《防卫年鉴 (2000年版)》求取 ⇩


I. An Introduction to the Party System11

(1) Major Features11

(2) Post-1948 Changes26

II. The 1977 Election48

(1) Disarray in the Labor Camp48

(2) The Campaign48

(3) Election Results61

(4) Summary73

(5) Coalition Formation77

III. The 1981 Election85

(1) The State of the Parties85

(2) The Campaign91

(3) Election Results111

(4) Summary120

(5) Coalition Formation123

IV. The 1984 Election135

(1) Backdrop to the Election135

(2) The Campaign148

(3) Election Results168

(4) The Formation of a National Unity Government178

V. Electoral Trends: A Summary189

Selected Bibliography198


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