398

Ohlin,Bertil 欧林,伯蒂尔398

Okun’s‘Law’ “奥肯定律”398

Okun’s‘Law’ “奥肯定律”398

Office of Management and Budget(OMB) 规划预算局398

offshore investment centres 海外投资中心398

one tail test 单尾检验399

OPEC 欧佩克(石油输出国组织)399

one tail test 单尾检验399

oligopolistic behaviour 寡头垄断行为399

Oligopoly 寡头卖方垄断399

oligopsony 寡头买方垄断399

one sector growth model 一部门增长模型399

oligopolistic behaviour 寡头垄断行为399

OPEC 欧佩克(石油输出国组织)399

Oligopoly 寡头卖方垄断399

oligopsony 寡头买方垄断399

one sector growth model 一部门增长模型399

open economy 开放经济400

opening prices 开盘价格400

open economy 开放经济400

opening prices 开盘价格400

open market operations 公开市场活动400

open market operations 公开市场活动400

open unemployment 公开性失业400

open unemployment 公开性失业400

operating gearing 收支啮合率400

operating gearing 收支啮合率400

opportunity cost of money holdings 货币持有的机会成本401

opportunity cost 机会成本401

opportunity cost approach to jnternational trade 国际贸易机会成本分析法401

opportunity cost of money holdings 货币持有的机会成本401

operating income 营业收入401

operating profit 营业利润401

operating income 营业收入401

opportunity cost 机会成本401

opportunity cost approach to jnternational trade 国际贸易机会成本分析法401

operating profit 营业利润401

optimum tariff 最优关税402

optimal 最优的402

optimal capacity 最优生产能力402

optimal distribution 最优分配402

optimal 最优的402

optimal capacity 最优生产能力402

optimum tariff 最优关税402

optimal distribution 最优分配402

optimal level of pollution 最优污染水平402

optimum 最优402

optimal level of pollution 最优污染水平402

optimum optimorum 最优的最优402

optimum plant size 最优工厂规模402

optimum 最优402

optimum optimorum 最优的最优402

optimum plant size 最优工厂规模402

option 期权403

ordering 序数403

ordinalism 序数论403

option 期权403

ordering 序数403

ordinalism 序数论403

ordinal utility 序数效用403

ordinal utility 序数效用403

ordinaty least squares(OLS) 普通最小平方法403

ordinaty least squares(OLS) 普通最小平方法403

ordinary share 普通股403

ordinate 纵坐标403

ordinary share 普通股403

ordinate 纵坐标403

Organization for Economic Co-opera-tion and Development(OECD) 经济合作与发展组织404

Organization for European Economic Co-operation(OEEC) 欧洲经济合作组织404

organic composition of capital 资本的有机构成404

organizational slack 组织松散404

Organization for Economic Co-opera-tion and Development(OECD) 经济合作与发展组织404

Organization for European Economic Co-operation(OEEC) 欧洲经济合作组织404

organic composition of capital 资本的有机构成404

organizational slack 组织松散404

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries(OAPEC) 阿拉伯石油输出国组织405

Organization of Petroleum Exp orting Countries(OPEC) 石油输出国组织(欧佩克)405

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries(OAPEC) 阿拉伯石油输出国组织405

Organization of Petroleum Exp orting Countries(OPEC) 石油输出国组织(欧佩克)405

output 产出406

output budgeting 产出预算406

output 产出406

output budgeting 产出预算406

orthogonal 正交的406

orthogonal 正交的406

outlier 非正常值406

outlier 非正常值406

outside lag 外在时延407

outside money 外在货币407

overidentification 过度识别407

overdraft 透支407

overnight money 隔夜放款407

veremployed workers 过度就业工人407

overfunding 过度回笼资金407

overhead costs 经常成本407

overidentification 过度识别407

overnight money 隔夜放款407

outside lag 外在时延407

outside money 外在货币407

overdraft 透支407

veremployed workers 过度就业工人407

overfunding 过度回笼资金407

overhead costs 经常成本407

Over the Counter Marcket(OTCM) 越过柜台的市场408

overtime 加班(额外工作时间)408

overpopulation 人口过剩408

overshooting(of exchange rate) (汇率的)过度调整408

Over the Counter Marcket(OTCM) 越过柜台的市场408

overtime 加班(额外工作时间)408

overpopulation 人口过剩408

overshooting(of exchange rate) (汇率的)过度调整408

overvalued currency 估值偏高的货币409

owner-controlled firms 所有者控制的公司(企业)409

overvalued currency 估值偏高的货币409

owner-controlled firms 所有者控制的公司(企业)409


Paasche price index帕斯塞物价指数410

paid-up capital 已缴资本410

panel data 典型调查数据410

parabola 抛物线410


Paasche price index帕斯塞物价指数410

paid-up capital 已缴资本410

panel data 典型调查数据410

paper money 纸币410

paper profit 账面盈利410

paradox of voting 投票悖论411

paradox of thrift 节俭悖论411

Pareto,Vilfrecdo 帕累托,维尔弗雷多412

parameter 参数412

Paretian liberal, impossibility of 帕累托自由的不可能性412

Pareto non-comparability 帕累托不可比性413

Pareto conditions 帕累托条件413

Pareto criterion 帕累托准则413

Pareto improvement 帕累托改进413

Par rate of exchange 外汇平价率414

pareto-optimal redistribution 帕累托最优再分配414

pareto optimum 帕累托最优414

Pareto-relevant externality 帕累托相关外部性414

Parity Price system 平价价格制度414

par value 票面价值415

partial adjustment 局部调整415

partial derivative 偏导数415

partial equilibrium 局部均衡415

participating preference shares 参与分红优先股415

participation rate 参与率415

partly rational expections 部分理性预期415

payments, balance Of 国际收支416

patent rights 专利权416

path independence 路径独立(路径无关)416

pattern bargaining 样板谈判416

pauper labour 工人贫困化416

pay-back period 回收期416

pay ceiling 工资上限416

pay freeze 工资冻结416

payment-by-results 按成果付酬416

pension funds 退休金基金417

pay-off 盈利417

payout ratio 支付率(股息支付率)417

payroll tax 工资总额税417

peak-load pricing 旺季定价417

peak period labour demand 高峰期劳动需求417

pecuniary external economy 金钱外部经济417

peg 钉住(汇率)417

pension 退休金417

perfect competition 完全竞争418

per capita 人均418

percentile 百分位数418

permanent income hypothesis 持久性收入假说419

perfect information 完全信息419

perfect markets 完全市场419

permanent consumption 持久性消费419

permanent income 持久性收入419

personal loan 个人贷款420

perpetuity 永久年金420

personal income 个人收入420

petroleum revenue tax(PRT) 石油收入税421

personal rat of substitution 个人替代率421

personal saving 个人储蓄421

perverse migration 逆向迁移421

Physiocrats 重农主义者422

Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲线422

Pigou,Arthur Cecil 庇古,阿瑟·塞西尔423

piecework 计件工资423

planned economy 计划经济424

Pigou effect 庇古效应424

Pigovian tax 庇古税424

pivot effect hypothesis 中枢效应假说424

placing 出盘424

Plato 柏拉图425

planning programming budgeting system(PPBS) 计划方案预算制425

planometrics 计划计量学425

plant bargaining 工厂谈判425

policy instruments 政策工具426

Plurality rule 得票最多裁定规则426

point elasticity of demand 需求的点弹性426

point estimation 点估计426

point of inflextion 拐点426

point utility possibility curve 点效用可能性曲线426

point voting 点数投票426

polluter pays principle 污染者付费原则427

poliCy-off 政策中止期427

policy-on 政策施行期427

policy targets 政策目标427

political economy 政治经济学427

po11 tax 人头税427

population explosion 人口爆炸428

pollution 污染428

pollution rights 污染权428

polynomial 多项式428

polynomial 多项式滞后428

pooled data 合并数据428

population (1)总体(2)人口428

population trap 人口陷阱429

population policy 人口政策429

portfolio balance approach to the balance of payments/exchange rate 国际收支/汇率的资产组合平衡分析法430

portfolio 资产组合430

portfolio blance approach 资产组合平衡法430

past-Keynesian economics 后凯恩思主义经济学431

portfolio diversification 资产组合的多样化431

positive economics 实证经济学431

positivism 实证主义431

poverty 贫困432

posterior distribution 后验分布432

postwar credits 战后信贷432

potential entry 潜在的进入432

potential national income 潜在的国民收入432

potential output 潜在的产出432

potential Pareto improvement 潜在的帕累托改进432

Prebsich thesis 普雷维什命题433

poverty trap 贫困陷阱433

power function 幂函数433

Prais-Winsten 普雷斯-温斯顿交换433

preference 偏好434

precautionary motive 预防动机434

precautionary unemployment 预防性失业434

predatory pricing 掠夺性定价434

pre-emption rights 优先购股权434

price 价格435

preference revelation 偏好显示435

preference shares 优先股435

preferential hiring 优先雇用435

preferred ordinary shares 优先普通股435


premium savings bonus 有奖储蓄公债435

present value 现值435

price discrimination 价格歧视436

price commission 价格管理委员会436

price consumption curve 价格消费曲线436

price control 价格管制436

rice-cost margin 价格-成本差额436

price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性437

price/earnings ratio(P/E ratio) 价格/收益比率437

price index 价格指数438

price leadership 价格领先438

price taker 价格接受者439

price theory 价格理论439

price support scheme 价格维持方案439

price mechanism 价格机制439

price-push 价格推动439

price revolution 价格革命439

price setter 价格制定者439

price specie mechanism 价格硬币机制439

primary securities 初级证券440

primary workers 基本工人440

primary money 初级货币440

primary goods 基本货物440

primary market 初级市场440

private goods 私人货物441

privatization 私有化441

private company 私人公司;不公开招股公司441

principal 本金441

principal-agent problem 委托人-代理人问题441

prior distribution 先验分布441

prisoner's dilemma 囚犯的两难困境441

probit model 概率单位模型442

process 工艺442

probability distribution 概率分布442

probability 概率442

probability density function 概率密度函数442

producer's surplus 生产者剩余443

product cycle 产品周期443

producers co-operatives 生产合作社443

process innovation 工艺创新443

production 生产444

production frontier 生产边界444

product innovation 产品创新444

product differentiation 产品差异444

productivity 生产率445

Productivity bargaining 生产率谈判445

production possibility curve 生产可能性曲线445

production function 生产函数445

Product rule 积规则446

Profit falling rate of 利润率下降446

product proliferation 产品扩散446

product moment correlation coe-ffcient 积矩相关系数446

profit rate 利润率447

profits 利润447

profit motive 利润动机447

profit centre 利润中心447

profit constraint 利润约束447

profit function 利润函数447

profit margin 利润幅度447

profit maximization 利润最大化447

property rights 财产权448

proportional tax 比例税448

proletariat 无产阶级448

Profits-Push inflation 利润推进的通货膨胀448

Programme budgeting 规划预算448

programming methods 规划方法448

progressive tax 累进税448

project appraisal 项目评估448

pseudo-demand schedule 拟需求表列449

public choice 公共选择449

proxy variable 代理变量449

propulsive industries 有推动力的工业449

prospectus 募股说明书449

protection 保护(贸易)449

public finance 公共财政450

public expenditure survey committee 公共支出调查委员会450

public expenditure 公共支出450

Pubilc company 公共公司,公开招股公司450

public goods 公共货物451

public issue 证券的公开发行452

public sector 公共部门452

pump-priming 刺激经济的政府支出453

purchasing power parity 购买力平价453

Public utility regulation 公用事业法规453

Pubic Sector Borrowing Require-ment(PSBR) 公共部门借款需求453

public utility 公用事业453

pushfulness 推动性454

put option 出售期权454

pure profit 纯利润454

purchase tax 购买税454

pure competition 纯粹竞争454

putty-putty 油灰-油灰455

pyramiding 金字塔式的控制455

putty-clay 油灰-陶土455

qualitative choice models 定性抉择模型456

quantity theory Of money 货币数量论456

quadratic utility function 二次效用函数456


quadratic equation二次方程456

quartile 四分位数458

quasi-rent 准租金458

quits 离职459

quota 限额459

quick assets ratio 速动资产比率459

Qucsnay,Francois 魁奈,弗朗索瓦459

quoted companies 报价公司460

quotient rule 商规则460

Radcliffe Commitiee 拉德克利夫委员会461

radical economics 激进经济学461

R■ (见可决系数)461



rage(of a Goods) (一种货物的)供应范围463

random walk 随机过程463

raider firm 侵、掠性厂商463

Ramsey prices 拉姆齐价格463

R and D 研究与发展463

random coeffcient models 随机系数模型463

random variable 随机变量463

rate of interest 利息率464

rate of commodity substitution 商品替代率464

ratchet effect 棘轮效应464

rank correlation 等级相关464

ranking of projects 项目评级464

rank of matrix 矩阵的秩464

rate of return 收益率465

rate of time preference 时间偏好率466

rates 地方税466

rate of surplus value 剩余价值率466

rate support grant 地方税资助拨款467

rational expectations 理性预期467

rationing 定量配给468

Rawlsian justice 罗尔斯正义468

rational lag 有理滞后468

rationality 理性468

real money balances 实际货币余额469

real national output 实际国民产出469

real cost approach to international trade 国际贸易的实际成本法469

R,D and D 研究、发展与示范469

reaction functions 反应函数469

real balance effect 实际余额效应469

reciprocal demand 相互需求470

reciprocal trade agreements of 1934(RTA) 《1934年的互惠贸易协定法》470

reciprocal 倒数470

real wages 实际工资470

receiver 清算人470

recession 衰退470

redemption date 偿还日期471

redemption yield 偿还收益471

redeemable securities 可赎证券471

recognition lag 认识时延471

recontract 重订契约471

recursive models 递归模型471

recursive relsduals 递归剩余471

recycling 再循环471

redeemable loan stock 可赎贷款债券471

redeemable preference shares 可赎现优先股471

regional development grant 地区开发拨款472

regional economic planning boards 地区经济计划局472

re-export 转口472

redistribution 再分配472

reduced form(RF) 简化型472

redundancies 裁员472

redundancy payments 裁减费472

regional multiplier 区域乘数473

regional employment premium 地区就业奖励金473

regional economics 区域经济学473

regional policy 区域政策474

regressand 回归应变量475

regression 回归475

registered unemployed 注册失业者475

regional wage differentials 区域工资差别475

regional wage structure 区域工资结构475

reintermediation 增大金融机构媒介作用476

relative deprivation 相对剥夺476

regulation Q Q规则476

regressive expectations 回归预期476

regrssive tax 累退税476

regressor 回归自变量476

regret matrix 遗憾矩阵476

relative income hypothesis 相对收入假说477

rclative price 相对价格477

replacement investment 重置投资478

replacement ratio 重置比率478

replacement cost accounting 重置成本会计478

relativities 相对性478

renewable resource 再生资源478

rent 租金478

rent gradient 地租梯度478

rentiers 食利者478

replacement cost 重置成本478

Resale Prices Act 1964 《转售价格法,1964年》479

research and development(R and D) 研究与发展479

resale price maintenance 维持转售价格479

representative firm 代表性厂商479

repressed inflation 被抑制的通货膨胀479

required reserves 必备储备金479

reserve base 储备基数480

reserve currency 储备货币480

reserve assets ratio 储备资产比率480

reservation wage 保留工资480

Restrictive Practices Court 限制性活动法院481

Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956 《限制性贸易活动法,1956年》481

restricted least squares(RLS) 约束最小平方法481

reserve ratios 储备比率481

residual 残差481

retail 零售482

retail banking 小额银行业务482

reswitching 再转辙482

Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1968 《限制性贸易活动法,1968年》482

revaluation 升值483

revealed preference 显示性偏好483

returns to scale 规模收益483

retail price index(RPI) 零售价格指数483

retained earnings 留存收益483

retention ratio 留存比率483

retentions 留存483

return on capital employed 所用资本收益率483

Ricardo,David 李嘉图,大卫484

reverse yield gap 逆收益缺口484

reverse dumping 逆倾销484

revenue maximization 收益最大化484

right-to-work laws 《禁止强行要求工人加入工会法》485

risk capital 风险资本486

risk premium 风险贴水486

risk aversion 风险规避486

rights issue 权利股486

risk 风险486

price effect 价格效应487

Robinson,JoanV. 罗宾逊,琼·V.487

Robbins,L. 罗宾斯,L487

risk-spreading 风险分散487

rival 竞争性487

price fixing agreement 固定价格协议488

roots 根488

Robinson-Patman Act 《罗宾逊-帕特曼法》488

Roosa effect 鲁萨效应488

roundaboutness 迂回489

Rostow Model 罗斯托模型489

rybczynski theorem 卢布斯金斯基定理490

royalty 矿区使用费490

RPI 零售价格指数490

rule-of-thumb 经验法则490

sales tax 销售税491



St Louts model 圣路易斯模型491

St.Petersburg Paradox 圣彼得堡悖论491

salary 薪金491

sales maximization hypothesis 销售额最大化假说491

Samuelson,Paul A. 萨缪尔逊,保罗·A492

saivage value 残值492

savings-investment approach to the balance of payments,the 国际收支的储蓄-投资分析法493

Samuelson test 萨缪尔逊检验493

satiation 餍足493

satisficing behaviour 满意行为493

savings 储蓄493

savings and loan association 储蓄与贷款协会493

savings banks 储蓄银行493

savings function 储蓄函数493

scarcity 稀缺性494

Say,Jean-Baptiste 萨伊,让-巴蒂斯特494

schumpeter,Joseph A 熊彼特,约瑟夫·A.495

scarce currency 稀缺通货495

scatter 散布495

schooling functions 教育函数495

Schultz,Theodore W. 舒尔茨,西奥多·W.495

Scottish clearning banks 苏格兰清算银行496

scientific tariff 科学关税496

Scitovsky paradox 西托夫斯基悖论496

Scitovsky reversal criterion 西托夫斯基逆转准则496

secondary banks 次级银行497

screening hypothesis 筛选假设497

scrip issue 临时股份凭证497

SDR 特别提款权497

search costs 寻职成本497

search unemployment 寻职性失业497

seasonal adjustment 季节性调整497

seasonal unemployment 季节性失业497

secular supply curve 长期供给曲线498

secondary market 二级市场498

secondary workers 次要工人498

second-best 次佳498

self-liquidating advances 自行清偿贷款499

secular trend 长期趋势499

secured loan stock 有担保贷款债券499

securities 有价证券499

Securities and Exchange Commis-sion(SEC) 证券交易委员会499

Securities and Investment Board(SIB) 证券与投资局499

seignorage 铸币税499

self-liquidating 自行清偿499

sensitivity analysis灵敏度分析500

self-regulating organizations(SDOs) 自行调节组织500

semi log 半对数500

Senior Nassau W. 西尼尔,纳索·W.500

seniority practices 年资惯例500

serial correlation 序列相关501

separability of preferences 偏好的可分性501

separation of ownership from control 所有权与管理权的分离501

sherman Act (谢尔曼法)502

service of debt 债务付息502

services 服务502

severance pay 解雇费502

shadow price 影子价格502

shadow wage rate 影子工资率502

share 股票502

share price 股票价格502

shift-share analysis 分离份额分析503

shift effect hypothesis 移位效应假说503

short-run consumption function 短期消费函数504

shock effect 冲击效应504

shop steward 工厂(车间)工会代表504

short-dated securities 短期证券504

short run 短期504

short-run average cost 短期平均成本504

Simon,Herbert A· 西蒙,赫伯特·A505

short-run marginal cost 短期边际成本505

short-time working 工时不足505

SIC 标准工业分类505

side payments 集团内支付505

sight deposits 活期存款505

simultaneous equations 联立方程组506

simplex algorithm 单纯形算法506

simulation 模拟506

simultaneous equation bias 联立方程偏倚506

size distribution of firms 企业的规模分布507

single equation estimator(SEE) 单一方程估计式507

singular matrix 降秩矩阵507

sinking fund 偿债基金507

Sismondi,Jean 西斯蒙第,让507

situation utility possibility frontier 位置效用可能性边界507

Slutsky,Eugen 斯卢茨基,尤金508

skewed distribution 偏斜分布508

skill differentials 技能(工资)差别508

slack plan 松弛计划508

slump 萧条508

Smith,Adam 斯密,亚当509

Slutsky equation 斯卢茨基方程509

social decision rule 社会决策规则510

snake 蛇形浮动510

snob effect 逆反效应510

social benefit 社会利益510

social choice 社会选择510

social contract 社会契约510

social cost 社会成本510

socially necessary labout 社会必要劳动511

social discount rate 社会贴现率511

social economics 社会经济学511

socialism 社会主义511

social optimum 社会最优512

social marginal productivity criterion 社会边际生产率准则512

social opportunity cost of capital 资本的社会机会成本512

social welfare 社会福利513

social relations of production 社会生产关系513

social returns to education 教育的社会效益513

social time preference rate 社会时间偏好率513

social welfare function 社会福利函数514

special areas 特别地区515

soft currency 软通货515

soft loan 软贷款(优惠贷款)515

spatial economics 空间经济学515

spatial monopoly 空间垄断515

spatial price discrimination 空间价格歧视515

spearman’s rank correlation 斯皮尔曼等级相关515

specialization,coefficient or 专业化系数516

special deposits 特别存款516

special development area 特别开发区516

special drawing rights(SDRs) 特别提款权516

specialization 专业化516

specie points 硬币(黄金)输送点517

specie 硬币517

specie flow mechanism 硬币流动机制517

speculative boom 投机性繁荣518

specification error 设定误差518

specific tax 从量税518

spectral analysis 谱分析518

speculation 投机518

speculative balances 投机性余额518

spot market 现货市场519

speculative demand for money 投机性货币需求519

speculative motive for holding money 持有货币的投机动机519

speculative unemployment 投机性失业519

spillover 波及519

spillover hypothesis 波及假说519

spite effect 泄愤效应519

stabilization 稳定520

spread effects 延伸效应520

Sraffa,Piero 斯拉法,皮埃罗520

stability 稳定性520

stamp duty 印花税521

stabilization function 稳定功能521

Stackelberg's duopoly model 斯塔克尔伯格双头垄断模型521

stag 非投资认股者521

stages of growth 成长阶段521

stagflation 滞胀521

standard of living 生活水准522

stand commodity 标准商品522

standard deviation 标准差522

standard error 标准误差522

Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) 标准工业分类法522

statistical cost analysis 统计成本分析523

standard regions 标准地区523

standard weekly hours 标准每周工作时数523

standard working week 标准工作周523

Statement of Standard Accounting Practice(S·S·A·P) 标准会计实务报表523

static expectations 静态预期523

stationary point 平稳点523

stationary state 静止状态523

statistic 统计量523

stepwise regression 逐步回归524

statistical inference 统计推断524

statistical significance 统计显著性524

steady-state growth 稳态增长524

steady-stat models 稳态模型524

stochastic process 随机过程525

stereotypes 陈规525

sterling area 英镑区525

Stigler George Joseph 施蒂格勒,乔治·约瑟夫525

stochastic 随机525

stock exchange 证券交易所526

Stock (1)股本、证券,(2)存量526

stock-adjustment demand function 存量调节需求函数526

stock appreciation 库存增值526

stockbroker 证券经纪人526

stock dividend 股票股息526

stock option 证券期权527

stock market 证券市场527

store of value 价值储存528

Stocks (1)库存、存货,(2)股本、证券、存量528

Stolper-Samuelsion Theorem 期托尔珀-萨缪尔逊定理528

Stone,Sir Richard 斯通,里查德爵士528

‘stop-go’ “停停走走”528

strikes 罢工529

strategic—voting 策略性投票529

strike insuranc 罢工保险529

strike measures 罢工量度529

structure of taxes 税收结构530

stuctural from 结构型530

structural unemployment 结构性失业530

structure-conduct-performance frame-work 结构-经营-实绩模式530

structure of interest rates 利息率结构530

substitution effect 替代效应531

subsidy 补贴531

subsistence 生存531

subsistence expenditures 生存开支531

subsistence wage 生存工资531

substitute 替代品531

supernumerary expenditure 额外支出532

sum of squares 平方和532

sunk cost 沉淀成本532

super-environment 超环境532

superior goods 高档货物532

super-neutrality 超中性532

super-normal profits 超正常利润532

supply of effort “努力”(效能)的供给533

supplementary benefit 辅助福利533

supplementary special deposits 补充特别存款533

supply curve 供给曲线533

supply-side ceonomics 供给面经济学534

supply of inflation 通货膨胀的供给(根源)534

supply of labour 劳动的供给534

survivor technique 生存者技术535

surplus units 盈余单位535

surplus value 剩余价值535

surrogate production function 代用生产函数535

systems estimtor 系统估计式536

swap arrangments 互惠信贷安排536

Sweezy,Paul 斯威齐,保罗536

take-ver bid 接管出价竟买537


Ta-Hartley Act《塔夫脱-哈特利法》537

take-home pay 净薪537

take-off 起飞537

take-over 接管537

tariff 关税538

tangent 切线538

tangible assets 有形资产538

tap issue 随时发行538

targets 目标538

taxable income 应税收入539

‘tariff factory’“关税工厂”539

tariff structure 关税结构539

tatonnement 尝试过程539

tax credit 税收抵免540

taxation 税收540

tax base 课税基础540

tax burden 税收负担540

tax expenditur 税收支出541

tax credit scheme 税收抵免方案541

tax disincentive 税收抑阻541

tecbnical progress 技术进步542

tax-push inflation 税收推进的通货膨胀542

tax shifting 税收转嫁542

tax yield 税收收入542

t-distribution t分布542

technological progress 技术性进步543

technological dualism 技术的二元性543

technological external effects 技术的外部效应543

technology,choice of 技术的选择544

technological unemployment 技术性失业544

terms of trade 贸易条件545

technology matrix 技术矩阵545

technostructure 技术结构阶层545

temporary layoffs 暂时解雇545

terms loan 定期贷款545

term structure of interest rates 利息率的期限结构546

test discount rate 检验贴现率547

threshold analysis 临界分析548

test statistic 检验统计量548

threat effect 威胁效应548

threat pay off 威胁得益548

three stage least squares(3SLS) 三段最小平方法548

threshold 临界点548

Tiebout model 泰博特模型549

threshold effect 临界效应549

threshold of a goods 货物的临界点549

Thunen,Johann Heinrich von 屠能,约翰·海因里希·冯549

time dposit 定期存款550

tied loan 专项贷款550

tight money 紧缩银根550

time,allocation of 时间的配置550

Tobin,James 托宾,詹姆斯551

time preference 时间偏好551

time series 时间序列551

time varying parameter models 时变参数模型551

Tinbergen,Jan 丁伯根,扬551

Todaro model 特达罗模型552

Treasury,the 财政部553

token money 代币553

tokyo round 东京回合553

total cost 总成本553

total remuneration 总报酬554

total revenue 总收益554

trade 贸易554

trade bill 商业票据554

trade creation 贸易创造554

trade credirt 贸易信贷554

trade cycle 经济周期554

trade-off 交替555

traditional sectors 传统部门555

transactions approach 交易分析法555

transactions balances 交易余额555

transactions costs 交易成本555

transactions demand for money 货币的交易需求555

transactions motive for holding money 持有货币的交易动机555

transactions velocity of circulation 交易流通速度556

transcendental logarithmic produc-tion functions 超越对数生产函数556

transcendtal production function 超越生产函数556

transfer costs 转移成本556

transfer deed 转让契据556

transfer earnings 转让收益556

transfer incomes 转移收入556

transfer of technology 技术转让556

transfer payment 转移支付557

transfer pricing 转移定价557

transfer problem 转移问题557

transformation function 转换函数557

transformation problem 转形问题557

transitivity of preferences 偏好的传递性558

transitory consumption 暂时性消费558

transitory income 暂时性收入558

translog production function 超对数生产函数558

trans-shipment point 转运地点558

Treasury-Federal Reserve Accord 财政部与联邦储备系统的协调一致559

Treasury, US Department of 美国财政部559

Treasury bill 国库债券559

Treasury Deposit Receipt(TDR) 国库存款收入559

truncated earnings fUnction 截尾收益函数560

Treasury note 国库券560

Treasury view 财政部观点560

Treaty of Rome 罗马条约560

trend 趋势560

trigonometric functions 三角函数560

turnover tax 周转税561


trustee savings banks 受托(信托)储蓄银行561

t-statistic t统计量561

turning point 转折点561

turnover 周转561

tyPeⅠ/tyPeⅡ errorⅠ型/Ⅱ型错误562

turnpike theorems 大道定理562

twelve-mouth rule 十二个月规则562

two sector growth model 两部门增长模型562

two stage least squares(TSLS or 2 SLS)二段最小平方法562

tying contract 搭销合同562

unconvertible loan stock 不可兑换的贷款债券564


U-form enterpriseU型企业564

unanimity rule 一致裁定规则564

unanticipated Inflation 未预料到的通货膨胀564

unbalanced economic growth 不平衡经济增长564

unbiased estimator 无偏估计式564

uncalled capital 未缴资本564

uncertainty 不确正性564

underidentification 未充分识别565

uncovered interest Parity 未经保险的利息平价565

UNCTAD 联合国贸易和发展会议565

undated securities 不定期证券565

underdeveloped countries 不发达国家565

underdevelopment 不发达565

underemployed workers 未充分就业工人565

underemployment 未充分就业565

unemployment benefit 失业救济金566

undervalued currency 定值偏低的货币566

underwriter 保险承保人,股份承购人566

undistributed profits 未分配利润566

unearned income 非劳动收入566

unemployment 失业566

unequal exchange 不等价交换567

unemployment equilibrium 失业均衡567

unemployment rate 失业率567

union market power 工会市场势力568

UNIDO guidelines 联合国工业发展组织准则568

unintended inventory disinvestment 非意愿存货负投资568

unintended inVentory investment 非意原存货投资568

union density 工会密度568

union political power 工会政治势力569

union/non-union differential 工会与非工会的差别569

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) 联合国贸易和发展会议570

union security 工会保障570

union shop 受雇工人限期加入工会制企业570

uniqueness 唯一性570

United Nations Capital Develo-pment Fund 联合国资本发展基金570

unit of account 记帐单位571

United Nations Development Programme 联合国开发计划署571

United Nations Industrial Develo-pment Organization(UNIDO) 联合国工业发展组织571

user cost of capital 资本的使用者成本572

unit tax 单位税572

unit trust 单位信托公司572

unsecured loan stock 无担保贷款债款572

unvalidated inflation 无效通货膨胀572

urban economics 城市经济学572

urbanization econmies 城市化经济性572

utilitarianism 功利主义573

U-shaped cost curves U形成本曲线573

utility 效用573

Utility function 效用函数573

value,money,a standard of 货币价值标准574



vacancy rate 空缺率574

validated inflation 有效通货膨胀574

valuation curve 估价曲线574

valuation ratio 估价比率574

value-added tax(VAT) 增值税575

value,theory of 价值理论575

value-added 增加价值575

variable capital 可变资本576

value judgment 价值判断576

Value of marginal physical product 边际物质产品价值576

variance 方差577

Variable costs 可变成本577

variable elasticty of substitution production function(VES production function) 可变弹性替代生产函数(VES生产函数)577

variable labour costs 可变劳动成本577

variable parameter models 可变参数模型577

Veblen effect 凡勃仑效应578

Variance-covariance matrix 方差-协方差矩阵578

variation 变差578

Veblen,Thorstein B. 凡勃仑,索尔斯坦·B578

ventical equity 纵向公平579

vector 向量579

vehicle currency 周转货币579

vehicle excise duty 车辆执照税579

veil of ignorance 无知的面纱579

veil of money 货币面纱579

velocity of circulation 流通速度579

venture capital 冒险资本579

vertical phillips curve 垂直的菲利普斯曲线580

vertical integration 纵向联合580

vertical merger 纵向合并580

voluntary-exchange model 自愿交换模型581

VES production function VES生产函数581

vicious circles 恶性循环581

victim company 受害公司581

vintage growth models 年代增长模型581

virtuous circles 良性循环581

Visibility hypothesis 可见性假设581

visible balance 有形差额581

Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility 冯·纽曼-摩根斯顿效用582

voluntary export constraint 自愿出口限制582

voluntary unemplorment 自愿性失业582

voting and non-voting shares 有投票权和无权票权的股票583

Von Neumann ratio 冯·纽曼比率583

vote maximizer 选票数最大化者583

vote trading 选票交易583

voucher schemes 凭券方案584

voucher 凭券584

wage differntials 工资差别585


wage competiton model工资竞争模型585

wage contour 工资等高线585

wage contracts 工资合同585

wage rates 工资率586

wage drift 工资漂移(浮动)586

wage fund 工资基金586

wage inflation 工资膨胀586

wage leadership 工资先导586

wage-price spiral 工资-价格螺旋上升586

wage-push inflation 工资推动的通货膨胀586

wage structure 工资结构587

wage restraint 工资管制587

wage round 工资回合587

wags boards 工资委员会(农业)587

wage councils 工资理事会587

wages freeze 工资冻结587

wages fund doctrine 工资基金(学)说587

wage theory 工资理论588

Wall Street 华尔街590

wage-wage spiral 工资-工资螺旋上升590

Walras,Leon 瓦尔拉斯,莱昂590

wait unemployment 等待性失业590

washington agreement 华盛顿协议591

warranted unemployment rate 有保证的失业率591

walras’law 瓦尔拉斯定律591

want creation 需要创造591

warrant 认股权证591

warranted rate’of growth 有保证的增长率591

wealth effect 财富效应592

wealth 财富592

washington conference 华盛顿会议592

waste 废料592

ways and means advances 财政资金垫款592

wealth tax 财富(产)税593

welfare function 福利函数594

welfare economics 福利经济学594

wear and tear 耗损594

weberian location theory 韦伯的区位理论594

weighted average 加权平均数594

weighted least squares 加权最小平方法594

weighted mean 加权平均值594

whipsawing 哄抬工资595

Wharton model 沃顿模型595

welfare state 福利国家595

we11-behaved 充分表现595

Wicksell,Knut 维克塞尔,克努特596

wholesale banking 大额银行业务596

white-collar worker 白领工人596

white noise 白噪声596

White clan,the 怀特计划596

wholesale 批发596

willingness to pay 支付意愿598

wildcat strike 自发性罢工598

wicksell effects 维克塞尔效应598

Wieser Friedrich von 维塞尔,弗里德里希·冯598

windfall loss 意外损失599

windfall gain 意外收益599

Wilson Committee 威尔逊委员会599

workers’cooperatives 工人合作社600

workable competition 可行竞争600

winding up 结业600

window dressing 粉饰结算600

withdrawals 撤出600

withholding tax 预提税600

work to rule 照章怠工601

work sharing 工作分摊601

workers’participation 工人参与601

working capital 营运资本601

working capital ratio 营运资本比率601

working population 劳动人口601

work in progress 未完工作(在制品)601

work-leisure model 工作-闲暇模型601

writing-down allowance 降低帐面折让价值602

World Bank 世界银行602

X-effciency X效率603


yield gan on securities证券的收益缺口604

yield gap 收益缺口604


Yaounde conventions雅温得协定604

Y-effciency Y效率604

yield 收益604

Z variable Z变量606

zero-rated goods 免税货物606



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现代经济学词典(1988 PDF版)
1988 上海:上海译文出版社
经济数学辞典(1991.09 PDF版)
现代经济学词典(1988 PDF版)
经济法学辞典(1986 PDF版)
经济学辞典(1940 PDF版)
1940 上海:中华书局
现代经济典范( PDF版)
实用商业辞典(1935 PDF版)
1935 商务印书馆
基因工程及其分子生物学基础(1999 PDF版)
1999 北京:北京大学出版社
方志敏文集(1985 PDF版)
1985 北京:人民出版社
现代经济法辞典(1992 PDF版)
1992 北京:北京大学出版社
现代产业经济辞典(1991 PDF版)
1991 北京:中信出版社
实用现代经济管理辞典(1989 PDF版)
1989 北京:国际文化出版公司
现代经济管理辞典(1988 PDF版)
1988 长春:吉林大学出版社
系统工程初步(1987 PDF版)
1987 南京工学院出版社
当代西方经济学辞典(1988 PDF版)
1988 太原:山西经济出版社