《新编英语泛读教程 第1册》求取 ⇩

Reading Skill:Context Clue to Word MeaningI1

Unit1 University Student Life2

TextAOn Being a Student3

TextB Getting the Best Value for Time8

Unit2 Culture Shock14

TextA Making a Cultural Change15

TextB The Problem of Adjustment in New Cultural Environments20

Unit3 Movie25

TextA How Do the Movies Do It26

TextB The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse31

Unit4 Food38

TextA A Food Tour of the United States39

TextB Dinner Invitations43

Reading Skill:Context Clue to Word Meaning II51

Unit5 Business52

TextALevi Strauss Company53

TextB W Edwards Deming58

Unit6 Sports64

TextA Football Fans and Football Violence65

TextB How the Olympic Games Started70

Unit7 Shyness77

TextA Overcome Shyness78

TextB How to Make a Good Impression82

Unit8 Native Peoples89

TextA Native American Influences on Modem A merican Culture90

TextB Endangered Peoplel95

Reading Skill:Understanding Sentences101

Unit9 Bible Stories102

TextAThe Story of Crcation103

TextB The Birth of Jesus Christ107

Unit10 Festivals and Holidays113

TextA Christmas114

TextB Fourth of July118

Unit11 Advertisements125

TextA The Advertising Standards Authority An Advertising Watchdog126

TextB How Advertisement Is Done132

Unit12 Agriculture139

TextA The Agricultural Revolution140

TextB Agricultural News144

Reading Skill :Distinguishing Topic from Main Idea151

Unit13 Psychology152

TextAMaslow s Hierarchy of Needl153

TextB Generdl Psychology:the Study of Behavior159

Unit14 Mysteries165

TextA Have You Ever Seen aUFO166

TextB A Dustbin of Unsolved Mysteries171

Unit15 Computer178

TextA Multimedia Language-Learning CD ROMS179

TextB Michael Dell s Two-Billion-Dollar Dream184

Unit16 Physical Fitness191

TextA SomeMyths atout Physical Fitness192

TextB Getting Thin-for Good197

Unit17 Pseudoscience204

TextA Analyze Yourself with the Help of Doodles205

TextB Horoscopes211

Unit18 Fiction218

TextA Whitewashing Aunt Polly l Fence219

TextB Rip Van Winkle224

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英语泛读  第1册(1988 PDF版)
英语泛读 第1册
1988 上海:上海科学技术出版社
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1996 上海:上海科学技术出版社
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