《英语动词 语法和惯用法》求取 ⇩


Chapter Ⅰ.Five Types of The English Verb6

Ⅰ.The Intransitive Type6

Ⅱ.The Linking Verb Type(Various Predicatives)7


(Headings in parentheses do not appear in the text;they serve only to indicate the contents concerned.)Preface9

Ⅲ.The Mono-transitive Type(Various Objects)10

Ⅳ.The Di-transitive Type13

(a)Convertible into Mono-transitive with“to”14

(b)Convertible into Mono-transitive with“for”14

Ⅴ.The Complex Transitive Type15

(c)Not very well Convertible into Mono-transitive15

(a)With a Noun(or Noun-equivalent)Complement16

(b)With an Adjective(or Adjective-equivalent)Complement17

(1)to show result17

(2)to show state17

(3)a past participle to show passive meaning18

(c)With a Verbal Complement to Indicate Action18

(1)the infinitive with“to”18

(2)the infinitive without“to”19

(3)the present participle20

(4)either the present participle or bare infinitive without appreciabie difference of meaning20

(5)either the present participle or infinitive with clear distinction of meaning21

(6)the infinitive“to be”22

(7)the preparatory“it”and complement23

Chapter Ⅱ.Tense25

(The Sixteen Tense Forms)25

(Dynamic Verbs and State Verbs)27

Ⅰ.Basic Use or Meaning of Each of the Tenses28

Ⅱ.Extended Use or Uses of the More Common Tense Forms34

A.The Simple Present Ternse34

B.The Present Progressive Tense38

C.The Present Perfect Tense38

D.The Present Perfect Progressive Tense39

E.The Past Tense Forms40

F.the Simple Future Tense41

G.The Future Progressive Tense42

H.The Future Perfect Tense42

I.The Past Simple Future Tense with“Would”43

J.The Past Future Perfect Tense43

Ⅲ.Time and Tense43

A.Denotation of Present Time43

B.Denotation of Habitual,Permanent or44

Repeated Action44

C.Denotation of Past Time45

D.Denotation of Future Time46

Ⅳ.Comparison Between Some of the Common Tenses47

Past and Continuing to the Present(Possibly to the Future)47

Absence of an Action Beginnmg in the47

E.Denotation of Duration of an Action or of47

Chapter Ⅲ.Special or Anomalous Verbs50

Ⅰ.What Special Verbs Are50

(Notional Verbs,Auxiliary Verbs,Modal Verbsand Non-special Verbs)50

(Outstanding Feature of a Special Verb)50

Other Peculiarities:50

A.Ability to Form the Tag Question52

B.Ability to Form Short Answers53

C.Ability to Form Elliptical Sentences55

than Precede the Speeial56

D.Ability to Form an Emphatic Affirmative56

E.A Mid-position Adverb to Follow Rather56

F.With Most Specials,No Inflexion for the57

Third Person Singular of the Present Tense57

Ⅱ.Special or Non-special?57



C.“Used to”59

D.“Have”and“have to”60




Ⅲ.Mood,Emotion and Attitude62

B.Promises,Threats and Refusals63

C.Wishes and Preferences64

D.Plans and Arrangements or Decisions64

E.Obligation and Necessity65


G.Probability and Likelihood66


I.Ability and Achievement70

J.Determination and Resolve;Willingness71


M.Characteristic Behaviour73


Ⅳ.Semi-modal Verbs74

Chapter Ⅳ.Voice76

(The Passive Form of the Verb)76

(Passive Counterparts of the Three Types of Transitive Verbs:the Retained Object and the Subject Complement)78

(The Conversion of Voice in Sentences with an Object“that”Clause)78

(Voice of Prepositional Verbs)80

(Voice of Adverbial Verbs)81

(Voice of Compound Prepositional Verbs)82

(Voice of Transitive Prepositional Verbs)83

(Passive Voice Emphasizes the Object,while Active Voice Emphasizes the Subject)84

B.Examples Showing Inconvertibility of an Idiom an Active Transitive Verb Has Entered into86

A.Examples Showing Transitive or Prepositional Verbs Which as a Rule Do not Occur in the Passive86

C.Exampies Showing Those Transitive Verbs Which Are Mostly,or Can Often Be,Used in the Passive87

D.Verbs,Active in Form but Passive in Meaning90

(A)Intransitive and Linking Verbs90

(B)Transitive Verbs90

(a)Finite Verbs90

(b)Non-finite Verbs91

(1)A Transitive Gerund91

(2)A Transitive or Prepositional-Verb Infinitive91

(The Indicative Mood,the Imperative Mood,and the Subjunctive Mood)93

Ⅰ.The Imperative Mood93

Cbapter Ⅴ.Mood93

Ⅱ.The Subjunctive Mood95


B.The Subjunctive Present Tense98

C.Meaning of Subjunctive Mood100

(The Subjunctive Mood as Popularly Called Divisible into:)100

(A)The Pure Subjunctive101

(B)The Half Subjunctive103

(C)The Old-styled Subjunctive Present Tense105

(D)The False Subjunctive105

D.Subjunctive or Indicative?107

(A Few Practical Situations Enumerated and Contrasted)107

E.Conditions Expressed by Inversion111


Chapter Ⅵ.The Non-finites113

Ⅰ.The Finite Verb versus the Non-finite113

Ⅱ.Agent of the Non-finite116

Ⅲ.Contrasts Between the Non-finites119

A.As Subject119

B.As Predicative120

C.As Object123

(A)of a Transitive Verb123

(B)of a Preposition123

(A)Transitive Present Participle versus Transitive Past Participle124

D.As Attributive124

(B)Intransitive Present Participle versus Intransitive Past Participle as Premodifier125

(C)Present Participle versus Gerund as Premodifier126

(D)Present Participle versus Infinitive127

(E)Infinitive versus Gerund or Preposition plus Gerund129

E.As Adverbial130

(A)The Participle and the Infinitive130

(B)“Go”plus Infinitive versus“Go”plus Present Participle133

F.Non-finites as Object Complements134

(Object Complement Following Verb“Have”)134

G.Non-finites as Independent Elements(Disjuncts)135

Ⅳ.Voice of the Non-finites137

Ⅴ.The Tense Forms of the Non-finites138

A.of the Predicative Infinitive139

B.of the-Complement Infinitive139

C.of the Adverbial Participle140

Ⅵ.The Adverbial Non-finite and the Adverbial Clause141

(Absolute Construction of the Participle)141

(Dangling Participle,Legitimate and Illegitimate)142

(Dangling Gerund and Dangling Adverbial Infinitive,Legitimate and Illegitimate)144

Ⅶ.The Non-finite Postmodifier and the Relative Clause146

A.The Present Participial Phrase146

B.The Past Participial Phrase147

C.The Infinitive Phrase148

Ⅷ.The Split Infinitive149

Ⅸ.The Bare Infinitive150

A.As Complement to Certain Verbs150

B.As Predicative152

C.After Modal Verbs152

D.After Certain Prepositions152

Ⅹ.The Elliptical Infinitive153

Ⅺ.The Half Gerund154

Ⅻ.Verbal Construction after“Rather than”and“As well as”157

Chapter Ⅶ.Verbs and Their Prepositions160

(General Remarks)160

(A)Omission of Preposition from Prepositional Verb Governing“that”Clause163

A.Intransitive Verbs Followed by Prepositions163

(C)Cases Where Omission of Preposition Will Produce a Difference in Meaning165

(B)Cases Where Omission of Preposition Produces No Difference in Meaning165

(D)Cases Where a Different Preposition Gives a Different Meaning to Verb169

(E)Cases Where a Different Preposition Gives No Appreciable Differencc of Meaning to Verb173

(F)Intransitive Verbs with Double Prepositional Phrases174

B.Transitive Verbs Followed by Prepositions175

(A)Mono-transitive Preposition Combinations Which Admit of Object Shuffling175

(B)Mono-transitive Preposition Combinations Which Are Liable to Abuses of object Shuffling176

Different Meaning to the Situation177

(a)with Verbs in the Active voice177

(C)Cases Where a Different Preposition Gives a177

(b)with Verbs in The Passive Voice178

(D)A Few Cases Where Mono-transitive Preposition Combinations May Become Other Mono-transitive or Di-transitive Constructions by Dropping the Preposition180

(E)Great Majority of Mono-transitive Preposition Constructions Are Fixed and Invariable180

(F)A Few Reflexive Mono-transitive Preposition Constructions,Which Are Fixed and Invariable181

C.The Verb“to be”Followed by Prepositions181

(A)“To be at”with Phrases182

(B)“To be in”with Phrases183

(C)“To be on”with Phrases183

(D)“To be out of”with Phrases184

(E)Miscellaneous“To be plus Preposition”Phrases184


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英语惯用法词典(1958 PDF版)
1958 时代出版社
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1998 北京:北京大学出版社
英语句型和惯用法(1981 PDF版)
1981 北京:商务印书馆