《产品责任法 第5版》求取 ⇩

Chapter Ⅰ.Definition and Scope1

A.What Is a Product?1

B.What Is a Defect?3

1.In General3

2.Types of Defect and Their Interrelation5

3.Conceptual Standards for Determining Defectiveness10

a.In General10

b.Consumer Expectations11

c.Presumed Seller Knowledge14

d.Risk-Utility Balancing15

e.State of the Art21

f.Unavoidably Unsafe Products22

4.Defect and Unreasonable Danger27

5.THe Restatement 3d Position29

C.What Is a Sale?31

A.Historical Evolution—The Breakdown of Privity34

Chapter Ⅱ.The Causes of Action and Damages34


C.Statutory Violations41

D.Reckless Misconduct,Concealment and Deceit43

E.Strict Liability46

1.In General46

2.Implied Obligations48

a.The Warranty of Merchantability48

b.The Warranty of Fitness for a Par-ticular Purpose51

c.Strict Tort Products Liability53

d.Abnormal Danger55


a.Express Warranty59

b.Strict Tort62

F.Overlapping Bases of Liability65


1.In General69

2.Emotional Distress71

3.Punitive Damages73

4.Joint and Several Liability78

Chapter Ⅲ.The Parties81


B.Defendant Sellers of New Products84


2.Middlemen and Retailers87

C.Defendant Used-Products Sellers91

D.Defendant Successor Corporations of Prod-ucts Sellers92

E.Defendant Lessors,Bailors,and Licensors of Products96

F.Defendant Employer-Suppliers of Prod-ucts99

G.Defendant Providers of Services101

1.In General101

2.Representational Conduct103

3.Professional Services105

4.Pure Service Transactions108


H.Defendant Real Estate Suppliers109


3.Occupiers of Premises112

I.Contribution and Indemnity113

1.In General113

2.Where Grounds of Liability Differ117

3.The Effect of Settlements119

Chapter Ⅳ.Factors Affecting Choice of Remedies,Jurisdiction,and Proce-dure121

A.In General121


C.Disclaimers and Limitations of Remedies125

1.In General125

2.General Requirements128

a.Conspicuousness and Clarity128


c.Fulfillment of Essential Purpose131


3.As Affected by the Claims Asserted134

4.Scope and Effect of Disclaimers137

D.Recovery of Solely Economic Loss139

1.The Rule and Its Rationale139

2.Definitions of Solely Economic Loss142

3.Exceptions to the Rule146

E.Notice of Breach150

F.Wrongful Death153

G.Procedural Considerations155


a.Statutory Causes of Action155

b.Minimum Contacts of the Defen-dant157

c.Class Actions and Multi-District Litigation161

2.Inconsistent Verdicts and Erroneous Instructions164

3.Res Judicata166

4.Choice of Law168

H.Statutory Compliance170

I.Contract Specifications Defense172

1.Nongovernment Specifications172

2.Government Specifications173

J.Statutes of Limitations176

1.The Applicable Statute176

2.Date of Accrual178

3.Tolling Exceptions182

4.Constitutional Questions183

K.Statutory Retrenchments185

Chapter Ⅴ.Production and Design De-fects188

A.Production Defects188

B.Design Defects191

1.The Theory of Liability191


3.The Relation of Design and Warning Defects198

4.Obviousness of Danger201


Chapter Ⅵ.Inadequate Warnings and Instructions,and Misrepresenta-tions207

A.Warnings and Instructions207

1.In General207

2.The Standard of Liability216

3.Persons to be Reached222

4.Countervailing Representations226

5.Post-Sale Duties to Warn228

6.Allergic Users232


Chapter Ⅶ.Problems of Proof235


1.In General235

2.Several Possible Causes242

B.Proximate Cause and Foreseeability249

1.In General249




C.Plaintiff Misconduct,and Comparative Fault264

1.The Types of Misconduct264

2.The Effect of Plaintiff Misconduct in Strict Liability(Without Comparative Fault)268

3.Comparative Fault269

a.Kinds of Comparison269

b.In Strict Liability275

D.Subsequent Remedial Measures278

E.Miscellaneous Problems of Proof285

1.History of Unsafe and Safe Use285


3.Expert Testimony289

4.State of the Art and Industry Custom293

5.Codes,Reports,and Technical Litera-ture295



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