Chapter 1. Defining Government's Role in Innovation1

Chapter 2. The Influence of Federally-Financed RD13

History of Federal R D Support13

The Effect on Private R D15

The Effect on Productivity Growth15

Chapter 3. The Production of Technical Knowledge19

Theoretical Framework21

RD Production Processes21

Decisionmaking With No Governmental R D Allocation29

Decisionmaking With a Governmental R D Allocation35

Empirical Evidence41

Descriptive Analysis41

The Empirical Model44

The Empirical Results47


Appendix: Government as a Risk-Averse Bureaucrat55

Governmental RD Conducted In-House56

Contracting with a Risk-Neutral Firm60

Contracting with a Risk-Averse Firm67


Chapter 4. Investments in Infratechnology Research73

Investments in Infratechnology74

Investments by Federal Laboratories74

Investments by Industrial Laboratories75

Infratechnology and Productivity76


Chapter 5. Economic Impact of Federal Investments in Infratechnology83

Evaluating Infratechnology Research84

NIST's Investments to Implement Standards for Optical Fiber87

The Optical Fiber Industry87

Implementing Optical Fiber Standards93

Estimating the Economic Impacts of NIST-Supported Standards98

Implications of the Findings103

NIST's Research Program on Electromigration Characterization106

Electromigration Characterization106

The U.S. Semiconductor Industry110

Estimating the Economic Impact of Electromigration Research113

Implications of the Findings118


Chapter 6. The Impact of External Research Relationship127

Description of the Data128

External Research Relationships131

University-Based Research Programs131

State-Funded Science and Technology Center Research Programs136

Empirical Analysis143

Explaining Utilization of External Research143

External Research Relationships and the Size Elasticity of RD144

External Research Relationships and the Efficiency of R D147


Chapter 7. Policy Initiatives to Support Innovation153

The Research and Development Tax Credit154

Tax Incentives as a Policy Tool154

Tax Policies Affecting RD159

Effectiveness of the R E Tax Credit164


Chapter 8. Restating Government's Role in Innovation171


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