《Acoustic Measurements 1956.》求取 ⇩

1 Introduction and Terminology1

2 The Medium37

3 Disturbance of Plane Sound Waves by Obstacles and by Finite Baffles84

4 Primary Techniques for the Measurement of Sound Pres-sure and Particle Velocity and for the Absolute Calibra-tion of Microphones111

5 Microphones and Ears177

6 Measurement of Frequency266

7 Measurement of Acoustic Impedance302

8 The Audiometer362

9 Sound Sources for Test Purposes382

10 Characteristics of Random Noise:The Response of Rectifiers to Random Noise and Complex Waves440

11 Indicating and Integrating Instruments for the Measure-ment of Complex Waves474

12 Analysis of Sound Waves516

13 Basic Tests for Communication Systems The Rating of Microphones,Amplifiers,and Loudspeakers593

14 Tests for Laboratory and Studio Microphones636

15 Tests for Loudspeakers661

16 Testing of Communication System Components707

17 Articulation Test Methods761

18 Measurement of the Acoustic Properties of Rooms Studios,and Auditoriums793

19 Measurement of Acoustical Materials836

20 The Sound Level Meter888

Author Index897

Subject Index903

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