1 The Nature,Object and Purpose of History&R.G.COLLINGWOOD From The Idea of History.1

2 The Expansion of Western Civilization&ARNOLD TOYNBEE From Civilization on Trial.7

3 The Career of Jenghis Khan&H.G.WELLS From The Outline of History.14

4 The Trial and Execution of Charles Ⅰ&G.M.TREVELYAN From England under the Stuarts.22

5 Peter the Great&B.H.SUMNER From Survey of Bussian History.30

6 The United States in 1790&S.E.MORISON From History of the United States.38

7 Rational and Irrational Elements in Contemporary Society&KARL MANNHEIM From Hobhouse Memorial Lecture,1940.44

8 Social Life in a Provincial University&ALICE EDEN From an article in The British Journal of Sociology.51

9 The Menace of Over-population&A.S.PARKES From an article in The New Scientist.59

10 Changes in English Social Life after 1918&ROBERT GRAVES and ALAN HODGE From The Long Weekend.65

11 Scientific Method in the Social Sciences&BARBARA WOOTION From Testament for Social Science.71

12 Crowds&WILLIAM F.OGBURN and MEYER J.NIMKOFF From A Handbook of Sociology.76

13 Diplomacy&HAROLD NICHOLSON From Diplomacy.83

14 What Future for Africa?&THOMAS HODGKIN From an article in Encounter.90

15 Nationalism&BARBARA WARD From Five Ideas that Change the World.97

16 Democracy&LORD BEVERIDGE From Power and Influence:An Autobiography.105

17 Locke's Political Theory&RICHARD I.AARON From John Locke.111

18 The Search for World Order&NORMAN GIBBS From an article in The Listener.118

19 The Conventional Wisdom&J.K.GALBRAITH From The Affluent Society.127

20 Markets&FREDERICK EBNHAM From Economics.134

21 Investment&J.M.KEYNES From A Tract on Monetary Reform.141

22 Barter&PAUL EINZIG From Primitive Money.149

23 Productivity as a Guide to Wages&J.J.GRACIE From an article in The Guardian.156

24 The Failure of the Classical Theory of Commercial Policy&LIONEL ROBBINS From The Economist in the Twentieth Gentury.164

25 Modern Constitutions&K.C.WHEARE From Modern Constitutions.172

26 The Functions of Government&IVOR JENNINGS From The Law and the Constitution.179

27 Initiative and Referendum&H.J.LASKI From An Introduction to Politics.189

28 The Legal Character of International Law&J.L.BRIERLY From The Law of Nations.195

29 The Law of Negligence&GLANVILLE WILLIAMS From an article in The Listener.201

30 The Death Penalty&LORD KENNET From a speech in the House of Lords.208

Key to Exercises215

Index of Points Covered in Exercises246

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