《最新英国初级英语 英汉对照 第1册》求取 ⇩



1.Bolo and Squawky at the Seaside 保罗和思果奇寻找海滨1

Capital letters and full stops;Seaside;moving about Poem:There Are Big Waves by Eleanor Farjeon1



2.The Sad Little Star 忧愁的小星星7


3.The Hippopotamus with Hiccups 河马打嗝12

4.The Soldier and the Witch 战士和巫婆17

More than One:addings;Zoo;happy17

Fverything has a Name;Trees;workers21

5.A Walk on the Beach 海滩漫步21

Capital letters 2:our names;Weather;exciting26

6.The Fairy Doll 仙女玩偶26

More than One 2:adding es;Relations;bright31

7.The Little Red Engine Goes to India 小红机车去印度31

Capital letters 3:special names;Travel;seeing Poem:From a Railway Carriage by R.L.Stevenson8.The Wind s Whistle 风笛37

a/an;Flowers;more than one meaning43

9.The Goose with no Feathers 没长羽毛的鹅43

Describing;Birds;bird noises48

10.A Windy Day 刮大风的日子48

11.Tim Rabbit s Adventure 蒂姆·雷毕特奇遇记54

adding y;Seasons;colours Poem:The Night Wind by Catherine A.Morin54

More,most:adding er,est;Babies;animal noises59

12.The Magic Spell 魔咒59

did/done;Water;with our hands64

13.The Fox Who Went down to the Valley 小狐狸下山64

How We Do Something:adding ly;Homes;opposites Poem:Over the Fields by Adeline White70

14.A Present for a Poor Old Hedgehog 给可怜的老刺猬的礼物70

It Happened Some Time Ago:addinged;Wild animals numbers75

15.The Jackdaw Who Could Not Say His Name 不会说自己名字的寒鸦75


16.Falling into a River 小猫掉到河里80

17.Honeypot,the Donkey 小毛驴“蜜罐”85


sang/sung;Places and people;with our mouth89

18.The Lost Cow 失踪的奶牛89

ran/run;Farm animals and birds;tools Poem:The Farmyard by A.A.Attwood95

19.A New Job for an Old Engine 老机车派上了新用场95

saw/s?en;Town and country;position100

20.The Pigeon Man 玩鸽子的人100


21.The Stolen Donkey 被偷走的小毛驴106

bought/brought;Food;right and wrong111

22.The Noisy Town 喧闹的市镇111

rang/rung Buildings;loud noises Poem:Noises in the Night by Lilian McCrea117


1991《最新英国初级英语 英汉对照 第1册》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由(英)E.G.Thorpe;方宜庆译注 1991 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。