《常用英语量词词组用例》求取 ⇩

a ball of1

a bar of1

a barrel of1

a basin of1


a basket of2

a batch of2

a beam of2

a bit of3

a body of4

a bolt of4

a blade of4

a block of4

a book of5

a bottle of5

a bowl of5

a box of6

a branch of6

a bundle of7

scads of 87

a bucket of7

a bunch of7

a burst of8

a can(tin)of8

a cake of8

a cask of9

a chain of9

a cloud of10

a cluster of10

a coil of10

a collection of11

a copy of11

a couple of12

a crop of12

a crowd of13

a cup of13

a cupful of13

a drop of14

a dozen of14

a dish of14

a few(of)15

a fit of15

a flash of16

a fleet of16

a flight of16

a flock of16

a flood of17

a flow of17

a galaxy of18

a fraction of18

a gale of19

a glass of19

a good(great)deal of20

a good few20

a good(great)many(of)20

a grain of21

a gross of21

a handful of22

a group of22

a heap of23

a head of23

a herd of24

a host of24

a jugful of25

a keg of25

a kind of25

a little26

a length of26

a line of26

a load of27

a little of27

a loaf of28

a(whole)lot of28

a lump of28

a majority of29

a mass of29

a matter of29

a mint of30

a morsel of30

a mountain of31

a mouthful of31

a(great)multitude of31

a nip of32

a(good,great,large,small)number of32

a pack of33

a pair of34

a packet of34

a pail of34

a parcel of35

a part of35

a particle of36

a passage of36

a period of37

a patch of37

a peal of37

a pile of38

a piece of38

a pinch of39

a pinpoint of39

a pitcher of39

a pot of40

a portion of40

a plate of40

a pouch of41

a power of41

a(large)proportion of41

a(great,large,vast,small)quantity of42

a(wide)range of43

a ray of43

a reel of43

a roll of44

a rope of44

a round of44

a row of45

a sack of45

a scintilla of45

a series of46

a score of46

a set of47

a shadow of47

a sheet of48

a shred of48

a sight of48

a slice of49

a slip of49

a smack of49

a sort of50

a spark of50

a species of50

a spell of51

a spoonful of51

a spot of51

a sprinkling of52

a sprinkle of52

a stack of53

a stick of53

a stitch of53

a store of54

a stream of54

a stretch of54

a string of55

a strip of55

a suit of55

a suite of56

a(large)sum of56

a sup of56

a swarm of57

a tank of57

a thimbleful of57

a tint of58

a thread of58

a tinge of58

a touch of59

a trace of59

a train of60

a trait of60

a trifle of60

a troop of61

a tub of61

a tube of61

a type of62

a(great,large,several)variety of62

a volume of63

a whit of64

a wealth of64

a wink(of)65

a word of65

a world of65

a...or two65

all kinds of66

all manner of66

all sorts of67

an abundance of67

an(large,prodigious,vast,small)amount of68

an armful of68

an army of69

an article of69

an example of70

an atom of70

an item of71

an ounce of71

and more71

anvwhere between...and72


billions of73

close on(upon)73

dozens(and dozens)of73

ever so many of74


heaps of74

hundreds of75

hosts of75

hundreds of thousands of76

in the neighbourhood of76

in the rough76

less than77

loads of77

lots of77

many a(n)78

many's the78

millions of79

more and more79

more or less80

more than80

most of(the)81

no(not a)little82

much of82

no end of82

numbers of83

or so83

or thereabout(s)84

plenty of84

quite a few85

quite an amount of85

quite a little86

quite a number of86

regiments of87

scores of87

stacks of88

so much of88

so many of88

tens of millions of89

the(great,vast)majority of89

thousands and(upon)thousands of90

thousands of90

tons of91

too many of91

too much of92

troops of92

upwards of92

vast amounts of93

volumes of94

yards of94

1990《常用英语量词词组用例》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由蒋吕昌编 1990 上海:上海翻译出版公司 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


科技英语常用词组动词例解(1981 PDF版)
1981 南宁:广西人民出版社
英语常用词组例解(1989年01月第1版 PDF版)
体育与健康教育系列教材  健身体操( PDF版)
体育与健康教育系列教材 健身体操
英语常用短语双解手册(1990 PDF版)
1990 北京:科学技术文献出版社;重庆分社
英语常用词组例解(1989 PDF版)
1989 北京:冶金工业出版社
医学英语常用词组词典(1989 PDF版)
1989 北京:中国医药科技出版社
英语常用词活用例解(1985 PDF版)
1985 上海:上海译文出版社
大学英语常用词组例解(1986 PDF版)
1986 厦门:厦门大学出版社
英语常用词词典(1991 PDF版)
1991 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
新英汉英语常用词组用法词典(1998 PDF版)
1998 上海:上海译文出版社
新编英语常用词组词典(1996 PDF版)
1996 上海:上海远东出版社;北京:外文出版社
英语常用词汇例名(1987 PDF版)
1987 开封:河南教育出版社
俄语常用词组词典(1984 PDF版)
1984 北京:人民教育出版社
学生英语常用词词典  英语7500词例释(1981 PDF版)
学生英语常用词词典 英语7500词例释
1981 北京:商务印书馆
英语常用词组(1975 PDF版)
1975 上海:上海人民出版社