《The British Banking Mechanism》求取 ⇩


Chapter Ⅰ Some Fundamentals of Deposit Banking9

Chapter Ⅱ The Pyramid of Credit13

Chapter Ⅲ The Basis of Credit31

Chapter Ⅳ Some Fundamentals of Central Banking41

Chapter Ⅴ Bills and the Bill Market48

Chapter Ⅵ Phases in Discount Market Evolution57

Chapter Ⅶ "Tap"and"Tender"67

Chapter Ⅷ The Liquidity of Banking Assets80

Chapter Ⅸ The Pre-War Assets Structure93

Chapter Ⅹ The Technique of Insulation101

Chapter Ⅺ The Note Issue Under the 1939 Act117

Chapter Ⅻ Bank Rate and its Workings129

Chapter ⅩⅢ The Beginnings of Cheap Money145

Chapter ⅪⅤ Deficit Finance156

Chapter ⅩⅤ Ultra-Cheap Money173

Chapter ⅩⅥ The Post-War Assets Structure181


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