I. The Constitutional Convention: The Setting, the Players, and the Outcome1

The Origins of the Constitution3

Society and Republicanism: America in 178719

The Philadelphia Convention and the Development of American Government: From the Virginia Plan to the Constitution33

"Outcast" Rhode Island—The Absent State49

Who Was Who in the Constitutional Convention: A Pictorial Essay of Its Leading Figures55

Thomas Jefferson and the Constitution65

II. Public Reception of the Constitution77

The Federalist79

The Constitutional Thought of the Anti-Federalists93

The Constitution as Myth and Symbol105

III. Ratification and the Inauguration of the Government121

"Our Successors Will Have an Easier Task": The First Congress under the Constitution, 1789-1791123

The Birth of the Federal Court System137

The "Great Departments": The Origin of the Federal Government's Executive Branch149

IV. Bill of Rights, Constitutional Adaptation, and the Future of the Constitution163

James Madison and the Bill of Rights165

The Nationalization of the Bill of Rights: An Overview179

The Bill of Rights: Protector of Minorities and Dissenters191

Religion and the Constitution203

Race and the Constitution: The Case of the Japanese-American Internment217

The Supreme Court and the Evolution of Women's Rights233

Call a Second Convention?247

The Constitution of the United States259

Bicentennial Presentations281


Illustration Acknowledgments299


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